The Collaborative International Dictionary
hook-and-ladder truck \hook"-and-lad"der truck\, hook and ladder truck \hook" and lad"der truck\, hook and ladder \hook" and lad"der\, n. A firefighting truck equipped with a ladder extendable to great length, for access to the upper stories of buildings; it also carries other firefighting equipment; called also ladder truck.
ladder company \ladder company\, ladder truck \ladder truck\n. Same as hook-and-ladder company, hook-and-ladder truck.
n. a fire engine carrying ladders [syn: aerial ladder truck]
Usage examples of "ladder truck".
A little farther north was a sewage disposal plant and the New York City fire department training academy, where a long ladder truck was practicing turns in a parking lot.
A hook and ladder truck had rolled into position, and the extension was being run up toward the roof.
It's a big semi-truck, like a hook 'n' ladder truck, actually, with storage bins built in for all the tools and stuff—.
It's a big semi-truck, like a hook 'n' ladder truck, actually, with storage bins built in for all the tools and stuff - Jim, they look like they pulled the shroud - yeah!
A hook-and-ladder truck blocked it off from the east and a chemical truck from the west.
And far across the park on Broadway a hook-and-ladder truck pulled by four gray horses made the obtuse-angled turn into Mail Street toward us.
Then one of them had a thought and sprinted off to the nearest ladder truck.
He placed a call to the fire department, who sent a hook-and-ladder truck to the back of the building (out of sight of the crowd).
A small hook-and-ladder truck from which most of the red paint had been worn away where a small hand would grip.
On its heels was a ladder truck that came within inches of trashing parked cars on both sides of the road.