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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
homogenized (=milk that has had the cream mixed into the milk)
▪ Most milk sold in stores is homogenized milk.
▪ Evaporated milk is sterilized homogenized milk that has been reduced in volume by about 60 percent loss of water.
▪ He purified the broth until he had a perfectly homogenized pool of identical creatures.
▪ In the old system, that would have been a single, homogenized function located in a single large functional pile somewhere.
▪ Whole milk that forms a cream layer has been largely replaced by homogenized milk that does not.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

blended \blended\ adj.

  1. combined or mixed together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable. Antonym of unblended. [Narrower terms: alloyed; emulsified; homogenized]

    Syn: mingled, commingled.

  2. homogeneous heterogeneous


homogenized \homogenized\ adj.

  1. formed by blending unlike elements, especially by reducing one element to particles and dispersing them throughout another substance. homogeneous

  2. rendered homogeneous.

  1. Having been made homogenous, said especially of milk (which when homogenized no longer separates into cream and skim milk). v

  2. (en-past of: homogenize)

  1. adj. formed by blending unlike elements especially by reducing one element to particles and dispersing them throughout another substance [syn: homogenised]

  2. made homogeneous [syn: homogenised]

Usage examples of "homogenized".

The techno-societies, far from being drab and homogenized, are honeycombed with just such colorful groupings--hippies and hot rodders, theosophists and flying saucer fans, skin-divers and skydivers, homosexuals, computerniks, vegetarians, bodybuilders and Black Muslims.

All values become equalized and homogenized in a flatland devoid of individual values or identities.

Not only is reality automatically assumed to revolve most significantly around those holons that actually possess the least significance, but mysticism itselfthere are at least four quite different varieties of mysticism, as we have seenmysticism itself is homogenized into some version of the unified field or dynamic web or quantum vacuum (or some such creative reading of the mathematical formalisms), and the two homogenized messes ("quantum" and allegedly "mystical") are crudely pressed together and simply presented as covering all the bases.

There is no other interior development either recommended or mentioned or even hinted at (the embrace of the new monological paradigm is simply supposed to rather automatically usher one into homogenized mystical mush.

My personality will reside in each of us equally, a homogenized presence.

Individual strands had blended together producing a homogenized oval smear that covered the entire Juliffe basin.

His personality was distributed evenly through the habitat’s neural strata, a condition the original designers of Eden had called a homogenized presence.

Within a decade, America's culture and ethnicity became increasingly homogenized and distinctive from that of their European cousins, enjoying new technologies, generating new art forms, and establishing a new sense of national identity.

Their own Frant had returned to its fellows and had already homogenized with them, rendering Heineman’s question academic.

The light at this depth was barely evident The normal spectrum-spanning colors of the hexalates were homogenized to a uniform dark blue.

The gaseous world was cold and harsh compared with the gentle homogenized environment below the surface.

The fact is that the entire thrust of the future carries away from standardization--away from uniform goods, away from homogenized art, mass produced education and "mass" culture.

That means the Race has been homogenized for a long time,” Jonathan said.

Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles—all of them were alike, all crammed with people and homogenized high-tech corporate office buildings, the unimaginative streets filled with ground-car traffic, the skies with skimmers.