a. In a pure state. Not mixed with other substances.
adj. not blended or mixed together [ant: blended]
Usage examples of "unblended".
In front of the Cognac on the top shelf was a bottle of Haitian Barbancourt Rhum, aged fifteen years and as expensive as unblended Scotch.
Main became a third strand in the fiber of the city, a zone of its own consisting of mixed but unblended cultures.
While the general working of this tendency is, no doubt, beneficent, it not unfrequently brings together those who are so radically different, that they cannot supplement each other, but must ever remain two distinct, unblended lives, that are in duty bound to obey the letter of the law of marriage, but who cannot fulfil its spirit.
The land fell away from the height, and then rose again on every side in carpetlike fields and in long curving bands, whose parallel colors passed unblended into the distance.
She liked his eyes, she thought, the unblended mix of orange and green, made even more granular in sunlight.
Taverner came in bearing coffee and a pair of fine decanters, one containing cognac, the other extremely rare unblended Scotch whisky.
My new wife and I sat on the porch of the Granite Park Chalet in Glacier, sipping unblended Scotch and watching, at the safe distance provided by our binoculars, a sow with two cubs cavorting by the side of a small lake down the mountainside.
Berber carpet, a bottle of actual Earth unblended scotch--the room exemplified conspicuous consumption.
The air was yet redolent of incense, but it was incense unblended with stench.
The shape that unblended itself from darkness was the cloaked form of The Shadow.
Sarpy looked at his curious interlocutor with renewed interest, not unblended with concern.