Crossword clues for heterogeneous
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Heterogeneous \Het`er*o*ge"ne*ous\, a. [Gr. ?; ? + ? race, kind; akin to E. kin: cf. F. h['e]t['e]rog[`e]ne.] Differing in kind; having unlike qualities; possessed of different characteristics; dissimilar; -- opposed to homogeneous, and said of two or more connected objects, or of a conglomerate mass, considered in respect to the parts of which it is made up. -- Het`er*o*ge"ne*ous*ly, adv. -- Het`er*o*ge"ne*ous*ness, n.
Heterogeneous nouns (Gram.), nouns having different genders in the singular and plural numbers; as, hic locus, of the masculine gender in the singular, and hi loci and h[ae]c loca, both masculine and neuter in the plural; hoc c[ae]lum, neuter in the singular; hi c[ae]li, masculine in the plural.
Heterogeneous quantities (Math.), such quantities as are incapable of being compared together in respect to magnitude, and surfaces and solids.
Heterogeneous surds (Math.), surds having different radical signs.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. 1 diverse in kind or nature; composed of diverse parts. (usex lang=en He had a large and '''heterogeneous''' collection of books.) 2 (context mathematics English) incommensurable because of different kinds. 3 (context physics English) Having more than one phase (solid, liquid, gas) present in a system or process. 4 (context chemistry English) Visibly consisting of different components. 5 (context computing English) Of a network comprising different types of computers, potentially with vastly differing memory sizes, processing power and even basic underlying architecture; alternatively, of a data resource with multiple types of formats.
adj. consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature; "the population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous" [syn: heterogenous] [ant: homogeneous]
originating outside the body [syn: heterogenous] [ant: autogenous]
Usage examples of "heterogeneous".
Making an appalling din and poisoning the air, this medley of heterogeneous vehicles surged past the half-asphyxiated Ave or thundered overhead on the crazy bridges between the massive artificial canyons of the buildings.
Based, as has been shown, upon sectional rivalry and opposition to the growth of the Southern equally with the Northern States of the Union, it had absorbed within itself not only the abolitionists, who were avowedly agitating for the destruction of the system of negro servitude, but other diverse and heterogeneous elements of opposition to the Democratic party.
In each organ separation and purification of the blood are effected and removal of the heterogeneous, not to mention how the heart sends its blood up to the brain after purification in the lungs, which is done by the arteries called carotids, and how the brain returns the blood, now vivified, to the vena cava just above where the thoracic duct brings in the chyle, and so back again to the heart.
Possibly I myself was the one sole gownsman who had not then found my attention fixed by his most heterogeneous reputation.
Most were seamen, and a sprinkling of Negroes and mulattoes, largely West Indians or Brava Portuguese from the Cape Verde Islands, gave a colouring of voodooism to the heterogeneous cult.
Every physical comportment is the immanent product of a struggle or a pact among competing demonic forces: hence the violent, yet often surprisingly delicate, ambivalence with which the body expresses heterogeneous or conflicting intentions.
Six of them toppled immediately: masses of twitching, disorganized, heterogeneous matter that ruined the floor wherever they fell, warping and buckling it with blitter scars.
Due to its intermediate social position and heterogeneous make-up, the middle class is incapable of playing an independent political role: it is forced to either support the bourgeoisie or the proletariat.
To preside over the heterogeneous elements of which Asuncion was composed, Domingo Martinez de Irala was chosen.
A heterogeneous collection of navigable balloons of all sizes and types gathered over the Bernese Oberland, crushed and burnt the twenty-five Swiss air-ships that unexpectedly resisted this concentration in the battle of the Alps, and then, leaving the Alpine glaciers and valleys strewn with strange wreckage, divided into two fleets and set itself to terrorise Berlin and destroy the Franconian Park, seeking to do this before the second air-fleet could be inflated.
Emily could scarcely forbear smiling at the heterogeneous distresses of Annette, though she sincerely pitied them, and said what she could to sooth her.
As I examined the heterogeneous collection of odds and ends that is always to be found in the pocket-pouch of a Martian warrior my hand fell upon the emblazoned radium flash torch of the black dator.
Stripped as the castillo now lay of the smaller-caliber, more accurate long gunsprobably by the present lord of Gijon, the grand duke, so that he could mount them on his heterogeneous fleetthe fortification could return nothing more than arquebus fire so long as the galleons stayed within the harbor basin.
Portals over the sidewalk shaded them from the tropical sun, and they gazed at the store windows with their astonishingly heterogeneous displays: sweaters and typewriters, frying pans and automobile tires, fake shrunken heads from the Jivaro Indians, and Camay soap.
Since man posits himself in the field of positive knowledge only in so far as he speaks, works, and lives, can his history ever be anything but the inextricable nexus of different times, which are foreign to him and heterogeneous in respect of one another?