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vb. (present participle of gap English)


See gap

  1. n. a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures; "gap between income and outgo"; "the spread between lending and borrowing costs" [syn: spread]

  2. an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall" [syn: opening]

  3. a narrow opening; "he opened the window a crack" [syn: crack]

  4. a pass between mountain peaks [syn: col]

  5. an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks" [syn: break, interruption, disruption]

  6. [also: gapping, gapped]

  1. v. make an opening or gap in [syn: breach]

  2. [also: gapping, gapped]


In linguistics, gapping is a type of ellipsis that occurs in the non-initial conjuncts of coordinate structures. Gapping usually elides minimally a finite verb and further any non-finite verbs that are present. This material is "gapped" from the non-initial conjuncts of a coordinate structure. Gapping exists in many languages, but by no means in all of them, and gapping has been studied extensively and is therefore one of the more understood ellipsis mechanisms. Stripping is viewed as a particular manifestation of the gapping mechanism where just one remnant (instead of two or more) appears in the gapped/stripped conjunct.

Usage examples of "gapping".

Even in the robe he looked slightly too thin for his clothing, his shirt gapping at the neck.

It was a heady drug that paid for itself over and over again when you were gapping the enemy.

Dwayne lay sprawled out on the ground, his head at a funny angle, his throat ripped out, while blood flowed from the gapping wound.