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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Interruption \In`ter*rup"tion\, n. [L. interruptio: cf. F. interruption.]

  1. The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon.

  2. The state of being interrupted; a breach or break, caused by the abrupt intervention of something foreign; intervention; interposition.
    --Sir M. Hale.

    Lest the interruption of time cause you to lose the idea of one part.

  3. Obstruction caused by breaking in upon course, current, progress, or motion; stop; hindrance; as, the author has met with many interruptions in the execution of his work; the speaker or the argument proceeds without interruption.

  4. Temporary cessation; intermission; suspension.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "a break of continuity," from Old French interrupcion and directly from Latin interruptionem (nominative interruptio) "a breaking off, interruption, interval," noun of action from past participle stem of interrumpere (see interrupt). Meaning "a breaking in upon some action" is from c.1400; that of "a pause, a temporary cessation" is early 15c.


n. The act of interrupting, or the state of being interrupted.

  1. n. an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks" [syn: break, disruption, gap]

  2. some abrupt occurrence that interrupts; "the telephone is an annoying interruption"; "there was a break in the action when a player was hurt" [syn: break]

  3. a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something [syn: pause, intermission, break, suspension]


Interruption may refer to:

  • Interruption science, interruption and human behavior
  • Interruption marketing, a pejorative term for the advertising technique
  • Interruptions (epic theatre), the technique defined by Bertolt Brecht

Usage examples of "interruption".

Though few or none of their first cities seem to have remained beyond the Archaean Age, there was no interruption in their civilization or in the transmission of their records.

She had to be with Crofton by choice to be so angry at the interruption.

Max and Sophie go table to table to talk to their guests, and as soon as Robert and I have the chance to talk without interruption, a statuesque beauty in a drapey gown interrupts.

Sophie go table to table to talk to their guests, and as soon as Robert and I have the chance to talk without interruption, a statuesque beauty in a drapey gown interrupts.

Full of love and hope, I went for my two friends, who enjoyed the whole play without any interruption.

Here, at the Cobalt Club, there was nothing stealthy in the meeting, and their discussion was free from interruption by Gats Hackett.

With this view he decamped from Dobreschutz, and, in sight of the enemy, marched to Goerlitz without the least interruption.

But being arrived in this lonely place, where it was very improbable he should meet with any interruption, he suddenly slipped his garter from his leg, and, laying violent hands on the poor woman, endeavoured to perpetrate that dreadful and detestable fact which we have before commemorated, and which the providential appearance of Jones did so fortunately prevent.

Sulla enacted that the Judices should be taken exclusively from the Senators, and not from the Equites, the latter of whom had possessed this privilege, with a few interruptions, from the law of C.

No one interrupted them, however, and they went back to the Lorentz contraction equations without further interruption.

She and Lewis Garreg finally sat down together to decide on their movements, but the carpenters were working in the theatre and it was noisy, so Jessica suggested they go to Montpelier Square where they could work without interruption.

Disturbed, a pair of sleeping egrets eyed them owlishly, irritated at the nocturnal interruption.

These portages, or carrying paths, which differ from the trails of the wood runners in that they are but short interruptions of the water paths and were not designed or laid out, as a rule, by the wild engineers of the forests and prairies but by human feet, lie across the great highway along which, before the days of canals, one might have walked dry-shod from the Atlantic to the Pacific--between the basins of the St.

The reason of this was lest, if the sacraments retained the same appearance, it might seem to be the continuation of one and the same sacrament, where there was no interruption of time.

The winter after he came back from Shorelands, my father told my mother that he was pretty sure he could finish his book in two or three weeks if he could work without interruptions.