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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an opening bid (=the first bid)
▪ The opening bid was only $10.
an opening/closing ceremony (=at the beginning or end of a special event)
▪ I stayed for the closing ceremony.
fired the opening salvo
▪ Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
opening gambit (=the thing you say first)
▪ These questions are often an opening gambit for a negotiation.
opening hours
opening night
opening time
▪ We arrived at the pub just before opening time.
opening up
▪ the opening up of opportunities for women
seal a joint/crack/opening/gap
▪ A quick way to seal awkward gaps is to use a foam filler.
the introductory/opening chapter (=the first chapter)
▪ There’s a short introductory chapter giving an outline of the subject matter.
▪ A hectic, but enjoyable annum ahead brings masses of new openings and opportunities to explore and exploit.
▪ Once on the job, strong immigrant networks mean that other immigrants tend to be hired when new openings emerge.
▪ Then into theatre for last rehearsal of new opening. 4.15, I undress, to discover small needle still in stomach.
▪ Increased sales of complete sets indicate new openings, low sales a stagnant market.
▪ Proceeds will be used primarily to repay revolving credit borrowings, to finance new store openings and for working capital.
▪ Stock gains and the absence of new opening costs are behind the rebound, which spurred the shares to a new peak.
▪ A new prison opening at Full Sutton, near his area, had meant a lot of thought.
▪ He had been practising new openings.
▪ Luncheon in the Court room for senior staff and guests followed the official opening ceremony.
▪ The official opening, on 15 May, 1903, was a splendid celebration of municipal enterprise.
▪ The official opening of the Akira Ikeda Gallery is scheduled for October.
▪ Ken will perform the official opening at noon on Wednesday, June 16.
▪ I wasn't at the official opening on 14 June but discovered it two days later.
▪ The official opening ceremony was performed by junior health minister Tom Sackville, during a visit to the hospital.
▪ It rolls up so that the gaps between its different parts are nearly closed, but a small opening is left.
▪ When ripe these pear-shaped fungi are filled with dust-like spores which pour out of the small central opening at the slightest movement.
▪ Make sure that there are no small cracks or openings through which the emerging adult insect can escape.
▪ On my left, three stringy adolescent snakes emerge in unison from a small opening like ground mice.
▪ It is a large castle, strongly fortified and with small window openings high up on the massive walls.
▪ But has the age of the lightning quick - but small - opening gone?
▪ This assembly creates a basket effect with a small opening at the top.
▪ Luncheon in the Court room for senior staff and guests followed the official opening ceremony.
▪ The official opening ceremony was performed by junior health minister Tom Sackville, during a visit to the hospital.
▪ At the front entrance there are two wide door openings so access in and out is extremely good.
▪ I hauled the door shut behind me, in time to see the office door opening.
▪ One girl stopped the others to ask advice about how to write down the ghostly sound of a door opening.
▪ The front porch which has various door openings gives excellent room for cooking and storing the rest of your gear.
▪ Though he heard the door opening almost at once, it was some time before the light went on.
▪ A creaking like old doors opening and closing.
▪ The noise like distant rain was the lift doors opening and closing.
▪ They had all reacted to the door opening, as if he'd thrown a grenade into the room and they were frozen.
▪ The demonstrators attacked and burned buildings and cars; the soldiers responded by opening fire, killing an unknown number of demonstrators.
▪ Keeping wives in work will therefore maximize the chances of their husbands hearing about possible job openings.
▪ As the population grew, business services increased, creating more job openings and luring more people.
▪ Students who attended schools that regularly received and posted notices of job openings earned about $ 950 more than the annual average.
▪ The federal government requires contractors to give workers who are displaced by a contract first crack at job openings.
▪ But too many are from unqualified applicants competing for fewer job openings.
▪ Besides helping firms fill job openings, employment interviewers help individuals find jobs.
▪ Most had never received visits from employers with job openings for high school graduates.
▪ Proceeds will be used primarily to repay revolving credit borrowings, to finance new store openings and for working capital.
▪ And, with one new store opening nearly every week, they are tipped to buy even more in 1992/3.
▪ New store openings pushed up international turnover by 50 per cent.
▪ And further expansion is on the cards as Sainsbury plans to embark on a similar programme of store opening in future years.
▪ Further Information - A 24 house answering service provides details of opening times and latest information on special exhibitions and forthcoming events.
▪ For details about opening times see diary page of the Reporter.
▪ You looked up the late opening times of the local pool but never got round to going.
▪ All these guides give opening times and precise directions, so you won't get lost and waste good visiting time.
▪ There is also a service at the Science &038; Engineering campus with opening times displayed.
▪ Easter and winter opening times on request.
▪ In general, window openings became wider and larger.
▪ Then they both heard the window opening.
▪ The building's external walls are faced in ironstone setts with Bath stone dressings to corners and door and window openings.
▪ It is a large castle, strongly fortified and with small window openings high up on the massive walls.
▪ The entrance barbican has a Romanesque doorway and window openings.
▪ The air sealing of the window openings was carried out in three stages.
▪ Thousands attended the grand opening in July 1895.
▪ Just half a mile from where the plane crashed, members of the public were attending a lambing opening day.
▪ All four winners attended the opening of the exhibition last night.
▪ One year he placed a tiny train inside an egg to celebrate the opening of the famous Trans-Siberian railway.
▪ Join in the fun and celebrate the opening of 1992's Festival.
▪ The doe visits periodically to feed them, opening and closing the entrance on each occasion.
▪ The opening can be closed by brickwork or blockwork, which is then plastered.
▪ He was left on the stage opening and closing his mouth without a sound coming out.
▪ The burette is placed in water and the air pressure equalised by opening and closing the tap.
▪ There were no windows, but two large openings that could be closed in by folding doors.
▪ Keith started to fidget, opening and closing his great hands.
▪ These are powered by expansion, opening and closing automatically according to the temperature.
▪ In addition to pupil changes there is also the possibility of signalling mood by the degree of opening or closing the eyelids.
▪ Now the belief is growing that the visit is being planned to coincide with the high-profile opening of the camp.
▪ Despite lacking the cutting edge, Villa continued to create openings throughout the second half.
▪ As the population grew, business services increased, creating more job openings and luring more people.
▪ The faster products change, the faster they become obsolete, and even obsolescence creates openings.
▪ They created several openings in the second half.
▪ And on the occasions they did manage to create openings, they found Goram in outstanding form.
▪ Torben Piechnik, and then Steve McManaman, both shot meekly after Barnes had created openings.
▪ Rocket Samways might have equalised three minutes later but after creating an opening for himself, he blazed over the bar.
▪ The first is following the opening of the bypass, but prior to the improvement of Woolmer Road.
▪ So the endothelins may have a major role in atherosclerosis and the reocclusion that often follows surgical opening of occluded arteries.
▪ This will be followed by a share opening at the bank's Redcar branch on March 12.
▪ It follows the opening to the public of Buckingham Palace and massive sales at a new souvenir shop.
▪ It marks the opening of the company's £190 million engine factory which will both secure jobs and create new ones.
▪ Further Information - A 24 house answering service provides details of opening times and latest information on special exhibitions and forthcoming events.
▪ Don't fall for this but draw him out instead by providing openings.
▪ Keep yourself clean from head to foot and provide yourself with opening medicine in case of need.
▪ The latter type provided a wide central opening for vehicular traffic and two smaller side ones for pedestrians.
▪ For example: The library furniture in 1981 was that which was provided on the opening of the school.
▪ If so, provide an opening yourself and as the opponent goes for it, rock back and punch over the top.
▪ Secondly, for a few, increased articulation will provide entrepreneurial openings.
first night/opening night
opening salvo
▪ This could be the opening salvo of a campaign to get the arena built elsewhere.
▪ Clinton fired the opening salvo last month when he included tax cuts in his proposed 1997 budget.
▪ Desktop publishing was only the opening salvo of a fusillade of developments that would change the way people worked.
the opening up of sth
▪ Again the opening up of public procurement procedures should result in a significant increase in intra-EC trade and industry re-structuring.
▪ By 1895 she had attained the opening up of Lincoln's Inn Fields to the poor.
▪ Over the next generation the first phase of the opening up of inland industrial Britain proceeded.
▪ Searching out high-quality old timber is a big factor in the opening up of pristine forests.
▪ Taylor said the opening up of opportunities for minorities in television would lead to more opportunities in films.
▪ The combination of these influences has encouraged the opening up of the airwaves to competition.
▪ ""It's only Fred,'' said Joyce, looking through an opening in the curtains.
▪ After a slow dream-like opening, the play explodes into life.
▪ Bees come and go through a small opening at the bottom of the hive.
▪ I was wondering if there were any job openings at your company.
▪ I was wondering if you had any openings for sales staff?
▪ Of the fourteen openings, only one went to a minority candidate.
▪ The opening of Charles Dickens' 'Bleak House' describes a thick London fog.
▪ The dog darted through an opening in the hedge, chasing a rabbit.
▪ The journal has been a good way to publicize job openings.
▪ the play's exciting opening
▪ There was a narrow opening, just big enough for us to squeeze through.
▪ We expect to fill most of the openings through internal promotion.
▪ We zipped up the opening of the tent to stop the mosquitoes getting in.
▪ Brambles and nettles concealed the opening.
▪ In the middle of the 1970s we held gallery openings at breakfast-time in order to get the light.
▪ The local fishermen keep their equipment in the arched openings nowadays.
▪ The times of opening are Monday to Friday 14.00 - 16.00, Saturday 10.00-14.00, Sunday 10.00-13.00 and 20.30-22.00.
▪ The opening address lasted two and a half hours, shorter than I'd expected.
▪ After the last prosecution witness had given his statement, Kesselring's defence counsel rose to give his opening address.
▪ The majesty of the opening bars of the St Matthew Passion swelled to fill the car.
▪ Sawallisch's identification with and commitment to the music of Orff is evident from the opening bars.
▪ Read in studio A bishop has performed the opening ceremony at a pub which is owned by the church.
▪ The big problem for anybody watching the opening ceremony must have been suppressing whoops of hysterical laughter.
▪ The opening ceremony is scheduled for Friday.
▪ The opening ceremony by the Mayor of Manchester. 3.
▪ The inspector from the education department who could be such a trial came to the opening ceremony.
▪ They are all a type of experimentation, which was outline as being an important part of learning in the opening chapter.
▪ There's something very special about the opening chapter of John's Gospel.
▪ What the opening chapter did was to provide largely descriptive material of the society with which we are concerned.
▪ In this way, the paradox of ideology, discussed in the opening chapter, is visible.
▪ Nobody dissented and the company stood to recite the opening chapter of the Koran under the leadership of the al-Sharifi.
▪ The opening chapter gives an in-depth and simple to understand account of all you need to know before taking to the water.
▪ But the opening date has been delayed.
▪ Other parties A number of parties deposited application forms for registration after the opening date of Dec. 7, 1990.
▪ Harris faces a tough opener against fast improving Surrey youngster Tim Garner at noon on the opening day.
▪ Present this voucher to admit up to 6 people at the discounted admission prices above, any opening day in 1992.
▪ But the companies are considering picketing the gates of the park on its opening day.
▪ He damaged ribs and his left hip in the opening day defeat at Sheffield United but should have recovered by the weekend.
▪ Nobody has scored against them since opening day.
▪ The Sunday school had closed on its opening day, but everything else was settling into a routine.
▪ It was eight o'clock on Tuesday morning, the opening day of the Tory Party conference.
▪ But he had the last laugh - the Blades dumped Manchester United 2-1 on the opening day!
▪ Daak was on the other side of the corridor, closer to the opening doors.
▪ Switching off the bedside lamp, he leapt into position behind the slowly opening door.
▪ The opening door recalled him to the present situation.
▪ When the real battle got under way the opening game ended in a draw after a tough struggle of 30 moves.
▪ A win in the opening game, against Crostyx, will be crucial.
▪ By the opening game, a rare 2-2 draw with Racing Club Barnesfield, Mentle had sacked himself.
▪ I am encouraged by the two opening games of this Five Nations campaign.
▪ Top seed Jansher Khan dropped the opening game before disposing of fifth-seeded Peter Marshall, 12-15, 15-12, 15-6, 15-5.
▪ Sharp's opening goal came after 11 minutes in controversial circumstances.
▪ Limpar hasn't figured for the Gunners since scoring the opening goal in the 2-0 win at Anfield on August 23.
▪ And their reaction may have cost them Liverpool's opening goal.
▪ David Kerslake's opening goal for Town was a classic.
▪ The visitors didn't have long to wait for the opening goal.
▪ Gabbiadini was credited with the opening goal after 36 minutes, his fourth for the club.
▪ Phil Lloyd headed the opening goal.
▪ The opening lines of Fragment A are a call to worship and a declaration of praise.
▪ My first example of this was the opening line.
▪ For his winner's speech he sang the opening lines of My Way.
▪ The opening lines of Fragment A are a call to worship and a declaration of praise.
▪ For his winner's speech he sang the opening lines of My Way.
▪ She was handed a number to indicate her challenger for the opening match.
▪ The new pitches at Judges Road have been meticulously prepared over the summer for this weekend's opening match.
▪ He will need to keep his eye on the ball during an opening match against rookie Peter Ebdon.
▪ The Teessiders finished fifth in the opening match, but were only 40 points behind winners Leicester Coritanian.
▪ Lendl's 7-6 6-2 defeat by Omar Camporese follows his opening match loss at last week's Madrid Open.
▪ Pears pulled off the save of the match from a Garry Nelson header in the opening minutes.
▪ The touring team took the lead with a try from Louw in the opening minutes.
▪ The opening minutes, however, were ominous.
▪ The opening night was a triumph.
▪ She insisted on fresh flowers every day placed next to a photograph of Stephen and herself at the opening night of Crystal Springs.
▪ The opening night came and went.
▪ John as usual attended the opening night.
▪ I won't dwell on the new company's opening night.
▪ Takings of £170 on the opening night were donated to the funds of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.
▪ Once the show had had its opening night, Jennie took over.
▪ Then a few days later we had opening night, and I was in my first tuxedo.
▪ An example of treating violence would be the opening pages of Horned helmet by Henry Treece.
▪ The opening paragraph provides the main reason - a desire for a higher standard of living.
▪ I must have made a strange sight, crumpled up on the floor trying to read that opening paragraph.
▪ I love the calm nobility with which Gutiérez plays the opening paragraph.
▪ This is not meant to be the only way of constructing your opening paragraph.
▪ These opening remarks might be interpreted as a criticism of partnership activities.
▪ The opening scenes of this fractious heist movie see him at his most acute.
▪ The opening scene is so shocking it will leave you gasping.
▪ In this way Shakespeare's central themes are revealed in his opening scene.
▪ The opening scene is a metaphor for the team's treacherous journey.
▪ The opening scene of From the Mississippi Delta is both beguiling and assured.
▪ The opening scene has no less than three of Richard's ten soliloquies, which inform us at every stage of his dissimulation.
▪ The worst of these can be found in the opening section describing soldiers' uniform and equipment.
▪ How does this theoretical approach fare in relation to the problems which were outlined in the opening section?
▪ In the opening sections, an attempt to define deixis is made and a methodology for analysis for texts in general is proposed.
▪ This provided the impetus for the opening sentence of Gaudium et Spes.
▪ Pay close attention to the opening sentence of your first paragraph and the closing sentence of your last paragraph.
▪ Give them that outline, the feeling of involvement and purpose, at the opening session.
▪ After the opening session we have a series of workshops.
▪ The opening session of seven frames came to an end with Hendry 4-3 ahead.
▪ The commoners, who had everything to lose from undertakings such as his, were firing an opening shot.
▪ The opening shot of the battle has often been described.
▪ Is the first offer that they make simply an opening shot?
▪ Its opening shot is of some character walking, walking across a featureless landscape.
▪ In an opening speech for the defence the devastation of their herd was blamed on a mountain of debt and overfeeding.
▪ I begin by revisiting the arguments in the opening speeches about why we need the Bill.
▪ If the Prime Minister was brilliant, he was certainly spectacularly outshone in the opening speeches.
▪ As my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary said in his opening speech, asylum is a complex subject.
▪ In his opening speech party chairman Aleksandur Lilov declared that factional splits posed the greatest threat to the party's future.
▪ Despite the conditions, play was fast and furious in the opening stages.
▪ It is not one of the book's better strokes, since their discourse makes the opening stages drag a little.
▪ This sense of unreality marks only the opening stage of this doubt.
▪ I'd stopped opening statements ages before because they made my hand shake and my tummy wobble.
▪ The trial continues today with the opening statement from the prosecution.
▪ My confidence in making the opening statement of this chapter stems not only from scientific fact.
▪ Each Gospel begins with a richly ornamented page in which the opening words of the text are submerged by the decoration.
▪ The opening words made her smile.
▪ Hilary makes a brief appearance in the opening scene, but doesn't have a major part.
▪ In the opening chapter, Ramona sits at the breakfast table thinking about the first day of school.
▪ the opening round of the tournament
▪ The audience strongly objected to the opening remarks of the president's speech.
▪ Already, he thought, Siward had suffered a little in the opening moves.
▪ He is opening bat in his school's cricket team and is Bedfordshire Schools' table tennis champion.
▪ The opening night of the Folies had been postponed for two days.
▪ The relevance of this variant comes earlier in the poem whose opening stanzas call for a painting of Ariadne deserted on Naxos.
▪ The team, yet to be named in full, will play their opening home game against Rome on April 16.
▪ Then a few days later we had opening night, and I was in my first tuxedo.
▪ They reached 38 in that period and the opening partnership blossomed to 85.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Open \O"pen\ v. t. [imp. & p. p. Opened; p. pr. & vb. n. Opening.] [AS. openian. See Open,a.]

  1. To make or set open; to render free of access; to unclose; to unbar; to unlock; to remove any fastening or covering from; as, to open a door; to open a box; to open a room; to open a letter.

    And all the windows of my heart I open to the day.

  2. To spread; to expand; as, to open the hand.

  3. To disclose; to reveal; to interpret; to explain.

    The king opened himself to some of his council, that he was sorry for the earl's death.

    Unto thee have I opened my cause.
    --Jer. xx. 12.

    While he opened to us the Scriptures.
    --Luke xxiv. 32.

  4. To make known; to discover; also, to render available or accessible for settlements, trade, etc.

    The English did adventure far for to open the North parts of America.
    --Abp. Abbot.

  5. To enter upon; to begin; as, to open a discussion; to open fire upon an enemy; to open trade, or correspondence; to open an investigation; to open a case in court, or a meeting.

  6. To loosen or make less compact; as, to open matted cotton by separating the fibers.

    To open one's mouth, to speak.

    To open up, to lay open; to discover; to disclose.

    Poetry that had opened up so many delightful views into the character and condition of our ``bold peasantry, their country's pride.''
    --Prof. Wilson.


Opening \O"pen*ing\, n.

  1. The act or process of opening; a beginning; commencement; first appearance; as, the opening of a speech.

    The opening of your glory was like that of light.

  2. A place which is open; a breach; an aperture; a gap; cleft, or hole.

    We saw him at the opening of his tent.

  3. Hence: An opportunity; as, an opening for business. [Colloq.]

  4. Hence: A vacant place; a job which does not have a current occupant; as, they are now interviewing candidates for the two openings in the department.

  5. A thinly wooded space, without undergrowth, in the midst of a forest; a clearing; as, oak openings. [U.S.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English openung "act of opening" (a door, mouth, etc.), "disclosure, manifestation," verbal noun from present participle of open (v.). Meaning "vacant space, hole, aperture, doorway" is attested from c.1200. Meaning "act of opening (a place, to the public)" is from late 14c. Sense of "action of beginning (something)" is from 1712; meaning "first performance of a play" is 1855; "start of an art exhibit" is from 1905. Sense of "opportunity, chance" is from 1793.

  1. (context cricket English) (non-gloss definition describing the first period of play, usually up to the fall of the first wicket; describing a batsman who opens the innings or a bowler who open the attack opens the attack) n. 1 An act or instance of making or becoming open. 2 Something that is open. 3 An act or instance of beginning. 4 Something that is a beginning. 5 # The first performance of a show or play by a particular troupe. 6 # The initial period a show at an art gallery or museum is first opened, especially the first evening. 7 # The first few measures of a musical composition. 8 # (context chess English) The first few moves in a game of chess. 9 A vacant position, especially in an array. 10 # A time available in a schedule. 11 # An unoccupied employment position. 12 An opportunity, as in a competitive activity. v

  2. (present participle of open English)


adj. first or beginning; "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"; "the play's opening scene" [ant: closing]

  1. n. an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall" [syn: gap]

  2. a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterprise

  3. becoming open or being made open; "the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"

  4. the first performance (as of a theatrical production); "the opening received good critical reviews" [syn: opening night, curtain raising]

  5. the act of opening something; "the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door" [ant: shutting]

  6. opportunity especially for employment or promotion; "there is an opening in the sales department"

  7. the initial part of the introduction; "the opening established the basic theme"

  8. a possible alternative; "bankruptcy is always a possibility" [syn: possibility, possible action]

  9. an aperture or hole opening into a bodily cavity; "the orifice into the aorta from the lower left chamber of the heart" [syn: orifice, porta]

  10. a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"

  11. an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship [syn: hatchway, scuttle]

  12. the first of a series of actions; "he memorized all the important chess openings" [syn: first step, initiative, opening move]


Opening may refer to:

  • Al-Fatiha, "The Opening", the first chapter of the Qur'an
  • Backgammon opening
  • Chess opening
  • A title sequence or opening credits
  • , a term from contract bridge

  • , a term from contract bridge

  • Grand opening of a business or other institution
  • Hole (disambiguation)
  • Inauguration
  • Keynote (disambiguation)
  • Opening (morphology), a morphological filtering operation used in image processing
  • Opening sentence
  • Opening statement, a beginning statement in a court case
  • Overture
  • Salutation (greeting)
  • Vernissage
Opening (morphology)

In mathematical morphology, opening is the dilation of the erosion of a set A by a structuring element B:

A ∘ B = (A ⊖ B) ⊕ B,  

where  ⊖  and  ⊕  denote erosion and dilation, respectively.

Together with closing, the opening serves in computer vision and image processing as a basic workhorse of morphological noise removal. Opening removes small objects from the foreground (usually taken as the dark pixels) of an image, placing them in the background, while closing removes small holes in the foreground, changing small islands of background into foreground. These techniques can also be used to find specific shapes in an image. Opening can be used to find things into which a specific structuring element can fit (edges, corners, ...).

One can think of B sweeping around the inside of the boundary of A, so that it does not extend beyond the boundary, and shaping the A boundary around the boundary of the element.

Usage examples of "opening".

The belly shimmered and disappeared, and through it Alexander could see a large room with a vaulted window, opening on to a night-dark sky ablaze with stars.

Finally, he points out the practical bearing of the subject--for example, the probability of calculus causing sudden suppression of urine in such cases--and also the danger of surgical interference, and suggests the possibility of diagnosing the condition by ascertaining the absence of the opening of one ureter in the bladder by means of the cystoscope, and also the likelihood of its occurring where any abnormality of the genital organs is found, especially if this be unilateral.

Bonnain and Payne have observed analogous cases of this abnormality of the vaginal opening and subsequent accouchement by the anus.

In fact, the opening was depressingly familiar, full of protestations of loyalty to both King George and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, plus a promise that the authors would willingly fight the French, indeed die for their country, but they could not face another day aboard such a hellish ship.

It was found that the womb had been ruptured and the child killed, for in several days it was delivered in a putrid mass, partly through the natural passage and partly through an abscess opening in the abdominal wall.

I They secured the end of the rope to one of the poles wedged like an anchor in the opening of the tunnel that led to the crystal cavern, and Craig abseiled down the rope to the water at the bottom of the shaft once more.

It is absolutely not an experience not an experience of momentary states, not an experience of self, not an experience of no-self, not an experience of relaxing, not an experience of surrendering: it is the Empty opening or clearing in which all of those experiences come and go, an opening or clearing that, were it not always already perfectly Present, no experiences could arise in the first place.

Through an arched opening, she could see a cobbled area that flickered with torchlight, contrasting sharply with the bright, actinic glare of floodlamps.

It made Addle feel like he was sorting through her mind, opening up certain ideas and shuffling aside others.

Johnson, inferior to none in philosophy, philology, poetry, and classical learning, stands foremost as an essayist, justly admired for the dignity, strength, and variety of his style, as well as for the agreeable manner in which he investigates the human heart, tracing every interesting emotion, and opening all the sources of morality.

The sign advertised the grand opening, phone and location of the store and kept roaming through the neighborhood for four days.

Is there not something horrible in the look and sound of the word afanc, something connected with the opening and shutting of immense jaws, and the swallowing of writhing prey?

He continued forward to the last set aft, opening it, then headed forward.

On the way, Alameda turned around and smiled at him, and the expression on her face startled him so severely that he tripped on the step-off pad of the hatch to the special operations compartment tunnel, catching himself on the hatch opening.

Captain Catardi was blown into Pacino, then slid past Alameda down the inclined tunnel deck back toward the hatch opening.