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Fendusaurus was an extinct genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur that lived during the earliest Jurassic of eastern North America. The type and only species is F. eldoni, and it was named and described in 2007 by Timothy J. Fedak. One paleontologist, Adam Douglas Marsh, stated that the original naming of Fendusaurus was possibly invalid for describing a new taxon. If Fendusaurus can be considered valid, five specimens, FGM998GF13-II, FGM998GF13-I, FGM998GF13-III, FGM998GF69, FGM998GF9, and FGM998GF18 can be referred to it. They can be referred to different individuals based on the femora and coracoidal count and shape. The specimens are all from the McCoy Brook Formation in Wasson Bluff, and share most of the same characteristics. They can be distinguished from cf. Ammosaurus by the ilium and sacral vertebrae morphology. Distinguishing features of Fendusaurus among massospondylids present, but are considered possibly invalid by Marsh. The morphological variation of the specimens were stated to be intra-specific variation, but some differences might prove there to be more than one taxon of sauropodomorph present in the formation.