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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
extinct (=it does not erupt any more)
▪ The lake is at the foot of an extinct volcano.
extinct (=no longer existing)
▪ About a hundred species are becoming extinct every day.
▪ By the turn of this century the barrens were almost extinct, and the list of their constituent species hardly recorded.
▪ The yard was a desert of flint chips and rolling stock that was almost extinct.
▪ He played an almost extinct worm crawling through dead leaves.
▪ These wonders are happening because a breed of lawmakers thought to be almost extinct has been reasserting itself.
▪ By 1830 the breed was almost extinct and by 1907 the situation was critical.
▪ I sat on a log among the shadows of creatures now extinct and others long since departed for pasture in the south.
▪ Many tropical islands once had their own species, but most of these are now extinct.
▪ We have no way of knowing whether any other animals now extinct - pterodactyls perhaps? - also evolved the technology independently.
▪ There was none after 1969, and the colony is now extinct.
▪ The line is now extinct but at the time we arrived they had lived in the castle for some five hundred years.
▪ Much of the software currently in use is based upon virtually extinct programming languages that hardly anyone understands any more.
▪ It helps publishers' bottom lines, too, that head-to-head competition among papers is virtually extinct.
▪ As a result, the otter, barn owl and red squirrel are now virtually extinct in many parts of the country.
▪ Why are there different combinations of extinct species in each layer of rock?
▪ His father had abandoned the family when Che was seven or eight-fathers often seemed to be an extinct species at City College.
▪ The island is actually the summit of a huge, extinct volcano.
▪ Even mightier in the background is the extinct volcano of Arthur's Seat.
▪ The valley contains fossils of many extinct species.
▪ The white rhino is now almost extinct.
▪ There are several theories as to why the dinosaurs become extinct?
▪ All of them were marine and all of them are extinct.
▪ Both are about modern paleontologists who encounter groups of hominids thought extinct for eons.
▪ But there was no laughter, and he had to remember that Browning Societies had been extinct for a long time.
▪ Cuvier noticed that the most recently extinct creatures such as the mammoth were closely related to living species.
▪ Once extinct this wonderful animal will be gone for ever.
▪ The adonis blue and silver-skipper butterflies are all but extinct.
▪ The most chilling exhibit space is a room that holds species that are extinct or endangered.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Extinct \Ex*tinct"\, v. t. To cause to be extinct. [Obs.]


Extinct \Ex*tinct"\, a. [L. extinctus, exstinctus, p. p. of extinguere, exstinguere. See Extinguish.]

  1. Extinguished; put out; quenched; as, a fire, a light, or a lamp, is extinct; an extinct volcano.

    Light, the prime work of God, to me is extinct.

  2. Without a survivor; without force; dead; as, a family becomes extinct; an extinct feud or law.

  3. Specifically: Once existing as a species but now having no living members; -- used of species of living organisms, especially of animals and plants; as, dinosaurs are now extinct; the dodo bird is extinct.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., "extinguished, quenched," from Latin extinctus/exstinctus, past participle of extinguere/exstinguere "to put out, quench; go out, die out; kill, destroy" (see extinguish). Originally of fires; in reference to the condition of a family or a hereditary title that has "died out," from 1580s; of species by 1768. Shakespeare uses it as a verb. Compare extinction.


a. 1 (context dated English) extinguished, no longer alight (of fire, candles etc.) 2 No longer used; obsolete, discontinued. 3 No longer in existence; having die out. 4 (context vulcanology English) No longer actively erupting.

  1. adj. no longer in existence; lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives; "an extinct species of fish"; "an extinct royal family"; "extinct laws and customs" [syn: nonextant] [ant: extant]

  2. of e.g. volcanos; permanently inactive; "an extinct volcano" [syn: inactive] [ant: active, dormant]

  3. of a fire; being out or having grown cold; "threw his extinct cigarette into the stream"; "the fire is out" [syn: out(p)]

Extinct (2001 TV series)

Extinct was a Channel 4 TV series, that originally aired in late 2001. There were 6 episodes.

Extinct (disambiguation)

Extinct may refer to:

In Science:

  • Extinct, a volcano that scientists consider unlikely to erupt again
  • Extinction of species
  • Extinct in the Wild, conservation status

In Television:

  • Extinct (TV series), an ITV UK series about endangered species
  • Extinct (2001 TV series), a C4 UK series about extinct species
Extinct (Moonspell album)

Extinct is the tenth full-length album by the Portuguese gothic metal band Moonspell, released on March 6, 2015 in several versions with a different cover for each ( jewel case, LTD deluxe box, mediabook, Gatefold LP). This album was recorded in Fascination Street Studios, produced and mixed by Jens Bogren. Cover artwork was designed by Seth Siro Anton. It includes guest performance by the pioneering Yossi Sassi on Bozuoukitara, on the track 'Medusalem'.

Extinct (TV series)

Extinct is a British television series that aired on ITV, STV & UTV in 2006. It features eight celebrities highlighting the plight of some of the world's most endangered species and was presented by Zoë Ball and Sir Trevor McDonald.

During the series, the public were asked to phone in and vote for which animal they wanted to receive 50% of the money raised through the phone votes, via the charity WWF. The winning animal got over £178,000 and the remaining seven shared £178,000. A sister programme called Extinct - The Quiz also aired at the same time.

Usage examples of "extinct".

Most archosaurs went extinct long ago, although two groups remain today: the crocodiles and the birds.

The spirit of conquest, and even of enthusiasm, was extinct: the Saracens could no longer struggle, beyond their lines, either single or in small parties, without exposing themselves to the merciless retaliation of the Thracian peasants.

What better way to symbolize the troubled birth of the new world age of Leo than to depict its harbinger as a rampaging lion, particularly since the Age of Leo coincided with the final ferocious meltdown of the last Ice Age, during which huge numbers of animal species all over the earth were suddenly and violently rendered extinct.

Thus it comes that ancient and extinct genera are often in some slight degree intermediate in character between their modified descendants, or between their collateral relations.

As these are formed, the species of the less vigorous groups, from their inferiority inherited from a common progenitor, tend to become extinct together, and to leave no modified offspring on the face of the earth.

As the embryonic state of each species and group of species partially shows us the structure of their less modified ancient progenitors, we can clearly see why ancient and extinct forms of life should resemble the embryos of their descendants,--our existing species.

Catherine Wallenstein lay dead, not struck down by some primitive paroxysm of rage as it appeared, rather felled by the terminal onslaught of a massive and incurable disorder that had been ravaging him for years with a fever resembling paratyphoid, noncommunicable among humans, a condition visited upon him during the onset of puberty when he had first contracted a rare and largely extinct mountain strain of Albanian hoof and mouth disease.

If all pedunculated cirripedes had become extinct, and they have already suffered far more extinction than have sessile cirripedes, who would ever have imagined that the branchiae in this latter family had originally existed as organs for preventing the ova from being washed out of the sack?

Like most of the Indians of America, they were polygamists, which custom in their race operates differently to polygamy amongst the negroes: for whereas they seem to increase and thrive, the Indians even at the conquest often tended to become extinct.

When I took him out on the Pontine marshes he located several extinct volcanoes, and sketched plans for draining the fever-laden area.

He married Lady Anne Russell, daughter of Francis, 4th earl of Bedford, by whom, besides two daughters, he had two sons, Francis, who predeceased him unmarried, and John, who succeeded him as 3rd earl of Bristol, at whose death without issue the peerage became extinct.

And if you could bring the quagga back to life, why not other extinct animals?

And no matter how often the unnatural descent goes on, branching and rebranching, in the end, one way or another, each line is bound to go extinct.

And the Crown had been known to create new titles, regrant extinct ones, and recommend peerages in exchange for services rendered.

Instead of the glorious wealth of parti-coloured vegetation my eyes had been accustomed to lately, here they rested on infertile stretches of marshland intersected by moss-covered gravel shoots, looking as though they had been pushed into the plains in front of extinct glaciers coming down from the region behind us.