Crossword clues for dirtier
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Dirty \Dirt"y\, a. [Compar. Dirtier; superl. Dirtiest.]
Defiled with dirt; foul; nasty; filthy; not clean or pure; serving to defile; as, dirty hands; dirty water; a dirty white.
--Spenser.Sullied; clouded; -- applied to color.
Sordid; base; groveling; as, a dirty fellow.
The creature's at his dirty work again.
--Pope. -
Sleety; gusty; stormy; as, dirty weather.
Storms of wind, clouds of dust, an angry, dirty sea.
--M. Arnold.Syn: Nasty; filthy; foul. See Nasty.
a. (en-comparativedirty)
adj. soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves" [syn: soiled, unclean] [ant: clean]
(of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency; "dirty words"; "a dirty old man"; "dirty books and movies"; "boys telling dirty jokes"; "has a dirty mouth" [ant: clean]
vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor" [syn: filthy, lousy]
spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination; "the air near the foundry was always dirty"; "the air near the foundry was always dirty"; "a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout" [syn: contaminating] [ant: clean]
contaminated with infecting organisms; "dirty wounds"; "obliged to go into infected rooms"- Jane Austen [syn: contaminated, infected, pestiferous]
(of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear; "dirty" is often used in combination; "a dirty (or dingy) white"; "the muddied gray of the sea"; "muddy colors"; "dirty-green walls"; "dirty-blonde hair" [syn: dingy, muddied, muddy]
(of a manuscript) defaced with changes; "foul (or dirty) copy" [syn: foul, marked-up]
obtained illegally or by improper means; "dirty money"; "ill-gotten gains" [syn: ill-gotten]
expressing or revealing hostility or dislike; "dirty looks"
violating accepted standards or rules; "a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior" [syn: cheating(a), foul, unsporting, unsportsmanlike]
unethical or dishonest; "dirty police officers"; "a sordid political campaign" [syn: sordid]
unpleasantly stormy; "there's dirty weather in the offing"
See dirty
Usage examples of "dirtier".
The boy was of Kila's age and size, and looked much like her, save for his dirtier face and scruffier clothes—while they both wore tunics with no sign of any other clothing beneath, his was ripped at the neck and had him constantly tugging to keep it from falling off his shoulder.
He'd worked for McLain all these years because the Major had been even dirtier and sneakier and more brutal than he was himself, but now all he saw was a loony, stinking old man.
She'd come back for more, too, and pushed for rougher and more kinky games, the dirtier the better.
Circumstances might force the United States government to occasionally look the other way about the dirtier parts of the Nervi organization, but he didn’t have to help them out one bit.
They wore shabby clothes with dirtier places at the wrists and elbows.
The wall is still unfinished, the camp is dirtier than ever, and nobody knows what he is supposed to do.
It was littered, dirtier than it had been since the morning of Grant's death.
At last, lightly covered in perspiration and his clothes dirtier than ever, he had retreated a few steps to admire his handiwork when something tugged at him from the back of his memory.
I know the place pretty well, and I can tell you for sure that at least half the money out there is dirtier than any you're likely to come up with.
I started gettin grubbier and grubbier, dirtier and dirtier, I couldn't believe it.
He had done dirtier jobs in the Army, dirtier jobs by far during his failed training in the SAS.