Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
contaminated \contaminated\ adj.
containing undesired or infective microorganisms.
Syn: dirty, infected.
rendered impure by addition of deleterious substances; as, had to boil the contaminated water.
Syn: polluted.
1 (Computers) damaged by inclusion of incorrect data or information not belonging; as, The file was contaminated by a buggy editor.
Syn: corrupted.
appearing unethical due to a questionable source or motives; -- of money or activities; as, The fund was contaminated by a large donation from a mobster.
Syn: tainted.
adulterated; impure v
(en-past of: contaminate)
adj. corrupted by contact or association; "contaminated evidence" [ant: uncontaminated]
contaminated with infecting organisms; "dirty wounds"; "obliged to go into infected rooms"- Jane Austen [syn: dirty, infected, pestiferous]
rendered unwholesome by contaminants and pollution; "had to boil the contaminated water"; "polluted lakes and streams" [syn: polluted]
Usage examples of "contaminated".
He showed the baggies on their stainless steel tray, and then the chairs around the contaminated spot of carpet.
An inner sense told him that the contaminated cells of the Bololo matrix were returning to health.
And a 1200-degree Celsius autoclave for incinerating contaminated equipment and rotting specimens.
During inspection, he complained that his overseer-a brute named Silas Jones-was giving him only corncracker and water, and that the water was filthy and contaminated with slime.
She can make rough estimates of some of these from analyses of the Martian water, but it was almost certainly contaminated when the borehole was drilled, and change in one variable can easily affect others.
Martian water, but it was almost certainly contaminated when the borehole was drilled, and change in one variable can easily affect others.
You are given a scale and allowed to make just one measurement with it How do you tell which jar is contaminated?
For the unconscious, which always tries to turn every good lay into a mother figure, had contaminated the insight which his supraconscious had almost given him.
About a mile to the west, the third Mars bomber finished releasing its load into the ocean from there, the surface currents would allow the Ulva to mix with the contaminated Thio-uni.
The nightmare would be reserved for all of those thousands of people on the fringe of the effects, the ones having to deal with radioactive rain or soot from the North Sea oil fires, for the fishermen and roughnecks and workboat crews swamped by the radioactive base surge, for the kids made sick by contaminated milk and grain and livestock ashore.
Plus, your uniforms, communicators, and tricorders are contaminated and they must be destroyed.
In the name of the Immortals, from whom thou art descended, I ask thee, Bent-Anat, art thou clean, or hast thou, through the touch of the unclean, defiled thyself and contaminated thy royal hand?
He had congratulated the House that it had not been contaminated by the presence of so base a creature, and he had said that he would not pause to stigmatize the meanness of the application for money which Lopez had made.
Mercer Meats selling contaminated hamburger patties to the Onion Ring restaurant chain.
If the Engineers kept up their attempts to attack the Orbitals, if the warheads kept betraying their age and instability, if Duncan kept on throwing rocks, food, water, and air would be contaminated with radioactive fallout.