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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a load of crap/bull etc
be a piece of shit/crap
be full of crap/shit/it
▪ Black cats are full of it, while pale animals have less.
▪ His head was full of it.
▪ I thought she was full of shit, but what the hell?
▪ Television is full of it about election time.
▪ The very donkey boys were full of it.
▪ Usually her hands are full of it.
shoot craps
▪ Jane doesn't really think we believe all that crap, does she?
▪ Someone told me it was a really interesting museum, but I thought it was a load of crap.
▪ The stereo's great but the rest of the car is crap.
▪ There's nothing but crap on television these days.
a load of crap/bull etc
be a piece of shit/crap
shoot craps
a load of crap/bull etc
be a piece of shit/crap
be full of crap/shit/it
▪ Black cats are full of it, while pale animals have less.
▪ His head was full of it.
▪ I thought she was full of shit, but what the hell?
▪ Television is full of it about election time.
▪ The very donkey boys were full of it.
▪ Usually her hands are full of it.
▪ After all, if he peed or even crapped on the wooden floor the cleanup was simple.
▪ Mere seconds later, the world's most malicious pigeon crapped on my head.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crap \Crap\ (kr[a^]p), v. 1. to defecate. Same as take a crap. [vulgar]


Crap \Crap\ (kr[a^]p), n.

  1. In the game of craps, a first throw of the dice in which the total is two, three, or twelve, in which case the caster loses. Also called craps.

  2. same as excrement and feces. [vulgar]

    Syn: shit. [PJC]

  3. nonsense; balderdash; bullshit; -- also used as an expletive. [vulgar]

    Syn: bullshit. [PJC]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"defecate," 1846, from one of a cluster of words generally applied to things cast off or discarded (such as "weeds growing among corn" (early 15c.), "residue from renderings" (late 15c.), underworld slang for "money" (18c.), and in Shropshire, "dregs of beer or ale"), all probably from Middle English crappe "grain that was trodden underfoot in a barn, chaff" (mid-15c.), from Middle French crape "siftings," from Old French crappe, from Medieval Latin crappa, crapinum "chaff." Related: Crapped; crapping.\n

\nDespite folk etymology insistence, not from Thomas Crapper (1837-1910) who was, however, a busy plumber and may have had some minor role in the development of modern toilets. The name Crapper is a northern form of Cropper (attested from 1221), an occupational surname, obviously, but the exact reference is unclear. Crap (v.) as a variant of crop (v.) was noted early 19c, as a peculiarity of speech in Scotland and the U.S. Southwest (Arkansas, etc.).\n\nDraw out yere sword, thou vile South'ron!\n
Red wat wi' blude o' my kin!\n
That sword it crapped the bonniest flower\n
E'er lifted its head to the sun!\n

[Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), "The Young Maxwell"]


"act of defecation," 1898; see crap (v.). Sense of "rubbish, nonsense" also first recorded 1898.


n. (context Canada politics English) Conservative-Reform Alliance Party or Reform-Conservative Alliance Party or Canadian Alliance

  1. v. have a bowel movement; "The dog had made in the flower beds" [syn: stool, defecate, shit, take a shit, take a crap, ca-ca, make]

  2. [also: crapping, crapped]

  1. n. obscene terms for feces [syn: dirt, shit, shite, poop, turd]

  2. obscene words for unacceptable behavior; "I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk"; "what he said was mostly bull" [syn: bullshit, bull, Irish bull, horseshit, shit, dogshit]

  3. [also: crapping, crapped]

Crap (word)

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Usage examples of "crap".

She gave me the same old crap, Abram, about not recognizing our authority and having the right to protect themselves from us.

Israeli gonif who had his office on 10th Avenue, getting a ten-percent commission on each piece of soon-to-discolor crap he unloaded, his assigned route running from 125th Street in Harlem to Washington Heights-try to earn a living wage that way, bro.

Like none of our pilots have any experience as a jumpmaster who can decide on winds and crap like that.

The whole damned thing is full of crap, left over from the khamseen in the spring.

I started pulling out my briefing sheet from my kneeboard, the handy device that snaps around your upper leg and holds all the mission briefing crap.

Iris with a small, set, misty smile ignoring the fact that Pete Chew was gaping wistfully at her from the circle of Toni, Tudor Blackwall, Mahala and Cy Fickerty, who were squatting on the stage and shooting craps, while Harry Mihick looked on them in sorrow at such desecration.

XTNWO, whatzit 7, 8, 9, 10 crap Negara had injected him with back on Sumba.

What mattered was what they would do to him if he got into arrears, and so after he had allowed a decent interval to pass pretending to listen very carefully to all this crap about interest rates, he inquired, in an offhanded way, like it was an afterthought, about their collection policy.

There were slots, card and crap tables, football pools galore, and bootleg lottery and offtrack racing stalls in direct competition with the State of New York.

The old scarfer crew back in those days were, admittedly, a pretty crap mob.

What kind of man could go through the crap that Schaefer went through without losing his temper every so often?

Craps table at the Flamingo for a while, had walked across the street to listen for patterns in the ringing and clattering of the slots at Caesars Palace, and then had written down a hundred consecutive numbers that came up on a Roulette wheel at the Mirage.

If he could only set the big chopper down before the turboshaft crapped out on him!

Getting rid of all that xenophobic classical crap had been the first big change.

I mean I just want to clear out Bibbs, I mean as far away from all this crap as I can get, Adolph knows the company operations inside out, he could get me sent anywhere.