be of secondary importance/be a secondary consideration
▪ Cost is the important thing – any benefits for the user are a secondary consideration.
careful consideration/attention/thought
▪ Careful consideration has been given to all applications.
commercial considerations/reasons/purposes
▪ Commercial considerations must come second to conservation of the environment.
due regard/consideration
▪ We want the best for each individual child with due regard for the interests of the other children.
practical considerations
▪ There are a number of practical considerations that must be taken into account when choosing a car.
under discussion/consideration/review etc
▪ The possibility of employing more staff is still under discussion being discussed, considered etc.
▪ All categories of expenditure are under review.
warrant attention/consideration etc
▪ Another area that warrants attention is that of funding for universities.
▪ Clearly, the decision to admit a patient to hospital must be taken only after very careful consideration.
▪ Now, that direct quotation warrants some careful consideration.
▪ After careful consideration of all the evidence and relevant law the Tribunal either upholds or dismisses the appeal.
▪ The establishment of a new political system based on law was a highly complex matter and needed careful consideration, he said.
▪ Business must give careful consideration to the applications deployed or accessed, objectives and costs, and security and privacy.
▪ To read the passage is to be warned against accepting, without careful consideration, anything suspected of being derived from Ephoros.
▪ No one should embark on it without the most careful consideration.
▪ Equally important was the existence of a ruling class willing to put commercial considerations before personal gain.
▪ I would like to stress that the commercial consideration is only one of many elements and is certainly not the most important.
▪ It is almost always determined by commercial considerations.
▪ In too many instances in the past the interests of beauty have been heavily outweighed by commercial considerations.
▪ Public-service broadcasting is creating programmes totally free of any commercial consideration.
▪ Loans allow local authorities to make a profit and will impose commercial considerations on companies having to repay assistance.
▪ It seems to show a fundamental lack of understanding on the Revenue's part of the commercial considerations involved.
▪ However, it is unlikely that such proprietorial power will be exercised without reference to commercial considerations or marketing considerations.
▪ Each of these matters requires more detailed consideration.
▪ Planning need not necessarily start with detailed consideration of the content of a history study unit.
▪ The function of the forcing resistance is given more detailed consideration in Chapter 5.
▪ Initial reports have now been received and detailed consideration will now continue.
▪ The positive aspects of this procedure include the full and detailed consideration of the individual needs of each child.
▪ The memorandum was remitted to the officers of both bodies for detailed consideration and report at a subsequent meeting.
▪ However, the great strength lies in the detailed consideration of the nutrition and ecology of the marsupial herbivores.
▪ I have deliberately confined most of the detailed consideration in this study to the north bank of the Tyne.
▪ The case was given due consideration, but in the end the plea made by his son Sergo was rejected.
▪ After due consideration she decided to go from the sublime to the ridiculous.
▪ I question whether the inspectorate is giving it due consideration.
▪ All bids, from whatever source, will be given due consideration.
▪ However I've been told there is no law of trespass as long as there is due consideration to private property.
▪ They should be taken seriously and be given due consideration.
▪ Cathy Mercer, London Letters may have to be edited due to space considerations.
▪ At the same time due consideration must always be given to the visual effect of the grain markings.
▪ Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring: The anticipation of maintenance problems is significant in terms of aircraft airworthiness and economic considerations.
▪ There are economic considerations, and they just don't only relate to today.
▪ Because although economic considerations are normally behind the switch, many new converts rapidly discover they prefer the diesel driving experience.
▪ But such economic considerations have had no significant effect on the way government-run launch vehicles are designed and operated.
▪ It highlighted the various economic and political considerations taken into account by bank risk analysts.
▪ He notes, however, that economic considerations are taking a back seat to budget negotiations.
▪ For all of these agents of environmental change, economic and political considerations are primary factors in their operation and future development.
▪ Even there, however, economic considerations may override military dangers.
▪ But social and environmental considerations are also being considered.
▪ This is an area of rapid development with little or no environmental considerations.
▪ What are the environmental considerations or limitations?
▪ These, as we now know, involve everything from environmental considerations to limits on the working hours of employees.
▪ As to Broughton moor, we shall do all that we can to take environmental considerations into account.
▪ Other measures proposed include action to tackle traffic flows, and greater environmental considerations of spending on new transport infrastructure.
▪ Ethical and environmental considerations are an important part of this innovative programme.
▪ However, mere financial considerations are far beneath a work of art like this.
▪ The most important financial consideration, it said, is how Kmart will address the looming 1997 bond maturities.
▪ At least one creature, however, has been subjected to persecution unmotivated by financial considerations.
▪ Pay levels Financial considerations are likely to have played an important part in the decision that redundancies are necessary.
▪ Traditional friendships and rivalries played at least as important a part in this process as purely financial considerations.
▪ Apart from the efforts of transnational companies already mentioned, there are other strategic and financial considerations.
▪ It is not only financial considerations, therefore, that guide the decisions for allocating limited training resources.
▪ The positive aspects of this procedure include the full and detailed consideration of the individual needs of each child.
▪ He was like a tall and forgiving toy that never hurt, but expected full play and consideration.
▪ A full consideration of long-term consequences must guide our decisions in future.
▪ The proposal now goes to the full board for consideration.
▪ It simply ensures that full consideration is given to the case for preservation if any proposal is made which will affect it.
▪ Firstly, the need to take the use of collections into full consideration.
▪ This eminent folklorist, however, has not given a full consideration to the Celtic background.
▪ When and if this occurs, decisions about mentally handicapped babies will be made with a full consideration of the issues involved.
▪ The patient was treated medically and released without further consideration of potential zoonotic disease.
▪ It is not therefore to be lost sight of in the further consideration of this subject.
▪ A further consideration which has bearing on field relationships is the extent of participation on the part of the researcher.
▪ Two forms of giving for the health and safety of other persons deserve further consideration.
▪ Although the move was defeated and the renationalisation policy endorsed, party members voted to remit the controversial proposal for further consideration.
▪ Dan leads them through a brainstorming session during which they list these on the board for further consideration.
▪ Andrew MacKay will be giving this further consideration.
▪ Two further considerations need to be made in respect of recording data.
▪ Wage, pension, and housing were important considerations for working men with a skill irrelevant to civilian occupations.
▪ But the important consideration was that life should recover its plenitude, its normal contented turgidity.
▪ Of course, more work is required to obtain smoother results, and this is an important consideration when doing calculations by hand.
▪ Any outstanding debt repayment requirements and / or restrictive covenants on long term debt agreements are additional important. considerations.
▪ There are really only two important considerations as far as the desktop publisher is concerned; is it readable and does it look good.
▪ The most important financial consideration, it said, is how Kmart will address the looming 1997 bond maturities.
▪ Thus, streams, rivers, and particularly springs and wells have been important considerations in settlement siting.
▪ The important consideration was how he ruled.
▪ The first of the major considerations by the Council Fathers was given to the Liturgy and its music, as well as sacred art.
▪ Money was certainly a major consideration, as were location and academic background.
▪ A recent major study of traffic problems in the Edinburgh area recognised road safety as a major factor for consideration.
▪ Your major consideration must be those three small children.
▪ This bus ticket suggests that security was not a major consideration.
▪ The major consumer consideration is this: None of the technologies works with the other.
▪ Assuming a budget which does not allow for year-round spending, the next major consideration is how to divide it up.
▪ A major consideration in 1983 was to fill the void left by the closure of the old dockyard.
▪ But there were other considerations, too, of which self-interest was only one.
▪ One knows that governments have other considerations to bear in mind, including the legislative process itself.
▪ These and other structuring considerations are considered in more detail in Section 0609.
▪ Two other considerations relevant to the conduct of fiscal policy also should be mentioned.
▪ The strategic and other planning considerations relate to the volume and timing of development and also more recent matters such as planning gain.
▪ However that other consideration now needs to be taken into account.
▪ Sometimes there can be other considerations such as where the cause of action arose, but these are the main two choices.
▪ Those who put their work or other considerations before their family life often live to regret it.
▪ However, various political considerations come into play with some Bills rather than their merits.
▪ President Johnson concerned himself not with police brutality or other grievances of the rioters but the political considerations.
▪ It highlighted the various economic and political considerations taken into account by bank risk analysts.
▪ But convenience and political considerations of the moment do not justify a basic departure from the principles of our system of government.
▪ According to this view, Idealism had made the mistake of subordinating political considerations to moral considerations.
▪ Gore stated that his decision was based not upon political considerations but personal issues, particularly the welfare of his family.
▪ The profound neglect of psychological, social and political considerations renders such treatments shallow and incomplete.
▪ For all of these agents of environmental change, economic and political considerations are primary factors in their operation and future development.
▪ The choice between these two approaches will be governed by practical considerations such as the layout of the building.
▪ The victims of Jinnah were as oblivious as he to the mathematics of minorities and to practical considerations.
▪ That such a prolific goalscorer should choose a club renowned for their attacking play demonstrates the practical considerations which influenced his decision.
▪ There is also a practical consideration.
▪ There are some practical considerations that must be faced in terms of support for visually handicapped pupils who are being educated in resource situations.
▪ Before you embark on the decoration, however, you need to have the practical considerations firmly in mind.
▪ This is probably because of the ethical and practical considerations.
▪ In the present case Mr. Glick was fully entitled to, and did, point to practical considerations to reinforce his argument.
▪ A case that is considered thoroughly is looked at in the round and all the relevant factors are taken into proper consideration.
▪ To show proper respect and consideration for the families and the dead, funeral directors must dress appropriately.
▪ Our amendments do not get proper consideration on Report or in Committee if there is a timetable motion.
▪ We are talking about a terminus in the heart of a great city and some proper consideration should be given to that.
▪ Tax law should not be introduced without proper consideration of the commercial fundamentals.
▪ Serious difficulties can arise when a contract is varied without proper consideration of the effect of the variation on the expert clause.
▪ We need proper consideration of the very constructive alternative proposals we have put forward.
▪ This tax is being imposed on our constituents without proper parliamentary consideration.
▪ Any benefits to the library user was a secondary consideration.
▪ In these circumstances, historical accuracy became a strictly secondary consideration.
▪ But the quality and quantity of the skiing to be done in these places is almost a secondary consideration.
▪ Others want the biggest, fastest, meanest system on the block, and money is only a secondary consideration.
▪ For some professionals price would be a secondary consideration.
▪ If you do not earn the money, or enough of it, buying goods or services is a secondary consideration.
▪ A secondary consideration is long term.
▪ In his pragmatic search for a partner to fulfil a role, love and happiness were secondary considerations.
▪ On the Monday before her wedding-day, Diana gave serious consideration to calling a halt to the whole affair.
▪ Gas-coal is not yet under serious consideration.
▪ Please be on the lookout for talent in your classes and give serious consideration to auditioning yourself.
▪ Dole also should give serious consideration to former Tennessee Gov.
▪ I do hope you will give this opportunity serious consideration.
▪ The concept of interleague play in major league baseball is certainly intriguing, worthy of serious consideration.
▪ It does not mean that money has to rule, but it is a necessary and serious consideration.
▪ But his critique of capitalism is still worth serious consideration.
▪ For convenience company accounts are examined but similar considerations would apply to other business entities.
▪ Can similar considerations be applied to the reality or the unreality, in their effect, of the objects of conceptual belief?
▪ However, similar problems can arise with regard to kitchen units and fitted bedroom furniture, etc and similar considerations apply.
▪ But very similar considerations arise with children.
▪ Undeterred, supporters of civil rights legislation drew up a similar bill for consideration in 1991.
▪ However, she will also have to deal with pressures from her own colleagues who are seeking special consideration for personal reasons.
▪ Of course, it was usually the de Ia Torre boys, not the girls, who came in for special consideration.
▪ Being right on the coast, there are special considerations.
▪ Records show that donors were most likely to get special consideration for applicants.
▪ As such, their histories deserve special consideration and raise further questions.
▪ Those individuals fleeing persecution, however, deserve special consideration.
▪ In designing it, special consideration has been given to the needs of the disabled visitor.
▪ However much other factors may have contributed to the character of Impressionist painting, to photography must be accorded some special consideration.
▪ Gore stated that his decision was based not upon political considerations but personal issues, particularly the welfare of his family.
▪ While journalists pursue newsworthy events, business-oriented management often makes decisions based on business considerations. 3.
▪ Not withstanding Gore's insistence that his decision was based on personal considerations, the decision was widely seen as of great political significance.
▪ But the Fed's timing may not have been based entirely on domestic considerations.
▪ This calls for complete reversal of former security doctrine based on strategic military considerations.
▪ Were such calculations always based on short-term considerations?
▪ Some arguments against Copernicus based on astronomical considerations have been mentioned earlier in this book.
▪ The whole doctrine of res judicata was based on considerations of judicial policy, was of great importance but was not paramount.
▪ One academic point in Ghosh deserves consideration.
▪ Children who never became penal inmates surely deserve equal consideration.
▪ And what is theoretically important and testable deserves a scientist's consideration, Events then moved quickly.
▪ Those individuals fleeing persecution, however, deserve special consideration.
▪ As such, their histories deserve special consideration and raise further questions.
▪ And immigration is still refusing to see that this man deserves consideration for his sacrifice.
▪ However, the minority views deserve serious consideration.
▪ It is for this reason among others that current literature should deserve your most careful consideration.
▪ On the Monday before her wedding-day, Diana gave serious consideration to calling a halt to the whole affair.
▪ It is true that they were exclusive, refusing to give any consideration to those outside their walls.
▪ It tells disabled job applicants that they will be given fair consideration based on their ability.
▪ Throw anything you want into our cage and we will give it serious consideration.
▪ I do hope you will give this opportunity serious consideration.
▪ The function of the forcing resistance is given more detailed consideration in Chapter 5.
▪ Thus in preparing for your meeting be sure of the objective and give consideration to the possible scope of the discussion.
▪ At this stage, we can't really include it for consideration.
▪ Industrial markets are segmented in a roughly similar fashion, but also include consideration of trade groups and end-use. 27.
▪ The case for the validity of a claim to authority must include justificatory considerations sufficient to outweigh such counter-reasons.
▪ Many will include consideration of economy and efficiency.
▪ So the Commission has thought it appropriate to include some consideration of these forms of communication in its Report.
▪ The price paid would include any consideration the employer receives from a third party.
▪ Factors which must be taken into account when evaluating potential financial structures include tax and legal considerations and the credit-worthiness of participants.
▪ These include considerations of the completeness of the system's coverage and the delay in making the data available.
▪ Assessment of risk involves consideration of the impact and importance of risk on the overall scheme.
▪ Another focus of the research involves consideration of the function used for the output of a processing unit.
▪ That's because large events involve extra considerations you never dreamed of when doing a small conference.
▪ The second area is located around the development of information systems involving considerations such as meaningfulness, accuracy and accessibility of data.
▪ These, as we now know, involve everything from environmental considerations to limits on the working hours of employees.
▪ However, where the transfer is pursuant to a court order or does not otherwise involve consideration.
▪ For classifications involve considerations of reason and policy over and above mere empirical data.
▪ Similarly the scientific accounts of children's language development involve consideration of the nature of bilingualism in psycholinguistic terms.
▪ Nevertheless, the story merits further consideration, as other evidence can be connected with it.
▪ Notice that many such questions merit consideration when you attempt to operationalize a major political variable.
▪ First, number concepts are fundamental to success in work with number and thus merit consideration.
▪ This, too, was a hard decision because Gary Stevens merited prime consideration.
▪ The make-up of any one particular group merits some consideration.
▪ I think he should merit consideration.
▪ If walking is one of your priorities when choosing a holiday, then this area definitely merits consideration.
▪ Three policies merit consideration: enterprise zones, Freeports and Simplified Planning Zones.
▪ Only two dimensions of cost seem to have received any systematic consideration early on - body bag numbers, and money.
▪ It shall, however, receive a more attentive consideration.
▪ An earnout may help to continue to motivate the vendors and secure their services even after they have received the initial consideration.
▪ Strangely enough, this question has not received intensive consideration in the literature of any major discipline.
▪ Initial reports have now been received and detailed consideration will now continue.
▪ It receives further consideration in the next chapter.
▪ Their preliminary report on this matter has been received and is under consideration by the Crown prosecution service.
▪ Why do words receive so much consideration in dispositions widely held to be free of form?
▪ Two further questions require consideration, if not resolution.
▪ The selection of short-term or long-term financing requires the consideration of a very definite risk-return tradeoff.
▪ Each of these matters requires more detailed consideration.
▪ Competent decisions require not only thoughtful consideration and thorough deliberation but also complicated maneuvering through many divergent interests.
▪ The admission of a tenant already showing signs of dementia requires very careful consideration in the individual case.
▪ As the confederation moved toward constitutional government, issues of internal security were found to require careful consideration.
▪ However, the actual and potential role of the state requires consideration in different terms.
▪ Editor, - S Kinmond and colleagues' results require further consideration.
▪ For others this will be a new situation, but one which needs to be taken into consideration when planning for retirement.
▪ This must be taken into consideration when figuring the number of fishes for your tank.
▪ Good natural daylight and attractive views are less important but should certainly be taken into consideration.
▪ This must be taken into consideration when establishing an aquarium and selecting the planting medium.
▪ Their Lordships took time for consideration. 3 December.
▪ It takes into consideration those factors which we deem relevant, and relates their significances.
▪ A case that is considered thoroughly is looked at in the round and all the relevant factors are taken into proper consideration.
▪ However, church law has taken into consideration the cases of those who claim that their marriages were null from the beginning.
deserve consideration/attention etc
▪ An informant may, therefore, negotiate with others to convince them that she or he is ill and deserves attention.
▪ And immigration is still refusing to see that this man deserves consideration for his sacrifice.
▪ Another clever scheme for massive energy storage deserves consideration.
▪ On that count, Mr Spivak's original creation deserves attention.
▪ One academic point in Ghosh deserves consideration.
▪ The output deserves attention under three heads.
▪ Two sorts of applications deserve attention.
give sth thought/attention/consideration etc
on mature reflection/consideration
▪ His men would carry their standard-issue M16 rifles, although on mature reflection he decided that they should not be loaded.
serious attention/consideration/thought
▪ A more serious consideration to my mind is the continued quotation of Ingard shares on the Stock Exchange.
▪ Book publishing is another important aspect of the print media to which private organisations and the government should pay serious attention.
▪ But little serious thought has been given to this problem.
▪ Dangerous goods and perishable goods are two examples of operational specializations worth serious consideration.
▪ It does not mean that money has to rule, but it is a necessary and serious consideration.
▪ It was high time she got down to serious thought about her doctorate.
▪ The concept of interleague play in major league baseball is certainly intriguing, worthy of serious consideration.
▪ The fact is that I had already begun to give serious consideration to the possibility of doing away with Dennis Parsons.
▪ Cost should not be your main consideration.
▪ The Senate will return to its consideration of illegal immigration Monday.
▪ A new spaciousness had entered into his considerations.
▪ Here the two are wanting - the right and the consideration.
▪ It takes into consideration those factors which we deem relevant, and relates their significances.
▪ Just about anyone who had interesting or important things to say in dance-men and women, black or white-was worthy of consideration.
▪ Planning need not necessarily start with detailed consideration of the content of a history study unit.
▪ Preparation time is a vital consideration in planning to use the software as well as in actually using it.
▪ The Combined Chiefs made no reply, and for Eisenhower, military considerations remained paramount.