Crossword clues for coding
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n. 1 The process of encoding or decoding. 2 The process of writing computer software code. 3 An encoding. 4 (context emergency medicine English) A method of communicating important medical information discreetly and quickly between medical professionals and responders. 5 An alternative therapy used to treat addictions by convincing the patient (through hypnosis, placebos, etc.) that the substance will harm or kill them if they use it again. vb. (present participle of code English)
n. act of writing in code or cipher [syn: cryptography, secret writing]
Coding may refer to:
- Channel coding, in coding theory
- Line coding
- Computer programming, the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging / troubleshooting, and maintaining the source code of computer programs
- The process of Statistical classification of information
- Coding (social sciences), refers to an analytical process in which data, in both quantitative form (such as questionnaires results) or qualitative (such as interview transcripts) are categorised to facilitate analysis
- Coding (therapy), a controversial therapy used to treat addictions
- Legal coding, the process of creating summary or keyword data from a document. It is widely used in the legal profession to create a fast-search index or database of documents for use in litigation
- A coding strand of DNA is translated into a protein product
- Code Blue (emergency code), which is a patient in Cardiac Arrest or Respiratory Arrest
Coding is an analytical process in which data, in both quantitative form (such as questionnaires results) or qualitative (such as interview transcripts) is categorised to facilitate analysis.
Coding means the transformation of data into a form understandable by computer software. The classification of information is an important step in preparation of data for computer processing with statistical software.
One code should apply to only one category and categories should be comprehensive. There should be clear guidelines for coders (individual who do the coding) so that code is consistent.
Some studies will employ multiple coders working independently on the same data. This minimizes the chance of errors from coding and increases the reliability of data.
Coding (also known as the Dovzhenko method) is a catch-all term for various Russian alternative therapeutic methods used to treat addictions, in which the therapist attempts to scare patients into abstinence from a substance they are addicted to by convincing them that they will be harmed or killed if they use it again. Each method involves the therapist pretending to insert a "code" into patients' brains that will ostensibly provoke a strong adverse reaction should it come into contact with the addictive substance. The methods use a combination of theatrics, hypnosis, placebos, and drugs with temporary adverse effects to instil the erroneous beliefs. Therapists may pretend to "code" patients for a fixed length of time, such as five years.
Coding was created by Alexander Dovzhenko, a psychiatrist in the former Soviet Union. It has been widely used to treat alcohol addiction in Russia, but 16 percent of Russian narcologists also report using it in their practices.
Usage examples of "coding".
DNA coding sequence of the D4 receptor, a forty-eight base-pair sequence that controls clozapine and spiperone binding, especially when it appears as an eightfold repeat.
Despacio had been one of the few free converts who did not have a built-in expiration date written into his coding.
But the missing piece of the coding problem offers entree to another processlines, deltas.
He could build formas like no one else, but he had problems coding their brains.
DNA codings between the symbionts and the parasites were similar, from the same gene family.
Secret Service agents know more about phreaking, coding and carding than most phreaks can find out in years, and when it comes to viruses, break-ins, software bombs and trojan horses, Feds have direct access to red-hot confidential information that is only vague rumor in the underground.
The automatic shutoff sequence in its coding had switched off, and it had dissolved the entire world.
Probably, the banks temporarily reprogram any computer that taps in to perform the coding and recognition functions itself.
The four codons for threonine in their RNA coding are ACU, ACC, ACA, and ACG.
The coding region of a gene is fragmented into little pieces, called exons, linked by long stretches of non-coding DNA, or introns.
I remember that the whitecoats who ran Overproject Whisper were never happier than when their eager little snouts were immersed in manuals of electronic coding.
The messenger RNA codonanticodon linkages that blueprinted the production of amino acids seemed to operate on a coding intrinsic to the molecules themselves.
The ceiling had been lowered, which indicated that the occupant-to-be either crawled or did not stand very tall, and the plumbing and power supply lines, revealed by the incomplete wall paneling, bore the color codings for a warm-blooded oxygen-breather with normal gravity and atmospheric pressure requirements.
The color codings, if present, will mean something entirely different.
This might explain why, even today, and doubtless numerous genetic codings later, codings obviously favoring frequent and aperiodic sexuality, some women are, so to speak, in addition, still “called by the moon.