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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

chiefly British English spelling of authorization (q.v.); for spelling, see -ize.


n. (alternative spelling of authorization English)

  1. n. a document giving an official instruction or command [syn: mandate, authorization]

  2. the power or right to give orders or make decisions; "he has the authority to issue warrants"; "deputies are given authorization to make arrests" [syn: authority, authorization, dominance, say-so]

  3. official permission or approval; "authority for the program was renewed several times" [syn: authority, authorization, sanction]

  4. the act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrant [syn: authorization, empowerment]

Usage examples of "authorisation".

Give me the usual authorisation for the RAF then phone through to Croydon to tell them to expect us.

If they pull my authorisations you'll still have yours, won't you, Pol Hald?

There were passports with the watermarks of a dozen governmentsdriving licenses, pilot's licences, ration books, credit cards, birth certificates, warrants, identification cards, passes, permits, memberships, and authorisations enough to establish anyone in any role from a Bulgarian tight-rope walker to a wholesale fish merchant from Grimsby.

They were a maze of often disconnected authorisations, easily made incompre hensible for the uninitiated, and during the next few minutes THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 93 he intended to baffle this disciple of George Marcus Delavane warlord of Saigon until the soldier s trace of fear became something far more pronounced.

Babbington flushed angrily and snapped, "Unlike your own dear country, Voronin, security operations require records, permissions, signatures, authorisations, I decided it was better to keep a low profile.

The computer flashed a curt authorisation, not wasting any of its time either, doubtless keen to get back to redesigning the Centre's plumbing system or something.

Mrs Morden gave me back Ivan's open sesames and requested me, in my turn, to sign an authorisation for her to act for the brewery.

Mrs Morden gave me back Ivan's open- sesames and requested me, in my turn, to sign an authorisation for her to act for the brewery.