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n. A species, subspecies, cultivar, or specimen of the genus ''Astilbe''.


n. any plant of the genus Astilbe having compound leaves and showy panicles of tiny colorful flowers


Astilbe is a genus of 18 species of rhizomatous flowering plants, within the family Saxifragaceae, native to mountain ravines and woodland in Asia and North America. Some species are commonly known as false goat's beard and false spirea.

These hardy herbaceous perennials are cultivated by gardeners for their large, handsome, often fern-like foliage, and dense, feathery plumes of flowers. They are widely adapted to shade and water-logged conditions, hence they are particularly associated with pond-side planting. They also tolerate clay soils well. Numerous hybrid cultivars have been raised. Flowers of at least some astilbe species have a strong and pleasant aroma.

Usage examples of "astilbe".

Over the years I had added border gardens along the stone walls, filled with day lilies and nicotiana, astilbe and asters, and had replaced an acre of untamed weed with a wildflower field that threw up a colorful sea of poppies, loosestrife, and cosmos.

Even the scrappy little area out front had been sodded and fringed with daffodils for spring, with pulmonaria and bergenia to bloom later, and astilbe waiting in the wings for midsummer.

And if the astilbes were groaning under the smoke tree's yoke, their abundant flowers certainly did not indicate so.