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n. A hall at a Zen buddhist monastery where formal seated meditation (zazen) is practiced.


or is a Japanese " meditation hall". In Zen Buddhism, the zen-dō is a spiritual dōjō where zazen (sitting meditation) is practiced. A full-sized Zen Buddhist temple will typically have at least one zen-dō as well as a (" main hall", but sometimes translated as "Buddha hall"), which is used for ceremonial purposes, plus a variety of other buildings with different functions. However, any place where people go to practice Zen can be referred to as a zen-dō.

Zendo (game)

Zendo is a game of inductive logic designed by Kory Heath in which one player (the "Master") creates a rule for structures (" koans") to follow, and the other players (the "Students") try to discover it by building and studying various koans which follow or break the rule. The first student to correctly state the rule wins.

The game can be played with any set of colorful playing pieces, and has been sold with a set of 60 Icehouse pieces in red, yellow, green, and blue, 60 glass stones and a small deck of cards containing simple rules for beginners. Origami pyramids are a common choice of playing piece.

The rules were published in 2001 after more than a year of playtests and changes. A boxed set of the game was released by Looney Labs at the 2003 Origins Game Fair but is now out of print. Zendo is also published in Looney Labs' Playing with Pyramids, a book of rules and strategies for a dozen popular games playable with Icehouse pieces.

Zendo can be compared to the card game Eleusis and the chess variant Penultima in which players attempt to discover inductively a secret rule thought of by one or more players (called " God" or " Nature" in Eleusis and "Spectators" in Penultima) who declare plays legal or illegal on the basis of their rules.

Zendo (disambiguation)

Zendo may refer to:

  • Zendo, a Japanese meditation hall.
  • Zendo (game), a game of inductive logic.
  • Shan-tao (aka Zendō) an influential Buddhist writer in the 7th Century.

Usage examples of "zendo".

His personal Zendo was off-limits to everyone, including his housekeeper and his son.

And finally, I moved out of the Sim Room altogether, and set up my personal traveling zendo in the second of the two good spots I had mentally marked on the Upper Ag Deck.

The Japanese monks had tolerated her presence at the zendo, as they ought to have.

He turned and bowed as he left the zendo, a gesture of respect for the place and the philosophy behind it.

It was the sound of a denscris bell, only much larger than the ones the priests in a zendo tapped with their wooden mallets.

We've got to have mind-collecting weeks in our zendos where your mind tries to fly off like a Tinker Toy and like a good soldier you put it back together with your eyes closed except of course the whole thing is wrong.