n. A form of seated meditation in Zen Buddhism.
In Zen Buddhism, zazen (literally " seated meditation"; ; ) is a meditative discipline that is typically the primary practice. The precise meaning and method of zazen varies from school to school, but in general it can be regarded as a means of insight into the nature of existence. In the Japanese Rinzai school, zazen is usually associated with the study of koans. The Sōtō School of Japan, on the other hand, only rarely incorporates koans into zazen, preferring an approach where the mind has no object at all, known as shikantaza.
Zazen, which means sitting meditation, was an electronic and new-age band formed in the mid-80's by Dr. Frederick Lenz, Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, and Steve Kaplan. The band released 21 albums in their 13 year history (more than 25 if including re-release/re-production).
Usage examples of "zazen".
And the cetic arts: hallning, zazen, meditation, fugue and the interface with the cybernetic spaces.
I would kneel in zazen on that unheated concrete floor in the middle of winter and extend my arms.
Ferdy perched himself down facing Barong, and got as close to a zazen position as a dog can manage.
And they know exactly what they mean by the words, and the words are perfectly adequate to convey what they mean, if you have had the experience (for what they mean can only be disclosed in the shared praxis of zazen, or meditation practice).
In return I'd offer you the best teachers in the realm, teachers of bushido, cha-no-yu, hara-gei, ki, zazen meditation, flower arranging, and all the special unique knowledges that we possess.
People adopted whatever posture they felt they could maintain without effort for a time—some sitting zazen, some reclining on lounge chairs, some lying on their backs looking up at the stars—took last sips or tokes and set down whatever they'd been holding, and began to join hands.