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world peace

n. The ideology of universal global understanding and nonviolence.

World peace

World peace or peace on Earth is an ideal state of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and peoples. This ideal of world non-violence provides a basis for peoples and nations to willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. While different cultures, religions, philosophies, and organizations may have differing concepts about how such an ideal state might come about, they have in common this ideal of a cessation of all hostility amongst all humanity.

World Peace could be established through religious or secular organizations that address human rights, technology, education, engineering, medicine, or diplomacy used as an end to all forms of fighting. For example, since 1945, the United Nations and the 5 permanent members of its Security Council (the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK) have worked to resolve conflicts without war or declarations of war. However, nations have entered numerous military conflicts since that time.

Usage examples of "world peace".

Of all the subversives, there is one most dangerous to world peace.

The drift of thought seems now to be in the direction of a number of special committees or organizations, with world-wide power delegated to them by existing governments in this group of matters or that, bodies concerned with the waste or development of natural wealth, with the equalization of labour conditions, with world peace, with currency, population and health, and so forth.

Princess Di didn't cure cancer or bring world peace - she was just a pretty lady with a warm heart who died too young.

In the interests of continued world peace, certain levels of the government have decided to offer a clandestine olive branch -- a state of the art aircraft carrier.

I'd like to say I hit some kind of moral high ground then and there, that I made a Commitment to Truth and World Peace, but it wasn't like that at all.