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a. (en-superlativewoolly)

  1. adj. having a fluffy character or appearance [syn: flocculent, wooly]

  2. confused and vague; used especially of thinking; "muddleheaded ideas"; "your addled little brain"; "woolly thinking"; "woolly-headed ideas" [syn: addled, befuddled, muddled, muzzy, wooly, woolly-headed, wooly-minded]

  3. covered with dense often matted or curly hairs; "woolly lambs" [syn: wooly]

  4. covered with dense cottony hairs or hairlike filaments; "the woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton" [syn: lanate]

  5. [also: woolliest, woollier]


See woolly

Usage examples of "woolliest".

His craft is the breeding of animals, the way you must cross-breed or in-breed to get the best-yielding cows or the woolliest sheep.

In practice, he amounted to Mike Stearns' personal little one-man combination of the old OSS—in its woolliest World War II days—and what militant trade unions like the UMWA sometimes euphemized as the "education committee.

In practice, he amounted to Mike Stearns' personal little one-man combination of the old OSS—in its woolliest World War II days—and what militant trade unions like the UMWA sometimes euphemized as the "education committee.

And, just to drive the point that little bit further home, just in case I hadn't quite grasped it by now, on each ensuing Christmas Eve every child in the world would henceforth see fit to hang at the foot of its bed the longest, woolliest sock it could find, as a perpetual reminder.

Even after all this time, I thought him the wildest, woolliest creature ever born and he would disap­pear only in a crowd of Scots.