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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lanate \La"nate\, Lanated \La"na*ted\, [L. lanatus, fr. lana wool, down.]

  1. Wooly; covered with fine long hair, or hairlike filaments.

  2. Hence: (Biol.) covered with dense often matted or curly hairs.

    Syn: wooly, woolly.


a. Covered in or composed of wooly hairs.


adj. covered with dense cottony hairs or hairlike filaments; "the woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton" [syn: woolly]

Usage examples of "lanate".

While they could hardly be called a handsome group, they were well-outfitted, with stout leather arm and shin guards, oiled chain-mail vests over thin lanate shirts, and small round shields of layered rawhide hung from wide belts.