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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wily \Wil"y\, a. [Compar. Wilier; superl. Wiliest.] [From Wile.] Full of wiles, tricks, or stratagems; using craft or stratagem to accomplish a purpose; mischievously artful; subtle. ``Wily and wise.''
--Chaucer. ``The wily snake.''

This false, wily, doubling disposition of mind.

Syn: Cunning; artful; sly; crafty. See Cunning.


a. (en-comparativewily)

  1. adj. marked by skill in deception; "cunning men often pass for wise"; "deep political machinations"; "a foxy scheme"; "a slick evasive answer"; "sly as a fox"; "tricky Dik"; "a wily old attorney" [syn: crafty, cunning, dodgy, foxy, guileful, knavish, slick, sly, tricksy, tricky]

  2. [also: wiliest, wilier]


See wily

Usage examples of "wilier".

It was almost midnight and Wilier was beside himself that a half-wit like Biler had managed to waste so many precious hours of their time.

Ned Wilier took down the fence bars and led the horse out into the road.

Cradossk was a wilier old reptile, though-Boba Fett even had a grudging respect for the head of the Bounty Hunters Guild, from some long-ago encounters with him-and would know just what the score was with his feckless underlings.

Being ten years older, he was a hell of a lot stronger and wilier than I.

That the guards rather than the Breakers might be under attack had at that point still not crossed his mind, nor that of the slighdy wilier Finli, either.

She would have to be smarter, wilier, more unexpected than either the hydrogues or the Klikiss robots.