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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
dense vegetation (=plants in general)
▪ The land around here is covered with dense vegetation.
tangle of bushes/branches/vegetation etc
▪ She followed him, pushing through the dense tangle of bushes and branches.
▪ The bottom was mud and rocks, with some overhanging plants but no aquatic vegetation.
▪ The species may be encountered in any suitable marsh or dense area of aquatic vegetation at the coast or inland.
▪ The southernmost has the densest vegetation, the most complete cover, and the widest variety of both angiosperms and plant communities.
▪ Firefighters could not get near the blaze because of the dense vegetation.
▪ Breeds on still and slow-moving fresh water with dense fringe of vegetation, also marshes, fens, bogs.
▪ A sound wave has a much greater chance of being scattered and absorbed by such dense vegetation.
▪ These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
▪ This is particularly true in areas of dense vegetation such as tropical rainforest.
▪ The birds spend much of their day foraging in dense, varied vegetation and return to roost together at dusk.
▪ Half an hour later and we were ready for a ride through the dense vegetation and forests of palms.
▪ They obtain most of the liquid they need through the intake of green vegetation.
▪ For a while it looks like the red earth, green vegetation and gentle hills of Sedona.
▪ Dense masses of vivid green vegetation swayed and lapped in slow motion.
▪ Feel the moisture in the air from the lush, green vegetation.
▪ The hills and mountains are covered in lush green vegetation.
▪ The heavy rains have brought luxuriant green vegetation to these normally arid islands.
▪ At this stage no green vegetation existed, so only photolysis could have created oxygen.
▪ Lefkas has golden sandy beaches, mountainous scenery and lush vegetation.
▪ Feel the moisture in the air from the lush, green vegetation.
▪ A deep path cut through the lush and noisy vegetation.
▪ The course switch-backed along the main road through hills covered in lush vegetation.
▪ The hills and mountains are covered in lush green vegetation.
▪ But unlike earthworms, which eat rotting vegetation, the caecilians are carnivores.
▪ Rake out as much leaf debris and rotting vegetation as you can - a spring-lined garden rake will help.
▪ Some suggest that the monster is rotting vegetation lifted by bubbles of gas, produced in the loch bed by bacteria.
▪ Precious minerals mutated into rotting vegetation.
▪ The mud on his lips tasted of rotting vegetation and the stench of it was thick in his nostrils.
▪ There had been rain earlier in the week and the soil under the thick vegetation was still damp.
▪ This is due to competition for land between grazing and cropping as well as a reduction in the vegetation cover for fuelwood.
▪ Differences in the vegetation cover can affect erosion by direct protection of the ground and by binding the soil mantle together.
▪ The resulting openings, devoid of protective vegetation cover, were then subject to erosion which in turn precluded regeneration.
▪ On the low ground nearby where the vegetation cover was extensive, birds were also plentiful.
▪ Table 1 shows the losses of different semi-natural vegetation types summed for the 12 parishes.
▪ Major vegetation types are described, as are the nature reserves, and the place is given where each photo was taken.
▪ They made their way through the thick vegetation in the valley.
▪ A deep path cut through the lush and noisy vegetation.
▪ And where was his companion, who went down with him just now, into a sprawl of vegetation?
▪ Breeds on still and slow-moving fresh water with dense fringe of vegetation, also marshes, fens, bogs.
▪ For example, pack horses hauled some vegetation from the floor of Supai Canyon, home of the Havasupai people.
▪ Pockets of live vegetation dot the otherwise black-and-white landscape, places randomly spared by arbitrary shifts of wind and fire.
▪ Readings showed levels of 56,000 becquerels per kilogram in vegetation and soil samples.
▪ The vegetation had a dank and wintry look to it still, quite different from the lowlands.
▪ The most sophisticated farmers are the leaf-cutting ants, which cultivate fungus on fresh vegetation thanks to an assembly-line of specialised castes.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vegetation \Veg`e*ta"tion\, n. [Cf. F. v['e]g['e]tation, L. vegetatio an enlivening. See Vegetable.]

  1. The act or process of vegetating, or growing as a plant does; vegetable growth.

  2. The sum of vegetable life; vegetables or plants in general; as, luxuriant vegetation.

  3. (Med.) An exuberant morbid outgrowth upon any part, especially upon the valves of the heart.

    Vegetation of salts (Old Chem.), a crystalline growth of an arborescent form.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1560s, "act of vegetating," from Middle French végétation and directly from Medieval Latin vegetationem (nominative vegetatio) "a quickening, action of growing," from vegetare "grow, quicken" (see vegetable). Meaning "plant life" first recorded 1727.


n. (context uncountable English) plants, taken collectively.

  1. n. all the plant life in a particular region [syn: flora] [ant: fauna]

  2. the process of growth in plants

  3. an abnormal growth or excrescence (especially a warty excrescence on the valves of the heart)

  4. inactivity that is passive and monotonous, comparable to the inactivity of plant life; "their holiday was spent in sleep and vegetation"


Vegetation is assemblages of plant species and the ground cover they provide. It is a general term, without specific reference to particular taxa, life forms, structure, spatial extent, or any other specific botanical or geographic characteristics. It is broader than the term flora which refers to species composition. Perhaps the closest synonym is plant community, but vegetation can, and often does, refer to a wider range of spatial scales than that term does, including scales as large as the global. Primeval redwood forests, coastal mangrove stands, sphagnum bogs, desert soil crusts, roadside weed patches, wheat fields, cultivated gardens and lawns; all are encompassed by the term vegetation.

The vegetation type is defined by characteristic dominant species, or a common aspect of the assemblage, such as an elevation range or environmental commonality. Earth cover is the expression used by ecologist Frederic Clements that has its closest modern equivalent being vegetation. The expression continues to be used by the Bureau of Land Management.

Vegetation (pathology)

In medicine, a '''vegetation ''' is an abnormal growth named for its similarity to natural vegetation.

Vegetations are often associated with endocarditis.

It can be made of fibrin and platelets.

Usage examples of "vegetation".

After aeration, the green slurry then sprayed over suspended trays of vegetation.

I heard it, and knew no more--heard it as I sat petrified in that unknown cemetery in the hollow, amidst the crumbling stones and the falling tombs, the rank vegetation and the miasmal vapors--heard it well up from the innermost depths of that damnable open sepulcher as I watched amorphous, necrophagous shadows dance beneath an accursed waning moon.

Before that time, if to think is to live be a true axiom, I did not live, I could only lay claim to a state of vegetation.

In ecology, an ecotone is a place where two living biomes come together, a convergence characterized by a rich variety of vegetation and animal life.

She felt the pile of boggy vegetation shift as though it were moving on a great wagon.

The bowers and boskages stretched behind them, the artificial lakes and cockneyfied landscapes, making all the region bright with the sense of air and space, and raw natural tints, and vegetation too diminutive to overshadow.

We followed the other buses over a bridge and into a bleaker landscape, dryer, stonier, with less vegetation, just scattered thorn-bushes for the most part, dotted across low but steep and irregular hills.

It was just by the side of the cenote in thick vegetation, and when Fallon said, There it is!

The harsh, angular contours of the metal had been visually softened by irregular areas of paint and the attachment of artificial foliage, Cha Thrat saw as she swam around it, no doubt to make it resemble the vegetation of the home world.

And in the stygian grotto I saw them do the rite, and adore the sick pillar of flame, and throw into the water handfuls gouged out of the viscous vegetation which glittered green in the chlorotic glare.

They entered a narrow, gloomy canyon, high cliffed, stretching away from them, undeviating, straight as an arrow before it rose again to trees, vegetation and less dust.

Occasionally, as we floated down, vineyards were visible with the vines trained on horizontal trellises, or bamboo rails, often forty feet long, nailed horizontally on cryptomeria to a height of twenty feet, on which small sheaves of barley were placed astride to dry till the frame was full More forest, more dreams, then the forest and the abundant vegetation altogether disappeared, the river opened out among low lands and banks of shingle and sand, and by three we were on the outskirts of Niigata, whose low houses,--with rows of stones upon their roofs, spread over a stretch of sand, beyond which is a sandy roll with some clumps of firs.

The USFS used on a substantial number of acres of the Watershed: Diquat Dibromide, Dalapon M, Dicamba, Tordon 10K, and 2,4-D, all vegetation killers.

The shelve of the beach saved the cave from being flooded and the beetling of the cliff kept it dry and within a couple of feet of the entrance but it could not keep out the rain smell, the raw smell of Kerguelen carried from inland, the smell of bog patches and new washed dolerite and bitter vegetation, keen, like the smell of the Stone Age.

Wem vegetation for edibility by the FGLI classification, yourself, as well as the native DHCGs.