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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Underwrite \Un`der*write"\, v. t. [imp. Underwrote, Obs. Underwrit; p. p. Underwritten, Obs. Underwrit; p. pr. & vb. n. Underwriting.]

  1. To write under something else; to subscribe.

    What addition and change I have made I have here underwritten.
    --Bp. Sanderson.

  2. To subscribe one's name to for insurance, especially for marine insurance; to write one's name under, or set one's name to, as a policy of insurance, for the purpose of becoming answerable for loss or damage, on consideration of receiving a certain premium per cent; as, individuals, as well as companies, may underwrite policies of insurance.
    --B. Jonson.

    The broker who procures the insurance ought not, by underwriting the policy, to deprive the parties of his unbiased testimony.


vb. (en-simple past of: underwrite)

  1. v. guarantee financial support of; "The opera tour was subvented by a bank" [syn: subvention, subvent]

  2. protect by insurance; "The insurance won't cover this" [syn: cover, insure]

  3. [also: underwrote, underwritten]