The Collaborative International Dictionary
Underwrite \Un`der*write"\, v. t. [imp. Underwrote, Obs. Underwrit; p. p. Underwritten, Obs. Underwrit; p. pr. & vb. n. Underwriting.]
To write under something else; to subscribe.
What addition and change I have made I have here underwritten.
--Bp. Sanderson. -
To subscribe one's name to for insurance, especially for marine insurance; to write one's name under, or set one's name to, as a policy of insurance, for the purpose of becoming answerable for loss or damage, on consideration of receiving a certain premium per cent; as, individuals, as well as companies, may underwrite policies of insurance.
--B. Jonson.The broker who procures the insurance ought not, by underwriting the policy, to deprive the parties of his unbiased testimony.
vb. (past participle of underwrite English)
See underwrite
v. guarantee financial support of; "The opera tour was subvented by a bank" [syn: subvention, subvent]
protect by insurance; "The insurance won't cover this" [syn: cover, insure]
[also: underwrote, underwritten]
Usage examples of "underwritten".
That this order be executed with such promptness and dispatch as not to delay the commencement of the operations already directed to be underwritten by the Army of the Potomac.
He may have had to accept the sixth man if that man was the one who had underwritten the entire expedition.
In October the two went to New York, their expenses underwritten by John Spaulding.
In most or many cases, this Shock and Awe may not necessitate imposing the full destruction of either nuclear weapons or advanced conventional technologies but must be underwritten by the ability to do so.
While proof of ownership is not at issue in this proceeding, parties agree that these costs, including those incident to its installation, in the neighborhood of fourteen million dollars, were borne by contributions from various private patrons and underwritten by such corporate entities as Martin Oil, Incidental Oil, Bush AFC Corp.
For he had written that essay for submission to a contest sponsored by some prestigious learned society and had won, receiving thereby a valuable scholarship that had underwritten his college tuition.
With my car paid for and my office space underwritten by California Fidelity, I can live very well on a modest monthly sum.
Thus it is in sharp contrast to the science of biology, which was developed as a product of the modern age and is not underwritten by genetic algorithms.
They might have underwritten the time themselves, if it had been some other subject.
Sitting there on the Persian carpet, the final sixteen payments for which had now been underwritten by our new owner, gave me a chance to reflect on the 6 LEN DEIGHTON arrangements for the party that night.
The pinchfisted fool could have saved the bother of talismans, and spared the silk guild a needless oath of debt had he underwritten the silver to pay for clean water drawn from the city cisterns.
Despite underwritten supporting roles and an underacted lead performance (as well as, at times, too ponderous a pace), I must say that I was very impressed with Unbreakable.