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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a fixed/unwavering/unblinking stare (=with your eyes not moving at all)
▪ His unwavering stare was making me feel pretty uneasy.
▪ There was something not quite right about his unblinking stare.
▪ a steady, unblinking gaze
▪ The film offers an unblinking look at life in the prisons.
▪ Abel is a fortyish man with round unblinking eyes and a perfectly circular head.
▪ David watched with unblinking eyes as the figure pulled the curtains shut.
▪ Glazed red unblinking eyes followed us by.
▪ In the unblinking black eyes were a thousand upon a thousand years of survival.
▪ So Moon-Watcher stared at the crystal monolith with unblinking eyes, while his brain lay open to its still uncertain manipulations.
▪ The grandmother looked at her with Belle's unblinking eyes and she leaned forward to see the child.
▪ There was something not quite right about his unblinking stare.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

emotionless \e*mo"tion*less\ adj. 1. unsusceptible to, destitute of, or showing no emotion; unmoved by feeling. Opposite of emotional; as, he kept his emotionless objectivity and faith in the cause he served. [Narrower terms: matter-of-fact, prosaic; philosophical, philosophic; phlegmatic, phlegmatical, stolid; stoic, stoical; unblinking] Also See: cool, passionless, unmoved(predicate), unmoving.

Syn: unemotional, passionless.


a. Not blinking

  1. adj. showing no visible emotion; "stood unblinking and accepted a sentence of a year"

  2. not shrinking from danger [syn: unflinching, unintimidated, unshrinking]

Usage examples of "unblinking".

The sun was now shining brilliantly, and she saw a station crowded with Arabs in white burnouses, who were vociferously greeting friends in the train, were offering enormous oranges for sale to the passengers, or were walking up and down gazing curiously into the carriages, with the unblinking determination and indifference to a return of scrutiny which she had already noticed and thought animal.

There was something unsettling about the Tonton Macoute sitting in the corner of the lounge, watching them from behind his dark glasses with the unblinking patience of a snake.

More than any other danger, the unblinking hunting mastiff that guarded his bedroom unnerved him.

But Manni looks the way big-Manni remembers, captured by the unblinking Argus awareness of the panopticon dust floating in the air.

Kix Stivaletta showed up as the private ambulance was hauling the deceased Terrapin away under the wide unblinking eyes of the surviving Terrapins, Aramis and Porthos.

The bare unblinking truth hereon is this: The Englishry are a pursuing army, And we a flying brothel!

Elrabin came to the table, fixed his son with a long, unblinking stare of nonrecognition, and returned his gaze to the diagram on the table.

I glanced across at Oban and was disconcerted to find his pale, unblinking eyes on me.

Behind him, Monsignor Oddi stood watching, as motionless as the painted Christ behind him, as unblinking as Kenzo Isozaki.

Leyster leaned forward in his chair and stared at Salley, frowning and unblinking.

His hair lay loose around his shoulders, framing a face white as bone, eyes unblinking and intent as those of the wolf-dog.

In confusion I knelt before the great mosaic-work skull-mask on my wall, staring at it with unblinking eyes, letting myself absorb it, compelling the myriad tiny bits of obsidian and turquoise, of jade and shell, to melt and flow and change, until that skull put on flesh for me and I saw a face over the gaunt bones, another face, another, a whole series of faces, a flickering, evershifting array of faces.

At sight of him, it was apparent that the mother recognized her visitor of the day before, for she dropped down to the ground and laid her head on the forepaws once more, watching him with unblinking eyes.

Her dear students were gaping like guppies, their eves unblinking and their little mouths opening and closing silently.

As they came nearer, they saw that the decorated area was actually a building hewn in the living rock, complete with doors, passages, rooms and windows, from the last of which pigmies watched their progress with unblinking curiosity.