Crossword clues for passionless
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Passionless \Pas"sion*less\, a.
Void of passion; without anger or emotion; not easily
excited; calm. ``Self-contained and passionless.''
a. Lacking in passion.
adj. not passionate; "passionless observation of human nature" [ant: passionate]
unmoved by feeling; "he kept his emotionless objectivity and faith in the cause he served"; "this passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine"-Margaret Deland [syn: emotionless]
Usage examples of "passionless".
Spellbound by his loveliness, I experienced those familiar feelings of longing to touch his untidy, black hair, coax desire from his sensual yet passionless mouth, and ease the frown from his autocratic brow.
A dour and silent man who had recently entered office as a tribune of the plebs, Plancus Bursa spoke up in his passionless way.
It is precisely to meet the undesired when it appears that he has the virtue which gives him, to confront it, his passionless and unshakeable soul.
Catholic church in back of them, as sacred as the whorehouse in Pankow where he had met with Kalinin so long ago, and just as passionless: this was hard, tedious work, but it had to be done.
All day it points to the sunshine and all night to the stars, and thus passionless, and yet full of life, it endures through the centuries, come storm, come shine, drawing its sustenance from the cool bosom of its mother earth, and as the slow years roll by, learning the great mysteries of growth and of decay.
Forget your whirling dreams, your fires, your lightnings, your splendours of the soul, and answer the passionless voice that asks you--why should your lover die, and such a death?
She could not see his face, but she knew in all certitude that it was bleak and passionless in the terrifying way she had seen it when he fought the three Irishmen.
At the moment he hated atevi, at least in the abstract, he hated their passionless violence and the lies and the endless, schizophrenic analysis he had to do, among them, of every conclusion, every emotion, every feeling he owned, just to decide whether it came of human hardwiring or logical processing.
Although one recent biographer has endeavored to rescue Jefferson from his long-standing reputation as a passionless man by claiming illegitimate children for him by a slave, reserve itself, of course, has nothing to do with a lack of passion but often expresses powerful emotion in restraint.
Yet the dark elves were malicious, passionless killers beyond the tolerance of even their normally unjudging kin.