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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Magnificence is admirable if not always comprehensible, humility is very unattractive to the modern Western mind.
▪ The alternative is raising taxes, but that is also a very unattractive option.
▪ The money was alluring but the people with the money were very unattractive.
▪ In their experience they may have only one very unattractive alternative: careers that leave no time for family.
▪ The very unattractive grey flannel trousers, who could guess at the legs they hid?
▪ The massive gravity wells of Jupiter and Saturn make them very unattractive sources of materials.
▪ Nevertheless there is something very unattractive about this particular suggestion.
▪ An ugly area of fat which is very uneven and very unattractive.
▪ He was physically unattractive.
▪ Reducing city services and raising taxes are both unattractive alternatives.
▪ The town is surrounded by large, unattractive housing estates that nobody wants to live in.
▪ Wearing an unattractive blouse and old-fashioned skirt, Lisa looked older than she was.
▪ And she, seeing him, felt that he - though plump and unattractive - was an oasis for her.
▪ But the comparison with the position of the citizen, on the law as it stands at present, is most unattractive.
▪ Clios are unattractive to car thieves as a result.
▪ Despite this seemingly unattractive situation, there was a large influx of mining companies prospecting in the country in the late sixties.
▪ In their experience they may have only one very unattractive alternative: careers that leave no time for family.
▪ It is boxy still, but rounded boxy and not unattractive.
▪ They multiply rapidly if ignored, however, and form an unattractive brown film wherever they congregate.
▪ We might be inclined to reject the arrangement because it seems unattractive and not what we want.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1729, from un- (1) "not" + attractive. Related: Unattractively; unattractiveness.


a. 1 Not handsome or beautiful or appealing. 2 lacking the power to attract interest.

  1. adj. lacking beauty or charm; "as unattractive as most mining regions" [ant: attractive]

  2. lacking power to arouse interest; "being unemployed is a most unattractive prospect"

  3. not appealing to the senses; "untempting food" [syn: untempting]

Usage examples of "unattractive".

There was an ease, a go-as-you-please about the day underground, a delightful camaraderie of men shut off alone from the rest of the world, in a dangerous place, and a variety of labour, holing, loading, timbering, and a glamour of mystery and adventure in the atmosphere, that made the pit not unattractive to him when he had again got over his anguish of desire for the open air and the sea.

Lord George Pinkney might be a portly fellow of advanced years, but he was not unattractive.

He had never said a word about porno, and even as unattractive as that was, Grace knew instinctively that he would have.

So she took special care to appear even primmer and more unattractive than usual.

She is a scrawny, underfed, unattractive spawn of mortal get, a killer of Stormwings.

She wanted him to see her as an unattractive, spinsterish shrew, for all that she was technically his wife.

He was handsome and unattractive, a swashbuckling, beefy, conceited man who was putting on fat and was tormented chronically by prolonged seizures of apprehension.

He arranged for her to seduce the particularly unattractive minor partner in one of the Waterbury developments and to pretend infatuation.

Farrell returned to Avicenna after years away, he found his oldest friend Ben living with an unattractive older woman named Sia.

On the contrary, those novelists are not justified whose forte it seems to be to so set forth goodness as to make it unattractive.

Victoria promised reluctantly, and lit a cigarette in their bathroom while Olivia combed her hair and complained about how unattractive it looked for a lady to smoke cigarettes, but Victoria only laughed at her and told her she sounded like Bertie.

Fivers and sixers, who were less affected by the seasons, and unattractive to males anyway, naturally got the job of sweeping up, so other women might be permitted to emerge before noon.

Naturally I was looking as unattractive as I could possibly make myself, face cream, bendi-curlers and old sweatpants, and there he was, a big gold god, smelling of something fresh and citrus, standing awkwardly in faded shorts, a grey T-shirt and Nikes, unsure where to place his great hands.

This came practically to saying that protoplasm was God Almighty, who, of all the forms open to Him, had chosen this singularly unattractive one as the channel through which to make Himself manifest in the flesh by taking our nature upon Him, and animating us with His own Spirit.

Ruth van Cleve had cried out as the apparition of just about the most unattractive woman Kate Gompert had ever seen crashed forward between them, knocking them apart.