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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a good/attractive alternative
▪ If you don’t want curtains, blinds are a good alternative.
an attractive feature
▪ The house had many attractive features, notably the large garden.
an attractive option (=one that sounds or is good)
▪ If time is short, taking the car to northern France is an attractive option.
an attractive proposition
▪ Setting up your own business is a very attractive proposition.
an attractive/handsome/pleasing etc appearance
▪ Large blue eyes set in a long thin face give him a striking and attractive appearance.
▪ A journey of that length was not an attractive prospect.
physically attractive
▪ She found him physically attractive.
▪ When a man as attractive as Crilly makes an attempt to leave the circle, the girls get bothered.
▪ But surely some one who could make a column as attractive as this one would have no trouble making another forty-seven?
▪ Printing and presentation should be as attractive as possible - after all the library is an attractive place isn't it?
▪ For recession-weary washers, lower bills may sound just as attractive as greener laundry - as it were.
▪ It can therefore be seen that these inducements are not quite as attractive as they seem at first sight.
▪ On the other hand, one of the things that marks an emerging market as attractive is access to large markets.
▪ One was that it might not be as attractive as some of the stronger currencies and so its general acceptability might suffer.
▪ She was also by all accounts extremely attractive.
▪ Water is extremely attractive as a source of both propellants and life-support materials.
▪ However, she gives warning that this can still be misleading, especially if the interest includes an extremely attractive bonus.
▪ On the positive side, McCain, his wife, Cindy, and his children make an extremely attractive family.
▪ He was extremely attractive, with thick hair and clear eyes and a scattering of freckles.
▪ This species is extremely attractive but suitable only for large tanks where the leaves coil decoratively under water.
▪ Lounge bar and restaurant offering a first-class menu. Extremely attractive locality.
▪ Comments: An extremely attractive, hardy, easy-to-grow species.
▪ He seemed unaware of how attractive he was to women.
▪ She wanted to flirt and dance and find out how attractive she was to other men.
▪ If you want to employ an attractive secretary how attractive does she have to be?
▪ The house stands for oral greediness and how attractive it is to give in to it.
▪ She knew now how attractive Miguel could be when he wanted to be, and she knew he could manipulate her feelings.
▪ His eyes sparkled with delight as her mannerisms and voice reminded him of just how attractive he found Englishwomen.
▪ I could see how attractive was the chance it offered him to leave Reine, and he deserved it.
▪ Normally rising interest rates will depress the price of gilts by making their fixed interest payments less attractive to investors.
▪ Teen-age girls cut their hair and dressed in baggy clothes to be less attractive to the mysterious killer.
▪ In some cases this may make the prospect of an award less attractive.
▪ Why is Congress trying to make the United States a less attractive destination?
▪ The general science courses may have been more suited but have proved less attractive.
▪ It is small wonder that the idea of setting sail for an un-known land grew less and less attractive to him.
▪ I am sure it will but I also think that it will take sales away from the bigger, but less attractive 5-Series.
▪ Among themselves, economists usually agree that welfare payments and unemployment insurance make getting a job less attractive.
▪ A similar ear-marked tax for health could prove even more attractive.
▪ But replacing it with something more attractive is going to cost a lot more than anyone anticipated.
▪ A rich soil soon becomes home to rampant weeds which smother less competitive, more attractive plants.
▪ Improvements to public infrastructure were emphasized as a means of making depressed areas more attractive to private industry.
▪ X and make it standard with Solaris 2.1 and 2. x, making that stuff more attractive.
▪ Consider a group of guys married to women more attractive than they are.
▪ The taxing of consumption does make current saving more attractive.
▪ During periods of recovery, stocks are usually more attractive investments because rising economic activity increases companies' earnings.
▪ In general, what people find most stimulating and most attractive is a bit different but not too different from what they know already.
▪ He has examined a number of competing fusion schemes, and found helium-3 / deuterium fusion to be the most attractive.
▪ The Standards looked most attractive, and operated throughout the summer season in normal service until 1966, when they were withdrawn.
▪ Indeed, many homosexual actors and models are among the men regarded as most attractive to women.
▪ Mr Wood's Fossils is now one of Edinburgh's most attractive specialist shops.
▪ But it also could mean that he is the most attractive player the Suns have to trade.
▪ It was nice to hear the radio 5 commentator say that Leeds play one of the most attractive styles of football around.
▪ The cocktail and long and short evening dresses I saw, were most attractive and cleverly designed.
▪ The turning to the legs is particularly attractive here.
▪ And the hours are flexible, which makes it particularly attractive to women who have family responsibilities.
▪ Until men had learned how to cut diamonds, they were not particularly attractive crystals.
▪ A large canvas of poppies provides a particularly attractive example of this aspect of her work.
▪ Why should emerging markets be particularly attractive?
▪ The crevices where the spurs were cut back each year were particularly attractive hiding places for mealy bugs.
▪ The architecture and culture feel pleasantly familiar and the friendly atmosphere makes Tenerife particularly attractive.
▪ She was a very strong-willed child, and not a particularly attractive one.
▪ What was so attractive about it?
▪ In fact, it may be this polychrome character that makes pentecostalism so attractive to so many people.
▪ If you actually show people in much greater need, young adults, they're not so attractive.
▪ Looked at this way, minus the polished eyes, her face was not so attractive.
▪ It was unfair for one man to be so attractive.
▪ That's why hedgehogs find gardens so attractive - they are excellent sources of food.
▪ But the Cotswold valley that made the property so attractive will soon be the route of a new bypass.
▪ Now the choice is so wide and the packaging so attractive that most children are delighted.
▪ And at 3.15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays it's very attractive indeed.
▪ She loved his looks, and when he stood up to her, she found him very attractive.
▪ Voice over Female speaker Children like animals and there's no doubt this is a very attractive one.
▪ I had a girl in Hong Kong, Jim said. Very attractive and intelligent young woman.
▪ The outer edges were rounded and smoothed with a small edging trowel, which gives a very attractive finish.
▪ She was smart, energetic, very attractive, and turning forty.
▪ Logistic considerations make the Moon a very attractive base of operations if ice is abundant in the lunar polar regions.
▪ Supposedly few recruits to the field will choose to enter into these basic and difficult studies if there are attractive alternatives.
▪ Since the recent purchase of a block of furnished flatlets in Bridlington, Yorkshire, self-catering holidays have become an attractive alternative.
▪ Blinds are an attractive alternative to curtains, and there are many types available.
▪ It seems a highly attractive alternative to periodic sterling crises.
▪ An additional attractive feature for savers was the fact that societies did not normally levy transactions charges on accounts.
▪ Yet market buildings, even when they are quite plain, are usually attractive features of a town.
▪ It is a very attractive feature and has only been known to dry up once in the summer of 1826.
▪ It is the autonomous nature of sole trading which is an attractive feature of this form of business enterprise.
▪ Provided the room is big enough, room divider doors are a practical solution and can be an attractive feature.
▪ She was sixteen-years-old but with her slim, petite figure and attractive features she could have passed for twenty.
▪ The generality and flexibility of such a procedure are a very attractive feature of the technology.
▪ A particularly attractive feature of the notation is its expressiveness.
▪ As she stepped back to view the result, she realised that Martha was really a most attractive girl.
▪ She's a very attractive girl.
▪ She was also an attractive girl.
▪ Louisa, an attractive girl full of life was in service at Mapledurham.
▪ An attractive girl with a cheerful smile and laughing eyes was sitting at the cash register by the doorway.
▪ She used make-up and bleached her hair and was a very attractive girl.
▪ Besides, Liza was no longer the stunningly attractive girl she had been a year ago.
▪ Who are these two, these fiercely attractive men who want me to stick their needle in my arm?
▪ Then, when I tell him about some of the more attractive men at my current gym, he nods appreciatively.
▪ One is always tempted to save money by photographing locals, or the various attractive men and women one meets on holiday.
▪ An attractive man stands by the door, glasses and a brown mustache, reading Barbara Pym.
▪ The most attractive man in all Ireland, the girl in the shop had said, and perhaps he was.
▪ I try and meet the intellectual types at bookstores, but all the attractive men tend to congregate in the porno sections.
▪ He's a very attractive man who looks younger than his age so why the hang-up?
▪ Matthew Preston was an attractive man physically.
▪ Having to move an offer deadline date backward due to a lack of attractive offers will place a vendor in a weak position.
▪ I am just sitting tight waiting for an attractive offer.
▪ Competition has hit a new high with many attractive offers in the run-up to Christmas.
▪ By applying a set of pragmatic guidelines to software choice a clearer picture of the more attractive options emerges.
▪ He said the stock market remains an attractive option.
▪ Despite this, arrest for questioning has quickly become an attractive option for the police.
▪ Prostitution is no longer an attractive option to ensure economic survival.
▪ Buying direct from a manufacturer often seems the most attractive option at first glance.
▪ Coupled with this expertise, lower costs make arbitration a very attractive option.
▪ For style, elegance and versatility, the Classico paving system from Marley is an attractive option.
▪ Intrapersonal conflict occurs in an individual where there are several equally attractive options but only one may be chosen.
▪ It is not an attractive proposition for independent power generation because it is difficult to finance.
▪ In theory, a star-driven period melodrama with top-notch production values should have been an attractive proposition for distributors.
▪ If hiring costs can be reduced by machines working longer, it could become an even more attractive proposition.
▪ By the end of the Regency period the pub was becoming a far more attractive proposition for the government, too.
▪ Costs and qualifications All-optical cabling is an attractive proposition.
▪ This was not an attractive proposition, but my idea of womanhood was hardly preferable.
▪ I can't feel that this music as presented here is an attractive proposition at full price.
▪ Relativism is not an attractive proposition to anyone, least of all philosophers, because everything becomes so uncertain and transitory.
▪ I don't know how she's put up with it at times, because she's an attractive woman.
▪ In the next twelve months I went out with five spunky and attractive women.
▪ She was a small, attractive woman with red hair.
▪ I was greeted by a very attractive woman of about thirty.
▪ Not for her that studied aloofness which so many attractive women mistakenly affect.
▪ Goering had noted many times before that the fatter and more powerful he got, the more attractive women found him.
▪ He was an incredibly handsome man, Marianne a stunningly attractive woman.
▪ He could never resist doing that with an attractive woman.
▪ an attractive outfit
▪ an attractive personality
▪ He was a tall attractive man in his mid-forties.
▪ I don't find those body-builders with huge muscles attractive at all.
▪ I don't know what makes Jamie so attractive to women.
▪ Improvements to public infrastructure is one way of making depressed areas more attractive to private industry.
▪ It's enough for me that my husband thinks I'm sexually attractive.
▪ Lower rates have made other currencies, such as the dollar, more attractive.
▪ She's very nice but I don't really find her attractive.
▪ The houses were situated in an attractive spot, near the river.
▪ The interest rate makes these an attractive investment.
▪ The job pays well and you get a company car and 30 days holiday a year -- it's certainly an attractive offer.
▪ The staff includes many top scientists who left attractive jobs elsewhere to join the hard-driving CEO.
▪ This attractive book is an ideal gift for any young baseball fan.
▪ We've put together what we think is a very attractive package, including discounts, special offers, and free credit.
▪ A resumption of dividend payments looks in store this year and the shares at 37p are attractive.
▪ An attractive verandah restaurant, open to the public, offers romantic àlacarte dining.
▪ Everything had been provided to make this room an attractive and restful setting for any guest.
▪ He seemed unaware of how attractive he was to women.
▪ She is only a skeleton, but she believes she is still alive and highly attractive.
▪ She was an attractive woman, but I never thought she had a human feeling in her.
▪ Still another way of promoting a more embracing gay culture is to make old age more attractive.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Attractive \At*tract"ive\, a. [Cf. F. attractif.]

  1. Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as, the attractive force of bodies.
    --Sir I. Newton.

  2. Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing. ``Attractive graces.''
    --Milton. ``Attractive eyes.''

    Flowers of a livid yellow, or fleshy color, are most attractive to flies.
    --Lubbock. [1913 Webster] -- At*tract"ive*ly, adv. -- At*tract"ive*ness, n.


Attractive \At*tract"ive\, n. That which attracts or draws; an attraction; an allurement.

Speaks nothing but attractives and invitation.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "absorptive," from Middle French attractif (14c.), from attract-, past participle stem of attrahere (see attract). Meaning "having the quality of drawing people's eye or interest" is from 1580s; sense of "pleasing, alluring" is from c.1600. Related: Attractively; attractiveness.


a. 1 Causing attraction; having the quality of attracting by inherent force. 2 Having the power of charming or allure by agreeable qualities; enticing. 3 please or appealing to the senses.

  1. adj. pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm; "a remarkably attractive young man"; "an attractive personality"; "attractive clothes"; "a book with attractive illustrations" [ant: unattractive]

  2. having power to arouse interest; "an attractive opportunity"; "the job is attractive because of the pay"

  3. having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull; "an attractive force"; "the knife hung on a magnetic board" [syn: attractive(a), magnetic] [ant: repulsive(a)]


Usage examples of "attractive".

A daily paper that had dealt faithfully with this accumulating danger would quite as naturally and necessarily have found its distribution impeded, have found itself vigorously outdone by more richly endowed competitors, able because of their wealth to buy up all the most attractive features, able to outdo it in every way with the common reader.

World War broke down many of the inhibitions of violence and bloodshed that had been built up during the progressive years of the nineteenth century and an accumulating number of intelligent, restless unemployed men, in a new world of motor-cars, telephones, plate-glass shop windows, unbarred country houses and trustful social habits, found themselves faced with illegal opportunities far more attractive than any legal behaviour-system now afforded them.

And the allyl sulphides in the garlic might just make old Rover that much less attractive to fleas - might not do much for his love life though!

There was but one picture--an ambrotype, in an ornate case, of a handsome young man, with that dashing, dare-devil look in his eyes which has ever been attractive to women.

I selected it as the antonym for attractive, attraction and repulsion being opposite forces.

To go to Paris, however, was hardly more attractive than to remain at Havre, for Bernard had a lively vision of the heated bitumen and the glaring frontages of the French capital.

The berries are attractive to small birds, who swallow them whole, and afterwards void the seeds, to germinate when thus scattered about.

Lucy was a pretty creature, and simple in her ways and kindly, and Phillips was a blithesome and attractive young fellow.

Maltravers--a charm that might not have existed for others, but was inexpressibly attractive to him, and was so much apart from the vulgar fascination of mere beauty, that it would have equally touched a chord at his heart, if coupled with homely features or a bloomless cheek.

They must be trying to lull us by suggesting that they find us attractive for breeding purposes.

He is perhaps the greatest Russian humorist since Gogol, and to the general reader this is his most important and attractive aspect.

Ikey, who at the age of twenty-one was already coming on as a notorious magsman and was thought not without spare silver jiggling in his pockets, came along, his very repulsiveness made him attractive to her.

Reached by a connecting door, which was made of steel and slid open, the front shop proved quite attractive, as it contained many pieces of fine pottery, Oriental carvings, ornate metalware, music boxes and cabinets of all sizes from huge mahogany chests down to ivory jewel cases.

As a spicy paragrapher, originator of attractive news features, and as a keen observer of popular tastes, he has few equals and no superiors in the army of Afro-American journalists.

Beatrice, who had always thought growing boys, apart from an unfortunate tendency towards spottiness, were infinitely more attractive than growing girls, agreed wholeheartedly and wondered aloud how soon Mr Perse would be able to stage his pageant.