Tyreese Williams is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and is portrayed by Chad Coleman in the American television series of the same name. He is a prominent character in both mediums, acting as Rick's right hand man of the comic book series, up until the end of "Made to Suffer".
Introduced in The Walking Dead #7 (April 2004), Tyreese is a strong-willed and devoted father and protecting leader of his fellow survivors. He is often conflicted with de facto leader Rick Grimes on his leadership and stability, but nevertheless remains loyal to him. A role model to his fellow survivors, particularly Rick's son, Carl Grimes, Tyreese is a strong and able-bodied fighter who favors a hammer as opposed to firearms in both mediums. Despite this, Tyreese is shown to suffer from emotional fragility, especially after the death of his daughter. He strongly rejects the nature of suicide, and remains unsympathetic to those who commit it. His death leaves a significant mark on the survivors, particularly his girlfriend, Michonne.
In the television series, Tyreese is the leader of a group which was once composed of 25 survivors. He travels from Jacksonville, Florida to Georgia in search of a safe haven after losing many of his group members. Unlike his comic series counterpart, Tyreese is not a father, but acts as the primary caretaker of Rick and Lori Grimes's daughter, Judith in Rick's absence. He shares a close sibling bond with younger sister, Sasha. In the fourth season, Tyreese faces many difficult decisions and obstacles, such as the mysterious murder of his ill girlfriend Karen and the deaths of Lizzie Samuels and her sister, Mika, whom he had protected after the downfall of the Prison. Because of this, Tyreese is displayed as emotionally and psychologically damaged, being unable to kill another human being, despite the severity of the case but tries to help out however he can regardless. A featurette for the fifth season Blu-ray and DVD, as well as the action figure releases of the character, reveal his full name to be "Tyreese Williams." He was initially a recurring character in the third season until he was promoted to series regular for the fourth and fifth seasons. Chad Coleman's performance has been praised by critics.