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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Twin \Twin\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Twinned; p. pr. & vb. n. Twinning.]

  1. To bring forth twins.

  2. To be born at the same birth.


Twinning \Twin"ning\, n. (Crystallog.) The assemblage of two or more crystals, or parts of crystals, in reversed position with reference to each other in accordance with some definite law; also, rarely, in artificial twinning (accomplished for example by pressure), the process by which this reversal is brought about.

Polysynthetic twinning, repeated twinning of crystal lamell[ae], as that of the triclinic feldspars.

Repeated twinning, twinning of more than two crystals, or parts of crystals.

Twinning axis, Twinning plane. See the Note under Twin, n.

  1. biparous n. 1 action of the verb ''to twin'' 2 giving birth to twins 3 the pairing of similar objects (such as towns) 4 (context mineralogy English) the formation of twin crystals 5 (context transport English) the conversion of a road into a dual carriageway v

  2. (present participle of twin English)

  1. adj. being two identical [syn: duplicate, matching, twin(a), twinned]

  2. very similar [syn: siamese]

  3. [also: twinning, twinned]

  1. v. duplicate or match; "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse" [syn: duplicate, parallel]

  2. bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project" [syn: match, mate, couple, pair]

  3. grow as twins; "twin crystals"

  4. give birth to twins

  5. [also: twinning, twinned]

  1. n. either of two offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy

  2. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun in in Gemini [syn: Gemini]

  3. a waterfall in the Snake River in southern Idaho [syn: Twin Falls]

  4. a duplicate copy [syn: counterpart, similitude]

  5. [also: twinning, twinned]


adj. producing two offspring at a time [syn: biparous]


See twin


Twinning (making a twin of) may refer to:

  • In biology and agriculture, producing two offspring (i.e., twins) at a time, or having a tendency to do so;
  • Twin towns and sister cities, towns and cities involved in town twinning
  • Twinning institutional building tool
  • eTwinning, a collaboration in which two schools in different locations are paired and communicate using the internet
  • Afri Twin, an exchange partnership between schools in the United Kingdom and South Africa
  • Twinning (roads), construction of one road next to another
  • In crystallography, crystal twinning refers to intergrown crystal forms that display a twin boundary
  • In film, special effects that multiply the presence of the same actor or actress on screen
  • In animation, twinning refers to when two parts on opposite sides of a character's body move the same way
  • A type of transnational education in which a student does part of their degree course in a local private college and part of it in an overseas institution tied to the college
  • Twinning (TV series), a 2015 reality show on VH1
Twinning (roads)

Twinning a road involves the construction of a similar or identical parallel road. It is usually done when an existing highway requires a significant increase in capacity. Twinning is frequently advantageous because it allows traffic capacity to be doubled and produces a dual carriageway with separation between traffic directions, while keeping the existing right of way. Additionally, unlike simple widening, the old road stays open while the twin is being built.

Some freeways are constructed by bypassing an established two- or four-lane highway. The older highways, constructed before the demand to travel that route existed, or before the legislation of control of access, are often lined with residences and businesses. Without control of access, a municipal or state government is obliged to provide a driveway access where the owner sees fit.

The bypass may be initially designed as a freeway, but often the need for such a route is not immediately present. Instead, a two lane road with no properties abutting it is constructed. A wide right-of-way is purchased in most cases so that enough property is available to simply twin the highway. These roads are known as a Super Two, and can be easily upgraded to a freeway by constructing interchanges and by twinning the road.

Twinning is often a public preference to reduce the dangers of overcrowded 2-lane single carriageways, like sections of the Trans-Canada Highway.

Twinning (TV series)

Twinning is a VH1 reality show that premiered on July 22, 2015. It features twelve sets of identical twins, testing their “twin-tuition” in mental and physical challenges. The show is hosted by Angie Greenup. Shawn and Claire Buitendorp were the winners of Season 1.

Usage examples of "twinning".

They were a form of mutated twinning, joined at the base of the skull so that a single cephalic structure served both separate bodies.

Monstrous killers stalked unseen and unheard, killing and maiming the aliens and their twinnings, so that they were being forced to retreat to the main cities of each continent, to the security of the screens they had installed to keep out the burgeoning powers they were beginning to fear.