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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trapezium \Tra*pe"zi*um\, n.; pl. E. Trapeziums, L. Trapezia. [NL., fr. Gr. ? a little table, an irregular four-sided figure, dim. of ? a table, for ?; ? (see Tetra-) + ? foot, akin to ? foot; hence, originally, a table with four feet. See Foot.]

  1. (Geom.) A plane figure bounded by four right lines, of which no two are parallel.

  2. (Anat.)

    1. A bone of the carpus at the base of the first metacarpal, or thumb.

    2. A region on the ventral side of the brain, either just back of the pons Varolii, or, as in man, covered by the posterior extension of its transverse fibers.


n. (plural of trapezium English)

  1. n. a quadrilateral with no parallel sides [ant: parallelogram]

  2. a multiple star in the constellation of Orion [syn: the Trapezium]

  3. the wrist bone on the thumb side of the hand that articulates with the 1st and 2nd metacarpals [syn: trapezium bone, os trapezium]

  4. [also: trapezia (pl)]


See trapezium


Trapezia is a genus of guard crabs in the family Trapeziidae. Like other members of this family, they live in association with corals, feeding on coral tissue and mucus, and defending the corals from predators, like starfish. It contains the following species:

  • Trapezia areolata Dana, 1852
  • Trapezia bella Dana, 1852
  • Trapezia bidentata (Forskål, 1775)
  • Trapezia cheni Galil, 1983
  • Trapezia corallina Gerstaecker, 1857
  • Trapezia cymodoce (Herbst, 1801)
  • Trapezia digitalis Latreille, 1828
  • Trapezia flavopunctata Eydoux & Souleyet, 1842
  • Trapezia formosa Stimpson, 1869
  • Trapezia garthi Galil, 1983
  • Trapezia globosa Castro, 1997
  • Trapezia guttata Rüppell, 1830
  • Trapezia intermedia Miers, 1886
  • Trapezia lutea Castro, 1997
  • Trapezia neglecta Castro, 2003
  • Trapezia punctimanus Odinetz, 1984
  • Trapezia punctipes Castro, 1997
  • Trapezia richtersi Galil & Lewinsohn, 1983
  • Trapezia rufopunctata (Herbst, 1799)
  • Trapezia septata Dana, 1852
  • Trapezia serenei Odinetz, 1984
  • Trapezia speciosa Dana, 1852
  • Trapezia tigrina Eydoux & Souleyet, 1842
Trapezia (disambiguation)

Trapezia can refer to:

  • Trapezia, a genus of crabs
  • plural form of the word trapezium

Usage examples of "trapezia".

It was purfled about the rim of the soundbox with trapezia of shimmering mother-of-pearl, and it had a black strikeplate in the shape of a clematis flower, inlaid with multicoloured blossoms that were purely the result of an exuberant craftsman's imagination.