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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transposer \Trans*pos"er\, n. One who transposes.


n. 1 someone who transposes (in any sense) 2 a computer program that automatically transposes music from one key to another


In broadcasting, a transposer or translator is a device in or beyond the service area of a radio or television station transmitter that rebroadcasts signals to receivers which can’t properly receive the signals of the transmitter because of a physical obstruction (like a hill). A translator receives the signals of the transmitter and rebroadcasts the signals to the area of poor reception. Sometimes the translator is also called a relay transmitter, rebroadcast transmitter or transposer. Since translators are used to cover a small shadowed area, their output powers are usually lower than that of the radio or television station transmitters feeding them.

Usage examples of "transposer".

Evidence is procurable that they have been an artificially-reared people, feeding on the genius of inventors, transposers, adulterators, instead of the products of nature, for the last half century.

In theory, the palace's battery of transposers could have plucked him from this very room and deposited him in Teodor's three-quarter-mile-distant establishment, had he been wearing a link.

Roderick seldom used the palace transposers, preferring to burn off his excess energy by walking.

All transposers incorporated a feature which prevented them from activating if focused on a location inside solid matter.

The palace's transposers were still closed down, and no outside transposer could establish a terminus point inside it.