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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
sb’s pain threshold (=their ability to bear pain)
▪ Everyone has a different pain threshold.
▪ I am going to offer you certain words: threshold, attic, cellar, kitchen, bedroom, corridor.
▪ If the total strength of the input signals exceeds a certain threshold, the unit sends a signal on to other units.
▪ Above a certain threshold, these hot spots suddenly transformed into the all-or-none response that appeared as expanding circular or spiral waves.
▪ Mall owners are entitled to collect between 5 percent and 10 percent of their tenants' sales beyond a certain threshold.
▪ Some algorithms forward prune any paths which fall below a certain threshold.
▪ Anyone who said they liked observations must have a pretty high threshold of boredom.
▪ He also had a high threshold of discomfort.
▪ It also calls for a higher price threshold for company car tax.
▪ Previous results have shown a higher threshold of rectal sensation in men than in women.
▪ If the target word in the position had a recognition score lower than the threshold then it was omitted.
▪ I have a very low threshold for pain.
▪ Their data can not exclude a 20% lower glucose threshold for adrenaline or a 24% lower threshold for noradrenaline with human insulin.
▪ Indications for home monitoring of blood glucose in these patients are a raised glycosylated haemoglobin or a low renal threshold.
▪ The point, though, is on a rather low threshold.
▪ This lower threshold applies only to property, not personal injury.
▪ Major award schools, on the other hand, started from a conspicuously lower threshold of library provision and use.
▪ We now have much less than our minimum protection threshold.
▪ He said the government will consider introducing a minimum threshold of 20 percent.
▪ Here was a new minimum threshold for promotion-it might make you more mature.
▪ My boredom threshold is next to nil.
▪ Increasing the stamp duty threshold on house sales from £30,000 to £60,000.
▪ However, his most welcome move was the raising of the Stamp Duty threshold from £30,000 to £60,000.
▪ There is a threshold level of income which is completely free of income tax.
▪ The end of a nerve fiber is stimulated to or above its sensitivity threshold level.
▪ Next, it must calculate a total for the combined input signals and compare that total to some threshold level.
▪ Even though it was now well after midnight, the noise level was approaching the pain threshold.
▪ That depends on your pain threshold.
▪ Notably, the quality threshold is tied to the employer's existing exploitation of the patented invention.
▪ How is it that Television South West passed the quality threshold, offered by far the most money but still lost?
▪ It's reassuring to learn that the Government is apparently sympathetic to concerns about the quality threshold.
▪ The income tax threshold for 2000-01 is £4,385.
▪ Those with earnings just above the tax threshold bore the heaviest burden of the flat rate tax as a proportion of income.
▪ Income tax thresholds were raised from G$10,000 to G$48,000 with lower tax rates planned to offset the withdrawal of personal allowances.
▪ It could be paid for by a freeze on upper tax thresholds and personal allowances which would save the Treasury over £850m.
▪ For a start, it slips under the 2 litre tax threshold.
▪ As all but a few privileged children have an income below the tax threshold, this interest will be tax-free.
▪ As this is over the inheritance tax threshold, it would bring a tax bill of £4,800.
▪ Anyone with income below the income tax threshold of £4,385 is entitled to interest on savings tax-free.
▪ If the sum of the inputs is greater than the threshold value, the processing element generates a signal.
▪ In one sense I was dreading crossing a new threshold with my parents, who would have so many adjustments to make.
▪ Just six of those parties managed to cross the 5 percent threshold necessary for official status in the Duma.
▪ Groceries in hand, I crossed the threshold and moved into the entering phase of breaking and entering.
▪ When people do cross the threshold of the church, do we make it easy for them to take that step?
▪ There must have been a time billions of years ago when life crossed the threshold of irreversibility.
▪ As soon as you got in, and your foot crossed the threshold, you called out your number.
▪ If a council crossed an upper threshold implied by them it ran the risk of being capped.
▪ When the measurements exceed pre-programmed thresholds, alerts will be sent to a base station computer.
▪ If the total strength of the input signals exceeds a certain threshold, the unit sends a signal on to other units.
▪ Any system in which more than 10 percent of monitored, high-risk residences exceeded that threshold was cited.
▪ If a software unit exceeds an error threshold, throw it out, and have a different developer do the recoding.
▪ Each time you let it all hang out, you lower your threshold for doing it again.
▪ How is it that Television South West passed the quality threshold, offered by far the most money but still lost?
▪ This served to raise the rescue threshold by warning of the possible damage to the child of removal from the family.
▪ Rather than cutting top rates of tax, it would be better to raise even further the thresholds for poorer taxpayers.
▪ Mr Major raised the threshold to £200,000.
▪ It is necessary to assume that, once a logogen has reached threshold, its activation level must decay away rapidly.
▪ As Stillman reached the threshold of the station, he put his bag down once again and paused.
▪ No other parties succeeded in reaching the 5 percent threshold required to win representation.
▪ The group expects to reach that threshold after circulating petitions at Earth Day events this weekend.
▪ On reaching the threshold he closed the throttle and flared.
▪ The new decision also sets an almost negligible threshold of collaboration.
▪ We could, therefore, stand on the threshold of a new age of crisis.
▪ One stands on the threshold of miracles that one can not create voluntarily....
▪ As soon as the doors are opened, the adventurers find themselves standing at the threshold of room 49.
▪ He stands at the very threshold of the age of electrical power-the Slavic genius who made it possible.
▪ Beginning to wish he had never come, Mungo stood on the threshold of the last door.
▪ Absalom Greer pushed open a door and the rector stood on the threshold in happy amazement.
▪ This morning we stand on the threshold of the season of Lent.
▪ Priscilla came to stand on the threshold of the room, her eyes downcast, her hands straight at her sides.
▪ Claudia, standing by the window, looking down at the street, knew the moment he stepped over the threshold.
▪ A man was just stepping across the threshold of the temple enclosure.
▪ Tallis stepped across the threshold and screamed as the true cold struck her.
▪ Miles stepped across the threshold and into a different world.
▪ Lorimer poked his head inside and then boldly opened the windows further and stepped over the threshold.
▪ If she opened it and stepped over the threshold - No; she feared to discover what lay beyond.
▪ If the temperature falls below a particular threshold, a warning light comes on.
▪ Under the proposal, those whose earnings were less than a $36,000 threshold would not have to pay taxes.
▪ As Stillman reached the threshold of the station, he put his bag down once again and paused.
▪ He thought he was on the threshold of some awful enlightenment, an initiation of unimaginable pain.
▪ I felt myself at the threshold of another breakthrough, another change.
▪ If a council crossed an upper threshold implied by them it ran the risk of being capped.
▪ It's your threshold to the world of e-commerce.
▪ It is true that many of these creatures are aware of ordinary physical sensations beyond our human thresholds.
▪ The group expects to reach that threshold after circulating petitions at Earth Day events this weekend.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Threshold \Thresh"old\, n. [OE. threswold, [thorn]reshwold, AS. [thorn]rescwald, [thorn]erscwald, [thorn]erscold, [thorn]rescold, fr. [thorn]rescan, [thorn]erscan, to thresh; akin to Icel. [thorn]reskj["o]de, [thorn]r["o]skuldr, Sw. tr["o]skel, Dan. t[ae]rskel. See Thrash.]

  1. The plank, stone, or piece of timber, which lies under a door, especially of a dwelling house, church, temple, or the like; the doorsill; hence, entrance; gate; door.

  2. Fig.: The place or point of entering or beginning, entrance; outset; as, the threshold of life.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English þrescold, þærscwold, þerxold, etc., "door-sill, point of entering," probably literally "something to tread upon," with first element related to Old English þrescan (see thresh), with its original sense of "tread, trample." Second element of unknown origin and much transformed in all the Germanic languages, suggesting its literal sense was lost even in ancient times. In English it probably has been altered to conform to hold, but the oft-repeated story that the threshold was a barrier placed at the doorway to hold the chaff flooring in the room is mere folk etymology. Cognates include Old Norse þreskjoldr, Swedish tröskel, Old High German driscufli, German dialectal drischaufel. Figurative use was in Old English.


n. 1 The bottom-most part of a doorway that one crosses to enter; a sill. 2 (context by extension English) An entrance 3 The start of the landing area of a runway 4 (context engineering English) The quantitative point at which an action is triggered, especially a lower limit. 5 The wage or salary at which income tax becomes due 6 The outset of an action or project 7 The point where one mentally or physically is vulnerable in response to provocation or to particular things in general. As in emotions, stress, or pain. 8 The point of beginning or entry

  1. n. the starting point for a new state or experience; "on the threshold of manhood"

  2. the smallest detectable sensation [syn: limen]

  3. the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway" [syn: doorway, door, room access]

  4. the sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offer support when passing through a doorway [syn: doorsill, doorstep]

  5. a region marking a boundary [syn: brink, verge]


Threshold may refer to:

Threshold (band)

Threshold is a progressive metal band, formed in Surrey, UK in the late 1980s.

Threshold (TV series)

Threshold is a science fiction drama television series that first aired on CBS in September 2005. Produced by Brannon Braga, David S. Goyer and David Heyman, the series focuses on a secret government project investigating the first contact with an extraterrestrial species.

The series was first shown on Friday nights, but was moved to Tuesday in an effort to boost ratings. This plan backfired, with the show registering a sharp drop in its ratings on its first Tuesday night showing on November 22, 2005, and CBS canceled the series on November 23, 2005, with four episodes left unaired.

The remaining episodes were aired on Sky1, a channel in the United Kingdom owned by Sky, who co-produced the series with CBS. The entire series was released on DVD on August 22, 2006.

The series first aired on the Sci Fi Channel on Friday, October 13, 2006, at 10:00 pm, following a new episode of Battlestar Galactica.

Threshold (Star Trek: Voyager)

"Threshold" is the 31st episode of American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager airing on the UPN network, the 15th episode in the second season.

The series follows the adventures of the Federation starship Voyager during its journey home to Earth, having been stranded tens of thousands of light-years away. In this episode, Lieutenant Tom Paris ( Robert Duncan McNeill) becomes the first known person in mankind to break the Warp 10 barrier.

Threshold (comics)

Threshold, Matthew Callahan, is a fictional supervillain from the Gen¹³ and DV8 comic books, published by Wildstorm.

Threshold (2003 film)

Threshold is a 2003 Sci-Fi Pictures original film adaptation of the 1958 black and white science fiction film It! The Terror from Beyond Space (directed by Edward L. Cahn). The film stars Nicholas Lea ( The X-Files' Alex Krycek), Jamie Luner ( Melrose Place's Lexi Sterling) and Steve Bacic ( Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda). Other notable cast members include Teryl Rothery, television mogul Stephen J. Cannell (as Pacheco Laval) and Gloria Slade.

Threshold (Douglass novel)

Threshold is a 1997 fantasy novel by South Australian author Sara Douglass.

Threshold (video game)

Threshold is a roleplaying enforced MUD (text-based online role-playing game) that has been in operation since June 1996. Its focus is on providing a place for roleplaying in addition to traditional MMO/MUD style gameplay. It has as many as 70-100 players online at any given time.

Owned and operated by Frogdice, Inc. in Lexington, Kentucky, Threshold was originally created by Michael A. "Aristotle" Hartman.

Threshold (1981 film)

Threshold is a 1981 drama/ science fiction film from Canada, directed by Richard Pearce. It starred Donald Sutherland and Jeff Goldblum. The film was nominated for eight Genie Awards in 1983 and won three of them. Sutherland also won best actor at the 1982 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival for his performance.Filmed on location at the then newly constructed Ottawa General Hospital.

Threshold (Doctor Who)

The Threshold are a fictional organisation who appeared in the Doctor Who Magazine comic strip based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.

The Threshold were created by the "partnership" of Abraham White, a travelling salesman, and the Pariah, a living weapon of great power created on Gallifrey many years ago, but was soon cast out by Rassilon as it had developed a mind of its own and rebelled. During a final battle with Rassilon, its containment sphere crashed to Earth, where it was discovered by Abraham. Offering him power and immortality, the Pariah persuaded Abraham to merge with her core being. After helping Henry Ford begin the mass production line of his cars, an inspired Abraham mass-produced a series of spheres, giving birth to the Threshold.

The Threshold began their careers as profiteers, using their transport window capabilities to carry out important missions from their clients, during the DMW comic strip "Ground Zero" (Issues 238-242) they eventually come under contract to the Lobri, a race of spider-like parasitic entities trapped on a plane of reality that also holds together the link between human minds. They supply the Lobri with the resources required to instigate a breakout, a large gathering of humans at the Notting Hill Carnival, and supply them with three of the Doctor's previous companions, Peri, Ace, and Sarah Jane Smith, to gain enough power to escape the dimension, having taken them from previous adventures in the Doctor's life.

The Doctor, along with his granddaughter Susan, were also abducted and used by Threshold agents, but successfully managed to trick the main Threshold operative for the Notting Hill mission, Isaac, and travelled to the realm. There, they saved all of the companions, except for Ace, who dies saving the Doctor. They destroyed two of the Lobri, and killed the surviving member when it arrived on Earth. Using the TARDIS, the Threshold remained untouched, and with their secrets still known only to them, merely continued on with business as usual. Their only real weakness is their inability to time travel, providing the Doctor with an inevitable upper hand when dealing with them in later adventures.

During the Eighth Doctor comic strip adventure "Fire and Brimstone" (Issues 251-255), the Threshold are hired by the Time Lords to eliminate the Daleks as they attempt to open the doorway to an alternate reality as part of a war effort to destroy a group of alternate Daleks that had crossed over into their reality, and then to eventually conquer all of the multiverse. This goal was not above attempting to sacrifice the Doctor, their major interest in fulfilling this contract was the reward: A black box (which would allow them the gift of universal translation, necessary to implement a message to the galaxies on a proposal of their own).

The Doctor successfully managed to end the Dalek threat without sacrificing himself, and the Threshold attained their box. Tiring of the Threshold's manipulations, the Doctor fought back in the comic strip "Wormwood" (Issues 266-271). Enabling the aid of a disguised Shayde to fake his own regeneration, he allowed the Threshold to believe him vulnerable enough to take the TARDIS crew to their main base on the moon, a western like town on the surface (to appease Abraham's roots) and a major complex underneath. The Doctor's friends learned of the Threshold's secret history and the extent of their agenda; to make universal travel impossible and profit from the continuous use of their interdimensional windows.

With the plot revealed, the Doctor came out of hiding, the Pariah then revealed that it had tricked even its own creations, it (or a "she" by her own admission) wiped out the Threshold legions by shifting their Eye of Disharmony device, using it to disrupt their universe, a split second in time, killing them instantly. Abraham at this point turned against the Pariah and separated himself from her, causing her to lose most of her powers, before finally being brought down by Shayde, who is revealed to be her successor. The Doctor destroys the Eye's control centre, and the device explodes, decimating the alien moon and killing both White and The Pariah, ending the Threshold's organisation once and for all.

Threshold (album)

Threshold is the sixth studio album by the Swedish heavy metal band HammerFall. It was released in 2006 but on different dates for different countries. On October 18 2006 in Sweden then on October 20 in Europe followed by France and the UK on October 23 and finally in the United States on October 31. The album entered the Swedish charts at number one, staying on the chart for eight weeks. This was the band's first No. 1 since Renegade in 2000. It is currently the last HammerFall studio album with the guitarist Stefan Elmgren and the bass guitarist Magnus Rosén, as Rosén left the band in 2007 and Elmgren left in 2008.
The cover artwork was created by Samwise Didier.

The guitar solo of "Howlin' with the 'Pac" is essentially a reworked version of the one from "Hearts on Fire".

As with several songs on the previous album, the song "Dark Wings, Dark Words" is inspired by A Song of Ice and Fire.

The song "Titan" seems to be inspired by the 2000 animated film, Titan A.E..

Threshold (Morris novel)

Threshold is a 1990 novel by Chris Morris and Janet Morris. It is the first book of its namesake trilogy.

In a futuristic world, Earth is now a preserve. A captain is transported 500 years into the future and onto Threshold, which is a space habitat. Here he meets with the daughter of a Muslim leader, one of many who are being kept from their travel to Mecca.

Threshold (door)

A threshold is the sill of a door. Some cultures attach special symbolism to a threshold.

Threshold (DC Comics)

Threshold was an ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics, as part of The New 52. Threshold is written by Keith Giffen and illustrated by Tom Raney. The series explores the space-orientated side and cosmic mythos of DC Universe.

Usage examples of "threshold".

Whereas our attention was first drawn to the intensity of the elements of virtuality that constituted the multitude, now it must focus on the hypothesis that those virtualities accumulate and reach a threshold of realization adequate to their power.

Captain Barker, who for more than two years had not crossed its threshold.

Elias Bedo within the cabin, and the Dane on its threshold, between the parted folds of the curtain that screened the doorway.

Some ten minutes elapsed without her re-appearing, and then Bernard stepped to the threshold of the window and looked for her.

Siobhan stood just over the threshold, wondering whether to stretch out her own hand, but Bessant had turned back into the room.

The subject identifies himself simultaneously with both the victims and the aggressive forces of such conflicts, and as the intensity of the general agony mounts, it approaches and finally breaks beyond the pain threshold in an excruciating crisis of what Dr.

From the apparently indivisible quanta of physical energy, to the boundaries between the solid, liquid and gaseous states - the manyness of the energy patterns is prevented from becoming one homogeneous and ill-defined spectrum by threshold effects.

Stopping on the threshold, the mariachi saw the other crooks around the card table, and turned questioningly toward Murk, who told him to step inside.

As Maron said, he was standing on the threshold of exactly the life that he had always dreamed about living.

A threshold of public tolerance has been breached: Metastatic growth is no longer seen as necessary for prosperity.

Candida stood blinking on the threshold, the Misses Benevent rose from two small golden chairs placed on either side of the hearth.

The waitingmaids, who have escorted me to the door, fall on all fours as a final salute, and remain prostrate on the threshold as long as I am still in sight down the dark pathway, where the rain trickles off the great overarching bracken upon my head.

If there is anything we have not told you, it has been only to save you distress while you were overwearied and ill with threshold sickness.

Crossing the threshold into the swarming temple of unknown darkness, I turned once to look at the outside world as the churchyard phosphorescence cast a sickly glow on the hilltop pavement.

Gilded with gold leaf hammered over a relief carved into the wood itself, the doors displayed scenes from the Ekstasis of the blessed Daisan, who prayed and fasted for seven days as his soul ascended through the seven spheres to the threshold of the Chamber of Light.