a theoretical concept (=that exists only as a theory)
▪ The theoretical concepts of psychology, for example Freud’s ideas, are also useful in the study of literature.
from a theoretical/political/economic etc standpoint
▪ Let’s look at the questions from an economic standpoint.
▪ The final advantage of the grid-linked system is more theoretical.
▪ Instead it will deal with two more theoretical questions.
▪ From a commercial point of view rescission as a remedy is more theoretical than practical.
▪ At a more theoretical level two comments are worth making.
▪ The second was of a more theoretical nature, dealing with the constitution of salicylic acid.
▪ Thus they may prefer to skip the next two chapters which are more theoretical.
▪ Cureton has provided a theoretical account of our intuitions about rhythm.
▪ A number of different theoretical accounts for this finding will now be considered in turn.
▪ To many, these theoretical accounts are mutually exclusive alternatives, with acceptance of either one requiring the rejection of the other.
▪ Understanding is deferred, rather as it is in certain recent theoretical accounts of the way literature works.
▪ She defines the area of feminist epistemology as that of developing theoretical accounts of knowledge which retain continuity with women's experiences.
▪ Following that, we shall look at three different theoretical accounts of the growth of the service sector in Britain.
▪ This will be supported further by the theoretical analysis undertaken in chapter 6.
▪ Sixthly, and most importantly, the theoretical analysis that we have undertaken is entirely partial.
▪ This fundamental difference with the position of earlier radicals required theoretical analysis in two areas.
▪ The justification for the interpretation is theoretical analysis of the forced spherical pendulum.
▪ But what of a theoretical analysis of how these structures intersect?
▪ Why is it not possible to begin with the basis in a theoretical analysis of Soviet economy.
▪ Each of the theoretical approaches outlined above is vulnerable to specific criticisms.
▪ We have concentrated in this chapter on theoretical approaches to the demand for sport.
▪ Some of these alternative insights can be gleaned from an appraisal of alternative theoretical approaches.
▪ As with the development of all skills, the theoretical approach described in this chapter needs to be supplemented by practical experience.
▪ First are theoretical approaches which depend upon some empirical knowledge to apply theoretical concepts such as the continuity equation.
▪ They are not fundamental criticisms of analysis or method, although they begin to raise wider questions about theoretical approaches.
▪ However, this theoretical approach would argue, such inequalities are in principle temporary.
▪ How does this theoretical approach fare in relation to the problems which were outlined in the opening section?
▪ In working through the accounts particular emphasis has been placed upon the nature of the theoretical arguments involved.
▪ Well, M &038; M missed a few real-world points in their original theoretical argument.
▪ The community power debate has continued into the 1970s and 1980s with both elitists and pluralists refining their methods and theoretical arguments.
▪ This is not the only theoretical argument suggesting that chaotic neural behavior is possible.
▪ The theoretical arguments receive empirical support from private systems elsewhere.
▪ Often, however, theoretical arguments have been distanced from detailed empirical investigation of industrial change.
▪ Stalinism, in fact, accords all too perfectly with the perverse structures of Sartre's own theoretical argument.
▪ The theoretical aspects of these techniques are well covered but the environmental applications are rather sparse.
▪ The ability to relate theoretical aspects of the program development to practical teaching application in classrooms and library media centers. 5.
▪ The theoretical aspects were formulated in the mid-1940s and the first dates were published in December 1949.
▪ This more theoretical aspect should provide a better basis for urban designers and transport planners considering personal security issues.
▪ The next section of this chapter looks at the theoretical aspects which underpin this budgetary process and plan.
▪ Yet the attacks conflated a difference in methodology with a difference in theoretical assumptions.
▪ In order to test these theoretical assumptions, a factor analysis of the survey data was performed.
▪ The degree in poetry I have outlined would attempt to be open about its theoretical assumptions.
▪ That pattern was not very different whatever theoretical assumptions were used.
▪ When the theoretical assumptions themselves are examined the case is even less convincing.
▪ Re-negotiation of steps is very commonly required since theoretical assumptions of difficulty are often not mirrored by experience in practice.
▪ But this decision will need to be informed by an understanding of what theoretical assumptions underlie the different descriptions.
▪ It is in putting forward new ideas, derived from theoretical bases, that the hypothesis has its function.
▪ If there is any theoretical base for the study it should be developed and laid out in this section.
▪ Questions of theoretical base or methodological perspective have often been subsumed by or channelled into the construction of acceptable written examinations.
▪ The existing major general classification schemes observe few of the theoretical bases for sound classification.
▪ The pertinent question is what theoretical basis there is to such a model.
▪ The theoretical basis for this rests on economic models which predict that there are net welfare gains available from removing these barriers.
▪ The effect is unexpected, and no theoretical basis is known to the author - hence the empirical treatment.
▪ But as a theoretical basis for the protection of these rights and freedoms, such ideas are woefully inadequate.
▪ Models can be useful and have a part to play, if built on a sound theoretical basis.
▪ Sociology in the final analysis existed to provide a theoretical basis for socialism and secular education which were its practice.
▪ This is the theoretical basis of male competition.
▪ Throughout the book, theoretical concepts and experimental evidence are integrated.
▪ In any event, it must be kept in mind that from a linguistic point of view dialect is a theoretical concept.
▪ The analysis of these data will combine up-to-date statistical techniques with theoretical concepts drawn from both economics and sociology.
▪ First are theoretical approaches which depend upon some empirical knowledge to apply theoretical concepts such as the continuity equation.
▪ The theoretical concepts of psychology and sociology are used to study how people work in organisations.
▪ What distinguished eugenists from Farr and his colleagues were the laws and theoretical concepts used to assess the population.
▪ There is however a very large distance between these long-run theoretical considerations and empirical implementation.
▪ At the same time, the second approach via theoretical considerations - is also valuable in assessing the question of incidence.
▪ The point is that they are deliberately sought because some reasoned theoretical considerations are felt to require them.
▪ Such models comprise theoretical constructs of variables which are interrelated, and significant in influencing the outcome of a purchase motivation.
▪ It is important to see that the physical world is a mental, theoretical construct.
▪ To say that the physical world is a theoretical construct is not to say that it does not really exist.
▪ Shortly, we shall examine the theoretical debates within this school.
▪ This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature.
▪ So far, that's prevented the organization from losing itself too much in theoretical debate or argument.
▪ As the title implies, she related theoretical debates about the nature of the state to the institutions of local government.
▪ There is also a glossary of terms frequently used within the theoretical debates.
▪ But on the Lazarsfeldian view theoretical debate without systematically provided empirical evidence is essentially sterile not to say unscientific.
▪ At the same time, this is an area of considerable theoretical debate, disagreement and, many would argue, confusion.
▪ Opinion poll-led policy-making has proven a disaster, yet open policy discussion and theoretical debate remains near non-existent.
▪ In a short period of rapid theoretical development the emergent core of regional planning principles and practices strengthened considerably.
▪ Secondly, systems technology which is concerned with applications in computer operations and theoretical development such as game theory.
▪ But there has been little systematic investigation of how different approaches affect the process of analysis and theoretical development.
▪ The research will involve theoretical development and both econometric work and back up case study analysis.
▪ The most intensive theoretical development began during the 1940s.
▪ The general theoretical discussion on concepts and definitions is therefore - perhaps surprisingly - put at the end.
▪ The prevailing attitude among most newsmen andwomen was almost anti-intellectual, disdainful of theoretical discussions and analysis of issues.
▪ Most of the theoretical discussion assume that few, if any, breaches of the taboo occur.
▪ These theoretical discussions are consistent with recent experimental results that are also summarized in section 9. 3.
▪ Another is the difficulty of moving from the theoretical discussion to the specification and testing of an empirical model.
▪ Recently, joint planning, evaluation and some theoretical discussion have become an integral part of the programme.
▪ Academic list servers have been known to start useful theoretical discussions over important issues within a field.
▪ Computational questions have become central, not just in natural language processing applications, but also in theoretical discussions within linguistics.
▪ Convincing objections have been raised to every theoretical explanation which has so far been provided.
▪ There are a number of theoretical explanations for the term structure of interest rates.
▪ To make assumptions about the cause of behavior or feelings is to use theoretical explanations.
▪ Before we consider each of these offences in outline, let us examine the practical and theoretical foundations for them.
▪ Moreover, as Patinkin has shown, its theoretical foundations are questionable.
▪ Computer Science has emerged as a well-defined discipline with a solid theoretical foundation.
▪ The theoretical foundations for a currency union among independent nation-states are not strong prima facie.
▪ The development of the theoretical framework remains therefore of high priority.
▪ We have no real theoretical framework, and our experiments are entirely empirical.
▪ We shall discuss it in a variety of ways throughout the chapter and consider how it differs between theoretical frameworks.
▪ In particular they made great progress in their attempts to put electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force together within the same theoretical framework.
▪ The theoretical framework for co-citation analysis is described by Griffith and others.
▪ Just how important efficiency considerations appear will depend on how far the reader accepts the basic theoretical framework.
▪ Each theoretical framework gives a rather different account of the meaning and significance of major industrial changes as marks of structural change.
▪ The rivalry and interaction between advanced capitalist economies is a feature of this theoretical framework which is absent from world-system theories.
▪ From this starting point, four theoretical ideas are identified which can contribute to a practice of affirmative assessment.
▪ I had to give up my theoretical ideas, my Clement Greenberg formalist ideas.
▪ To help a social worker clear a framework for how to proceed in family work some theoretical ideas may be helpful.
▪ It would not be based upon theoretical ideas which were held to have generality beyond a socio-historical context.
▪ The ways in which this transition can occur form a topic central to theoretical ideas about deterministic chaos.
▪ It should, however, be pointed out that there is a major difference between theoretical ideas and specific proposals.
▪ Side by side, teacher and pupil should test and render practical any theoretical ideas that were presented.
▪ Yet it is neither rare nor without theoretical interest.
▪ In particular, the implicit counter-themes, and indeed counter-counter-themes, are potentially of great theoretical interest.
▪ But this is essentially of theoretical interest only, and there are far more practical examples.
▪ The theoretical interest of both phases 1 and 11 lies in four main socio-legal areas.
▪ My criticisms are mainly concerned with Blake's handling of some major theoretical issues and with certain parts of the book.
▪ The matter before the high court involves only the theoretical issue of whether the government can be held liable for damages.
▪ Two major theoretical issues underlie the reality of health care provision for older people.
▪ One is the theoretical issue of how money should be defined.
▪ In some chapters the authors also refer back to earlier volumes in the series for a more detailed discussion of theoretical issues.
▪ The paper as a whole is an excellent source of information on a range of relevant practical and theoretical issues.
▪ Its pattern-searching strategy resolves many theoretical issues by placing them within the constraint of empirical evidence.
▪ Every course will involve an element of theoretical knowledge to ensure that your next trip away from the controlled environment is safe.
▪ The academic tradition is content-focused and typically stresses abstract and theoretical knowledge for examination.
▪ Closer investigation shows the extraordinary extent of Miller's theoretical knowledge of and practical expertise with an enormous diversity of matters.
▪ It is true that the question remained at a rather theoretical level in the 1860s.
▪ The discussion remains largely on the theoretical level.
▪ At the theoretical level, Soul is more profoundly misleading.
▪ At a theoretical level there remain some problems with this analysis.
▪ It was a geographical question; and the answer, at the theoretical level, was simple.
▪ At a more theoretical level two comments are worth making.
▪ This brings them to explore the theoretical level of psychological discourse.
▪ There are theoretical models which suggest that effective markets depend on legal and institutional factors as well as the operation of the price mechanism.
▪ They argue for the development of theoretical models, upon which hypothesis testing can be carried out.
▪ The general theoretical model, in a very simplified form, is shown in Figure 2.
▪ This analysis is extended by the examination of theoretical models of buying behaviour, and is illustrated by a major case study.
▪ Lattice enthalpies can also be calculated using a theoretical model.
▪ There is no clear theoretical model to explain the relationship between motivation, job satisfaction and performance.
▪ A second approach is to use some theoretical model to calculate effective atomic charges.
▪ These explanations are influenced by the sociologist's theoretical perspective and their evaluation of the services provided by professionals.
▪ On this second front he goes beyond Parsons by expanding the opportunities of scholars with variant theoretical perspectives.
▪ This is inpart what I hope to provide here in respect of certain current theoretical perspectives and pedagogic approaches.
▪ For the time being, we move on to the second of our theoretical perspectives, the ethogenic approach.
▪ Finally, ignorance of the cultural and theoretical perspective that underlies a study can colour its substantive conclusions.
▪ From a theoretical perspective population growth is seen as a major stimulant to industrial development.
▪ Preparatory lectures will give a theoretical perspective to a residential weekend at an outdoor centre.
▪ Mannheim's ideas will now be applied to two of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology: Marxism and functionalism.
▪ These will be the outstanding problems for theoretical physicists in the next twenty years or so.
▪ Undoubtedly, the human interest story of how I have managed to be a theoretical physicist despite my disability has helped.
▪ So maybe the end is in sight for theoretical physicists, if not for theoretical physics.
▪ Not, alas, from one ex-Colorado theoretical physicist.
▪ The theoretical physicist gets more credit than the experimental because the behavior of the latter clearly depends on laboratory practice and observation.
▪ Scientists, especially theoretical physicists, are all awaiting the next revolutionary breakthrough that overthrows the paradigms of theory and practice.
▪ That is certainly how those years are enshrined in the folk memory of theoretical physicists.
▪ Richard Feynman, said to be the greatest theoretical physicist of modern times, stated that no-one understands quantum mechanics.
▪ In theoretical physics, the search for logical self-consistency has always been more important in making advances than experimental results.
▪ Fukushima describes the relationship between modeling neural networks and neurophysiology as one resembling that between theoretical physics and experimental physics.
▪ They are predicted by theoretical physics, and there is good experimental evidence in favour of their existence.
▪ So maybe the end is in sight for theoretical physicists, if not for theoretical physics.
▪ Doing theoretical physics is usually a two-step process.
▪ I felt that there were two possible areas of theoretical physics that were fundamental and in which I might do research.
▪ Feynman, who died in 1988, is remembered for his many contributions to theoretical physics.
▪ The ideal candidate will hold a good degree in theoretical physics or physical chemistry and have strong mathematical and computing skills.
▪ This interpretation seems to leave Kant's theoretical position intact.
▪ The assumptions of each theoretical position form the core around which each theory is constructed.
▪ Neither Marx nor Engels wrote systematically about art, but important theoretical positions were derived from them.
▪ These two theoretical positions are, apparently, mutually exclusive.
▪ It does not seem to me necessary or desirable to adhere exclusively to one or other of these theoretical positions.
▪ Much of the writing on family law lacks any stated theoretical position, although it is generally underpinned by a welfare approach.
▪ There is a theoretical possibility of explaining them.
▪ But formidable capital cost stood in the way of such improvements, and irrigation remained no more than a theoretical possibility.
▪ As soon as such heterogeneity enters into a polymer chain, information technology becomes a theoretical possibility.
▪ But now that the question has ceased to be one of recognition, the theoretical possibility of rebuttal must exist.
▪ However, the autonomous house can not provide servicing without limits, a theoretical possibility in the conventional house.
▪ Whatever the theoretical possibilities, it is clearly more parsimonious to explain acquired distinctiveness and equivalence solely in terms of associative mechanisms.
▪ On one level this statement was not staking out any new policy, merely raising theoretical possibilities.
▪ An interesting methodological and theoretical problem is posed by these contradictions.
▪ But that development involved the solution of theoretical problems and was not to be achieved without considerable theoretical labour.
▪ There is, however, a theoretical problem.
▪ A major part of the argument against integration was based on the reaction of teachers rather than any theoretical problems.
▪ But this immediately raises two theoretical problems.
▪ These theoretical problems are most visible and at their most intractable in the area of fostering and adoption policy.
▪ There are, however, a few theoretical problems.
▪ Here we return to the theoretical problem of how the other can be articulated as such.
▪ We may have a theoretical reason for believing that the variable we are studying will require a particular transformation.
▪ While separating these activities analytically from other major processes, like emotional support, it does this for justifiable theoretical reasons.
▪ This option largely failed to make headway for many of the basic theoretical reasons that were outlined in Chapter 2.
▪ As yet nobody knows; but it would certainly be worth finding out, both for commercial and for theoretical reasons.
▪ Althusser has a theoretical reason for adopting the views of Lenin and Mao.
▪ The results will be of interest for descriptive and theoretical reasons.
▪ This chapter examines these questions from a theoretical standpoint within the framework of natural monopoly industries.
▪ First, that the routinized nature of practice affects all theoretical standpoints, therefore psychodynamic social work is not necessarily disadvantaged.
▪ It has a clear theoretical structure, which builds upon imperfect competition, over-lapping wage contracts and relatively efficient financial markets.
▪ Within the official school framework there are penalties for inappropriate behaviour and the pupils acknowledge, at least, its theoretical structure.
▪ The theoretical structure is large and in places complicated.
▪ The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive framework for practical and theoretical study in Art and Design.
▪ However, Karplus illustrated the immense scale of the problem facing those embarked on theoretical study.
▪ He mentioned the need to bring out the practical application of subjects, in ways which would enhance rather than displace theoretical understanding.
▪ The ideas which come from a good theoretical understanding form hypotheses, and this concept is our next subject of study.
▪ The immediate aims are to develop theoretical understanding, suggest research priorities and contribute to thinking about relevant public policies.
▪ Thompson explores a theoretical understanding of how prejudice works.
▪ The work will also contribute to a theoretical understanding of survival strategies and the dynamics of decision-making in conditions of forced migration.
▪ Though he disliked clerical employment, his writing ability and theoretical understanding of marine science were developing.
▪ Ground-based data as well as the latest information from the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft are used in developing both physical descriptions and theoretical understanding.
▪ It may be felt that this analysis has only theoretical value at most.
▪ Significantly, Ptolemy completed his geometric calculations without so much as developing one new idea of major theoretical value.
▪ Much emphasis has been placed on the theoretical value of tat and protease inhibitors.
▪ An important theme of empirical and theoretical work on contemporary social structure is that of social differentiation, and its spatial aspects.
▪ Recent theoretical work has clarified two possible causes of ageing.
▪ He was therefore able to expand his studies in the way that was ultimately to produce Capital, his main theoretical work.
▪ The chapter on wasps describes a recent renewal of interest following theoretical work.
▪ The demonstration was motivated by theoretical work which provides the real justification for the interpretation given.
▪ Case study evidence can assist in the development of more applicable theoretical work in industrial organisation.
▪ Let us accept that by no means all research stems from the reading of published theoretical work or dissatisfaction with the use of concepts.
▪ theoretical research
▪ There is a theoretical chance of infection, but it is not very likely.
▪ Governments, like theoretical economists, tend to be mainly concerned with the short run.
▪ Heat flow modelling was based on the matching of calculated tectonic subsidence profiles with theoretical stretching curves.
▪ Is the measurement true to the theoretical meaning embodied in the variable as a concept?
▪ Sometimes a theoretical framework prescribes that particular factors are considered causally prior to others.
▪ The general theoretical discussion on concepts and definitions is therefore - perhaps surprisingly - put at the end.
▪ There are a number of theoretical explanations for the term structure of interest rates.
▪ This meant that students had the theoretical right to go to any school they wished.