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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Testify \Tes"ti*fy\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Testified; p. pr. & vb. n. Testifying.] [OF. testifier, L. testificari; testis a witness + -ficare (in comp.) to make. See -fy, and cf. Attest, Contest, Detest, Protest, Testament.]

  1. To make a solemn declaration, verbal or written, to establish some fact; to give testimony for the purpose of communicating to others a knowledge of something not known to them.

    Jesus . . . needed not that any should testify of man, for he knew what was in man.
    --John ii. 25.

  2. (Law) To make a solemn declaration under oath or affirmation, for the purpose of establishing, or making proof of, some fact to a court; to give testimony in a cause depending before a tribunal.

    One witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.
    --Num. xxxv. 30.

  3. To declare a charge; to protest; to give information; to bear witness; -- with against.

    O Israel, . . . I will testify against thee.
    --Ps. l. 7.

    I testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals.
    --Neh. xiii. 15.


vb. (en-past of: testify)

  1. v. give testimony in a court of law [syn: attest, take the stand, bear witness]

  2. provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence" [syn: bear witness, prove, evidence, show]

  3. [also: testified]


See testify

Usage examples of "testified".

It was agreed that if DeCarlo testified in the Beausoleil trial, LASO would drop the motorcycle engine theft charge against him.

After identifying photos of the other Tate victims, Winifred Chapman testified that she had washed the front door of the Tate residence shortly before noon on Friday, August 8.

Los Angeles Coroner Thomas Noguchi testified to the autopsy findings on the five Tate victims.

Harold Dolan, also of SID, testified to having compared it to the Watson exemplar, finding eighteen points of identity, eight more than LAPD requires for a positive identification.

Sergeant William Lee testified regarding the pieces of gun grip and the .

Granado testified regarding the rope, the blood on the gun grips, and his discovery of the Buck knife.

He testified that Manson, Watson, and others, including himself, target-practiced with a .

I can make no claim as to its accuracy, only that this is what the various participants testified under oath.

I knew that if Linda testified truthfully about those two nights of murder, it would be immaterial whether she had been promiscuous, taken dope, stolen.

Chief witness for the prosecution was Mary Brunner, first member of the Manson Family, who testified that she had witnessed Beausoleil stab Hinman to death.

For example, Linda had testified that on the night of the Tate murders her mind was clear.

She had also testified that after seeing the shooting of Parent she went into a state of shock.

Linda had testified that Patricia Krenwinkel had complained that her hand hurt from her knife striking bones.

Noguchi testified that many of the wounds were a full 5 inches in depth.

Thus, when Baggot testified, the jury got the impression that the TV crew just made a lucky guess.