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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Terminator \Ter"mi*na`tor\, n. [L., he who limits or sets bounds.]

  1. One who, or that which, terminates.

  2. (Astron.) The dividing line between the illuminated and the unilluminated part of the moon.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1770, "line of separation between the bright and dark parts of a moon or planet," from Late Latin terminator "he who sets bounds," agent noun from terminare (see terminus). Meaning "one who terminates" (something) is attested from 1846.


n. 1 One who finishes. 2 (context biochemistry English) A DNA sequence which causes RNA transcription to cease and an mRNA transcript to break off. 3 (context electronics English) An electrical device that absorbs reflection at the end of a transmission line. 4 (context astronomy English) The line between the day side and the night side of a planet. 5 (context science fiction English) An artificial intelligence machine, created to destroy humans (after the 1984 film ''(w: The Terminator)'').


n. someone who exterminates (especially someone whose occupation is the extermination of troublesome rodents and insects) [syn: exterminator, eradicator]


Terminator may refer to:

Terminator (solar)

A terminator, twilight zone or "grey line" is a moving line that separates the illuminated day side and the dark night side of a planetary body. A terminator is defined as the locus of points on a moon or planet where the line through its sun is tangent.

Terminator (franchise)

The Terminator series is a science fiction franchise created by James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd. It encompasses a series of films, comics, novels, and additional media concerning battles between Skynet's synthetic intelligent machine network, and John Connor's Resistance forces and the rest of the human race. Skynet's most well-known products in its genocidal goals are the various terminator models, such as the T-800, who was portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger from the first film, and similar units he also portrayed in the later films.

Terminator (genetics)

In genetics, a transcription terminator is a section of nucleic acid sequence that marks the end of a gene or operon in genomic DNA during transcription. This sequence mediates transcriptional termination by providing signals in the newly synthesized mRNA that trigger processes which release the mRNA from the transcriptional complex. These processes include the direct interaction of the mRNA secondary structure with the complex and/or the indirect activities of recruited termination factors. Release of the transcriptional complex frees RNA polymerase and related transcriptional machinery to begin transcription of new mRNAs.

Terminator (comics)

Terminator, in comics, may refer to:

  • Terminator (DC Comics), one of the names used by the DC Comics character Deathstroke
  • Terminator (Marvel Comics), a member of Marvel Comics' Spaceknights
  • Terminator comics by Dark Horse Comics, including adaptations of the films and crossovers:
    • Terminator 2: Infinity, a spin-off series
    • RoboCop vs. The Terminator
    • Superman vs. The Terminator: Death to the Future
    • Aliens versus Predator versus The Terminator
Terminator (character)

The Terminator (also known as T-800 and T-850) is a fictional autonomous robot from the Terminator franchise portrayed by both Arnold Schwarzenegger and numerous actor stand-ins digitally overlayed with Schwarzenegger's likeness. The Terminator itself is part of a series of machines created by Skynet for infiltration-based assassination missions, and while an android for its appearance resembling a human, it is described as a cybernetic organism for consisting of living tissue over a robotic endoskeleton.

The first appearance of the Terminator was as the titular antagonist in The Terminator, a 1984 film directed and co-written by James Cameron. While the original Terminator was destroyed, other cyborgs using the same " mold" that made them look like Schwarzenegger — said physical template was described in-universe as the "Model 101" — are featured in the sequels. In Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Terminator Genisys, Schwarzenegger is the protagonist instead of the antagonist, pitted against other Terminators sent by Skynet. In Terminator Salvation, the T-800 appears briefly as a T-RIP (Resistance Infiltrator Prototype) CGI model. In the context of the stories, the plot device of having various robots looking the same provides a certain continuity for the human characters by exploiting their emotional familiarity with a particular "human" visage associated with each "model".

The "Terminator" title has also been used as a generic name for other human-simulating characters in the "Terminator" universe, such as the liquid metal shapeshifting T-1000 antagonist in the sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day and a T-850 in the sequel Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

Terminator (terminal emulator)

Terminator is an open-source terminal emulator programmed in Java. It is available on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix systems that use the X Window System. Terminator will run on any modern POSIX system running Java 6 or later. Terminator is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.

Terminator was originally written by Phil Norman, who produced a more-or-less usable replacement for rxvt on his own between 2004-04-21 and 2004-05-28; roughly a month of development time. Elliott Hughes took Phil's terminal emulation and used it as a base upon which he could experiment with advanced terminal emulator features and continues to actively develop Terminator. Martin Dorey ported Terminator to Cygwin, making Terminator one of the few terminal emulators available on Windows and Unix platforms.

Terminator (character concept)

In the Terminator film series, a terminator is an autonomous robot, typically humanoid, originally conceived as a virtually indestructible soldier, infiltrator and assassin.

James Cameron introduced the first terminator character in the 1984 film The Terminator, featuring a single android simply called "The Terminator", portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. When later Terminator films introduced additional models, some sources retroactively gave Schwarzenegger's character a model number, leading to multiple conflicting names.

Usage examples of "terminator".

The hull of my kayak lost its glint and the parasail above me quit catching the light as this vertical terminator moved past and above me.

The ship was in geostationary orbit in seconds, poised over the terminator.

In the case of the great circuit of Al-Hazred, the terminator was originally a black goat, sacrificed at midnight with a silver knife touched only by virgins, but these days we just use a fifty microfarad capacitor.

Jovians on their ship had behaved like relatively sane people, talking calmly if a bit unreasonably to the three Space Force ships confronting them, while the four of them rode together in formation around the planet, leaving the dawn terminator behind them and keeping the Ringwall below.

It had a terminator, and darkness on half its face, and seemed to be made of the same stuff as the walls, although the hexagons on the model were very large and there were dark areas at the poles and a dark band around the equator.

When it passed the terminator it would be soaked in hard ultraviolet, which meant scorched retinas and blistering sunburns, not to mention a dozen sorts of skin cancer, more than most symbiotes could handle.

The eastern half of the highland had already rolled through the terminator.

I can't name everything they "sample" in this, their second feature, but a few obvious influences are Blade Runner, the Bible, Alice in Wonderland, Japanese manga and anime, Men in Black, Hong Kong chopsocky flicks, classic sf fiction from authors like Dick, Ellison, and William Gibson, Alien/s, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, Greek mythology, Terminator and T2, the Millennium Falcon set from Star Wars, and the old Kung Fu TV show.

In reasonable definition and color Terminator 2's robots from the future slugged it out, running from the CD-ROM drive.

Shortly after penetrating the clouds, Chaffee had passed the terminator and flown into the night, and the shuttle had now emerged once more into the dim daylight of the planet.

It consisted of nearly three tons of steel stamped into a massively mawed, high-tailed beast, lined with enough chrome to build a Terminator and still have parts left over -- most of it in long, sharp strips that peeled off on impact and became lethal scythes to flay away pedestrian flesh.

Ishtar Station currently straddled the slow-moving day-night terminator of Venus.

The Terminator ran over them two minutes later, banishing day in a rippling line 300 kilometres wide and plunging the little clearing into darkness.

The wind momentarily lifted aside the Kmart sheet, studded with tiny red flowers, and for a brief moment Luke Perry and Madonna faced off against the Road Warrior and Schwarzenegger's Terminator.

That's why we're thinking that, if you don't want to enter into an agreement with us, we may just have to build another city and track system on Mercury, down in the southern hemisphere, and cruise in the terminator down there.