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alt. (present participle of taxi English) n. The movement of aircraft on the ground in readiness for takeoff or after landing vb. (present participle of taxi English)


Taxiing, also sometimes written "taxying", is the movement of an aircraft on the ground, under its own power, in contrast to towing or push-back where the aircraft is moved by a tug. The aircraft usually moves on wheels, but the term also includes aircraft with skis or floats (for water-based travel).

An airplane uses taxiways to taxi from one place on an airport to another; for example, when moving from a terminal to the runway. The term "taxiing" is not used for the accelerating run along a runway prior to takeoff, or the decelerating run immediately after landing.

Usage examples of "taxiing".

I see my guys taxiing out ready to launch, and I see them practically jumpin' out of their cockpits, they're so anxious to beat the crap outta Saddam.

As the flight of F-4s bore down on the Soviet base, Crunch could see that they were almost too late: several groups of Soviet fighter aircraft were already on the flight line, ready to begin taxiing down the runway.

Ten minutes after arriving at the airport, Peter was taxiing the tail dragger down the runway.

The jet they had followed from Teterboro was taxiing away, and Holly started to run after it.