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Tabaré is a male name of Guarani origin, meaning "away from the people". It is used mainly in Uruguay and can refer to:

  • Tabaré, an epic poem by Juan Zorrilla de San Martín
  • Tabaré Aguerre, Uruguayan agronomist and politician
  • Tabaré Arapí, Uruguayan folklorist
  • Tabaré Cardozo, Uruguayan musician
  • Tabaré Etcheverry, Uruguayan folklorist
  • Tabaré Gallardo, Uruguayan astronomer
  • Tabaré Gómez Laborde, Uruguayan-Argentine cartoonist
  • Tabaré Hackenbruch, Uruguayan politician
  • Tabaré Larre Borges, Uruguayan basketball player
  • Tabaré Ramos, Uruguayan-American football coach
  • Tabaré Rivero, Uruguayan musician
  • Tabaré Silva, Uruguayan football coach
  • Tabaré Vázquez, Uruguayan oncologist and politician
  • Tabaré Viera, Uruguayan politician
  • Tabaré Viudez, Uruguayan footballer
  • Tabaré, an opera by Alfonso Broqua
  • Tabaré, an opera by Arturo Cosgaya Ceballos
  • Tabaré, an opera by Heliodoro Oseguera
  • Tabaré, an opera by Tomás Bretón
  • Tabaré, a 1919 Mexican silent film directed by Luis Lezama
See also


Tabaré (poem)

Tabaré is an epic poem written by Uruguayan poet Juan Zorrilla de San Martín.

Written in 1886, it was published for the first time in 1888. The poem comprises 4736 verses divided into 10 cantos. The love story between the aboriginal Tabaré and the Spaniard Blanca is a metaphor of the fate of the Charrúa people who originally inhabited the Banda Oriental.