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epic poem

n. a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds [syn: heroic poem, epic, epos]

Usage examples of "epic poem".

An epic poem dealing with the history of Erech concerns itself with the rivalry between Erech and the city-state of Kish.

This epic poem reflects his great skill and care in writing, and his tremendous knowledge of Greek literature, which he had studied ever since he was a boy.

It is to be a long epic poem of adventure and the darker passions in the manner of Byron.

I thought of Grandam's recitation of that epic poem-remembered the nights watching the sheep in the north hills, our battery-driven caravans pulled in a protective circle for the night, the low cooking fires doing little to dim the glory of the constellations or meteor showers above, remembered Grandam's slow, measured tones until she finished each stanza and waited for me to recite the lines back to her, remembered my own impatience at the process-I would much rather have been sitting by lantern reading a book-and smiled to think that this evening I would be dining with the author .

But in these days, and despite the best efforts of my Brothers and other kind friends among the Ousters, I have heard of Martin Silenus's epic poem and found an edition of the Cantos .