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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Symphonia ( Greek ) is a much-discussed word, applied at different times to the bagpipe, the drum, the hurdy-gurdy, and finally a kind of clavichord. The sixth of the musical instruments enumerated in Book of Daniel, (verses 5, 10 and 15), is erroneously translated " dulcimer"; in all probability it refers to the bagpipe.

The symphonia, signifying drum, is mentioned in Isidore of Seville's Etymologiae under the entries for tympanum and sambuca. The reference comparing the tympanum (kettledrum) to half a pearl is borrowed from Pliny.

"Symphonia" or chifonie was applied during the 13th and 14th centuries, in the Latin countries more especially, to the hurdy-gurdy. "Symphonia" is applied by Praetorius to an instrument which he classed with the clavichord, spinet, regal and virginals, but without giving any clue to its distinctive characteristics.

Symphonia (plant)

Symphonia is a genus of tropical woody plants, specifically trees in the family Clusiaceae. The genus has its diversity center in Madagascar and one species ( Symphonia globulifera) disjunct in the Afrotropic and the Neotropic in the Amazon Rainforest.

Because of this particular distribution pattern, the origin of the genus is controversial: two hypotheses have been proposed, one suggesting an Amazon origin, the other a Madagascar origin.

Symphonia (theology)

Symphonia ( "accord") is a normative theory or concept in Orthodox Christian theological and political thought, especially within the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire, which posits that church and state are to complement each other, exhibiting mutual respect with neither institution presuming to dominate the other.

The theory can be traced back to the policy of Roman Emperor Constantine I (r. 324-337). Emperor Justinian I (r. 527-565) expressed this position when he said: "A distinction is drawn between the imperial authority and the priesthood, the former being concerned with human affairs and the latter with things divine; the two are regarded as closely interdependent, but, at least in theory, neither is subordinated to the other." Such a position is scripturally based as evidenced in several Old Testament texts; the most notable references being that of Melchizedek the priest-king and the brotherly relationship between Aaron, the high priest, and Moses, the leader of Israel from Egypt.

The theory is believed to have been embodied in the Byzantine Empire from the time of Justinian's reign, when ecclesiastical and civil law were indivisible, that is, canon law came to be enforced by the emperor. It was reasserted in the Stoglav, a church code promulgated in the Tsardom of Russia in 1551. In Stanley Harakas' view, "there are almost no existing presuppositions for its implementation as a system of Church-state relations in our times", and "at most, it presents 'an impossible ideal' in the contemporary world, which may illumine some attitudes for Orthodox Christians regarding their views of the well-ordered state as well as the relationship of the Church toward the state."

Symphonia became the subject of political discussion in Russia when it was brought up and dwelt upon by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow in the presence of President Dmitry Medvedev the day following Kirill's accession to the Russian Orthodox patriarchal throne on February 1, 2009.

Symphonia (disambiguation)

The Symphonia is an ancient musical instrument.

Symphonia may also refer to:

  • Symphonia (plant), a plant genus of the family Clusiaceae
  • Symphonia (moth), a moth genus of the family Crambidae
  • Symphonia (theology), a Byzantine theory of church-state relations
  • Symphonia (record label), an Italian classical record label
  • Tales of Symphonia, a 2003 anime-style RPG for the Nintendo GameCube
  • a fictional kingdom in the manga and anime series Rave Master
Symphonia (record label)

Symphonia Sas was an Italian classical record label directed by Roberto Meo and Sigrid Lee. Meo was also engineer for the label. After 2010 the label began to license recordings from its back catalogue to Glossa Music, Spain, and Pan Classics, Switzerland.

Usage examples of "symphonia".

One of the observers, Cenbe, is a creative genius of the future, who takes back to tomorrow the impressions for a great symphonia, blending pictures and sound.

To get Berthold to conduct the BBC Symphonia for the concertos was a real coup for the organizers.

At sunset, when the drum and symphonia sound, the armed guards are distributed.