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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Only 18 to 25 percent of the survey sample relied on or had their income topped up by the then supplementary benefit.
▪ One of the Government's aims in moving from supplementary benefit to income support was to simplify the system.
▪ In 1988 heating additions were withdrawn from supplementary benefit.
▪ At the same time the old supplementary benefit and heating allowances were abolished and a new system of income support was introduced.
▪ Those whose husbands are earning will not even qualify for supplementary benefit.
▪ If you are claiming supplementary benefit, you automatically qualify.
▪ You can qualify for housing benefit on a higher income than for supplementary benefit.
▪ Families on supplementary benefit, now income support, are likely to borrow to buy items of clothing or durable household goods.
▪ A supplementary budget was announced in February 1991 in the light of the negative effects of the Gulf crisis on the economy.
▪ Supercomputers are not the only scientific elements in the supplementary budget.
▪ In view of the official line that April's supplementary budget was designed to boost only domestic firms, this may be naive.
▪ This decision cleared the way for the budget committee to begin proceeding with the proposed supplementary budget.
▪ Likewise arrangements should be made to ensure that supplementary information will be available where required.
▪ Similarly, the Investment Business Gazettes offer concise and very useful supplementary information.
▪ Report letter A report letter containing supplementary information was sent to centres at the same time as the new catalogue.
▪ A copy of Westminster's code of practice and other supplementary information can be obtained by telephoning Theresa Riley in 071-798 1093.
▪ While E. coli carries its main genetic archive on conventional chromosomes, plasmids equip the microbe with small libraries of supplementary information.
▪ This can involve materials already in school, some supplementary materials or the careful planning of a visit or trip.
▪ It is intended to be used as supplementary material alongside any main course, in class and for homework.
▪ These and other language-based materials are offered as supplementary materials which will slot into a range of syllabuses.
▪ The government provides school textbooks but supplementary materials are developed by educational consultants or teachers.
▪ These, and other areas, are described more fully in the supplementary material which is available from most departments on request.
▪ Individual units can be used as supplementary material with other courses.
▪ And for most pensioners, even those with supplementary pensions or savings, the state pension is their financial lifeline.
▪ From April 1988 the supplementary pension system will cease to exist and will be replaced by income support.
▪ Up to April 1988 this was known as supplementary pension and was the arm of the supplementary benefit system catering for older people.
▪ Like supplementary pension it tops up your income to the amount the government says you need to live on.
▪ As with supplementary pension you are supposed to pay for heating out of weekly income.
▪ If you're not receiving supplementary pension, you have to claim yourself from the council.
▪ Married couples were most likely to have occupational pensions and least likely to have a supplementary pension.
▪ At Question Time the Prime Minister is backed by the civil servants who brief her and try to anticipate supplementary questions.
▪ Mr Wakil's short answer above brought supplementary questions.
▪ Mr. Scott I contest the hon. Gentleman's assertions at the end of his supplementary question.
▪ Many questions are answered in writing, but those that receive oral answers may be followed up by supplementary questions.
▪ The respondents were also asked a supplementary question designed to elicit their rationalisations for their decisions.
supplementary insurance coverage
▪ Some supplementary finance is available in the form of grants or loans.
▪ The Investment Business Gazettes offer very useful supplementary information.
▪ A substantial, well-preserved Iron Age settlement with two encircling ramparts and supplementary earthworks.
▪ Pensions, health insurance, supplementary unemployment compensation have added to the protection.
▪ Secondly, it prohibited local authorities from levying supplementary rates.
▪ Strikes that are more likely to attract supplementary benefit are those involving large numbers, which last long and which are official.
▪ Under Article 112 the Finance Minister must approve all supplementary expenditure.
▪ What they had achieved with a few weeks of supplementary feeding was remarkable.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Supplemental \Sup`ple*men"tal\, Supplementary \Sup`ple*men"ta*ry\, a. [Cf. F. suppl['e]mentaire.] Added to supply what is wanted; additional; being, or serving as, a supplement; as, a supplemental law; a supplementary sheet or volume.

Supplemental air (Physiol.), the air which in addition to the residual air remains in the lungs after ordinary expiration, but which, unlike the residual air, can be expelled; reserve air.

Supplemental bill (Equity), a bill filed in aid of an original bill to supply some deffect in the latter, or to set forth new facts which can not be done by amendment.

Supplementary chords (Math.), in an ellipse or hyperbola, any two chords drawn through the extremities of a diameter, and intersecting on the curve.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1660s, "added as something extra," from supplement (n.) + -ary. Suppletory in the same sense is from 1620s.


a. additional; added to supply what is wanted.

  1. adj. added to complete or make up a deficiency; "produced supplementary volumes"; "additional reading" [syn: supplemental, additional]

  2. functioning in a subsidiary or supporting capacity; "the main library and its auxiliary branches" [syn: auxiliary, subsidiary, supplemental]


The term supplementary can refer to:

  • Supplementary angles
  • Supplementary Benefit, a former benefit payable in the United Kingdom
  • Supplementary questions, asked during prime minister's questions

Usage examples of "supplementary".

At the cessation of the menstrual flow, she generally had a supplementary epistaxis, and on one occasion, when this was omitted, she suffered a sudden effusion into the anterior chamber of the eye.

Major counseling contact with the child can be made by paraprofessionals or supplementary teachers who will be trained as therapeutic tutors and supervised by the school mental health specialist.

We had all been given supplementary rations of vodka, a liter each, before we left, but Porta, in his usual manner, had ended up with three times more than anyone else.

The fall of silk prices was particularly distressing to farming families, many of which were greatly dependent on supplementary income from sericulture to make ends meet.

In his supplementary picture of Standfast John Bunyan is seen at his very best, both as a religious teacher and as an English author.

On the ground of supplementary attention, partly desirable, partly a pretext, but unassociated with any evil intent, he visited her after in her lodging.

The Doos are fitted with supplementary petrol tanks to give each machine fuel for roughly thirty hours.

From the Mars command base, General Lanyan dispatched supplementary patrols throughout all ten grids, though no one believed that even well-armed scout fleets could defend themselves against an outright warglobe attack.

Under the conditions mentioned as peculiarly favorable for spruce, gradual natural restocking may be expected if some seed supply is preserved, but since the growth is rather slow and a thin stand will remain limby, it may pay to hasten returns by supplementary artificial planting.

If all the names of the people at Arlington and on the Pamunkey are not embraced in this deed I have executed, I should like a supplementary deed to be drawn up, containing all those omitted.

A farm wagon drove up loaded to overflowing with evergreens and with great bundles of palm leaves, and these were immediately seized upon and affixed as supplementary decorations to the tri-coloured cambric upon the inside walls of the barn.

Also that his Memoirs would be composed of six volumes in octavo with a seventh supplementary volume containing codicils.

The supplementary tanks carried more than two million pounds of liquid oxygen and hydrogen, propellant Ares would need to break clear of Earth orbit.

But supplementary to this, it has hypothetically occurred to me, that as ordinary fish possess what is called a swimming bladder in them, capable, at will, of distension or contraction.

Hoke's messy desk was littered with a half dozen sheets of bond typewriter paper, supplementary reports, and a red accordion file.