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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sultry \Sul"try\ (s[u^]l"tr[y^]), a. [Compar. Sultrier (s[u^]l"tr[i^]*[~e]r); superl. Sultriest.] [From Sweltry.]

  1. Very hot, burning, and oppressive; as, Libya's sultry deserts.

    Such as, born beneath the burning sky And sultry sun, betwixt the tropics lie.

  2. Very hot and humid, or hot, close, stagnant, and oppressive, as air.

    When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain plant.


a. (en-comparative of: sultry)

  1. adj. sexually exciting or gratifying; "sensual excesses"; "a sultry look"; "a sultry dance" [syn: sensual]

  2. characterized by oppressive heat and humidity; "the summer was sultry and oppressive"; "the stifling atmosphere"; "the sulfurous atmosphere preceding a thunderstorm" [syn: stifling, sulfurous, sulphurous]

  3. burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot; "the torrid noonday sun"; "sultry sands of the dessert" [syn: torrid]

  4. [also: sultriest, sultrier]


See sultry