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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Only 8 percent felt men are more sensual, and 13 percent thought the sexes are equally sensual.
sensual lips
▪ A majority of Americans think that women are more sensual than men.
▪ She loved the sensual pleasures of taking care of a baby.
▪ As Pamela walked towards them Tim stroked his wife's arm in a long, slow, sensual gesture.
▪ Furthermore, Western cultures prioritise the visual over other sensual impressions.
▪ Like a cat, Constance luxuriated in its sensual heat.
▪ Love, and the sensual world, are the themes that dominate Between the Covers.
▪ She's so sensual, Alice indignantly thought.
▪ Such sophistication demands faces as strong and sensual as the fabrics.
▪ What she wanted from Luke Hunter was not a few months' - or even a few years' - sensual companionship.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sensual \Sen"su*al\, a. [L. sensualis, from sensus sense: cf. F. sensuel.]

  1. Pertaining to, consisting in, or affecting, the sense, or bodily organs of perception; relating to, or concerning, the body, in distinction from the spirit.

    Pleasing and sensual rites and ceremonies.

    Far as creation's ample range extends, The scale of sensual, mental powers ascends.

  2. Hence, not spiritual or intellectual; carnal; fleshly; pertaining to, or consisting in, the gratification of the senses, or the indulgence of appetites; wordly.

    These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
    --Jude 19.

    The greatest part of men are such as prefer . . . that good which is sensual before whatsoever is most divine.

  3. Devoted to the pleasures of sense and appetite; luxurious; voluptuous; lewd; libidinous.

    No small part of virtue consists in abstaining from that wherein sensual men place their felicity.

  4. Pertaining or peculiar to the philosophical doctrine of sensualism.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., "carnal, unspiritual;" mid-15c., "of or pertaining to the senses," from Middle French sensuel (15c.) and directly from Late Latin sensualis "endowed with feeling" (see sensuality). Meaning "connected with gratification of the senses," especially "lewd, unchaste" is attested from late 15c.


a. 1 Inducing pleasurable and/or erotic sensations. 2 (context not comparable English) Of or pertaining to the physical senses; sensory.

  1. adj. of the appetites and passions of the body; "animal instincts"; "carnal knowledge"; "fleshly desire"; "a sensual delight in eating"; "music is the only sensual pleasure without vice" [syn: animal(a), carnal, fleshly]

  2. sexually exciting or gratifying; "sensual excesses"; "a sultry look"; "a sultry dance" [syn: sultry]

Usage examples of "sensual".

The silkiness of melting chocolate on his tongue reminds him of the music of Angelo Badalamenti, and the music of Badalamenti brings to mind the waxy surface of a scarlet anthurium, and the anthurium sparks an intensely sensual recollection of the cool taste and crispness of cornichons, which for several seconds completely overwhelms the actual taste of the chocolate.

The sound that escaped him was hardly a word at all, but she seemed to understand, she grinned, a slow, sensual smile of triumph, and released him, moving to free herself of her own jeans before he could assistor, more likely, tear them from her body.

Spellbound by his loveliness, I experienced those familiar feelings of longing to touch his untidy, black hair, coax desire from his sensual yet passionless mouth, and ease the frown from his autocratic brow.

She anticipated the sensual pleasure of breathing in the homey scents of browning beef and onions.

In their understandable zeal to go transrational, they often embrace any prerational occasion simply because it is nonrationalany occasion that looks biocentrically oriented, from horticultural planting mythology to rampant tribalism to blood magic and sensual glorification of a sentimental nature, all in the name, of course, of saving Gaia.

The reason I taught my bed companion various erotic refinements was not just because I was sensual, but also because I was reduced to satisfying her by various forms of masturbation, since I was no longer strong enough to satisfy her with intercourse.

I had chastised Lucy in every manner, playfully, pedantically, paternally, militarily, passionately, dispassionately, and in every tempo, allegro, largo, andante, di minuetto, with every paddle, strap, pliant rod, and whip in every room in my house, as she presented her fanny, bared or lightly covered, while lying across my knees, kneeling on beds, couches, chairs, footstools, or as she crawled upstairs, for one smack of my belt on each step, or bending over tables, desks, sinks, tubs, toilets, kitchen work surfaces, washing machine and dryer, followed by all the permutations of sensual penetration.

These depraved societies were foreign grafts from the sensual pantheism ever nourished in the voluptuous climes of the remote East.

Music was her pure sensual love, her paralegal job gave her the pleasures of intellect, organization, function.

Meursault is almost a preverbal man, whose actions follow so close on the sensual impulse that his motives are literally indescribable.

As for all other men, like Sam Reddon and the artists Jack brought to the house, they began to have for her the aspect of coarse and rather silly beings, essentially selfish and sensual.

He lowered his eyelids and tried for the sensual look that Tinne Holly had demonstrated.

In the framework of Strongbowism events were random and haphazard and life was unruly and unruled, given to whimsy in the beginning and shaken by chaos at the end, a kind of unbroken sensual wheel made up of many sexes and ages revolving through time on the point of an orgasm.

He dreamed of sensual canvases shamelessly ablush with pink flesh, peaches, orchid blooms.

Even such good harvest of the things that flee Earth offers her subjected, and they choose Rather of Bacchic Youth one beam to drink, And warm slow marrow with the sensual wink.