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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a strapping 6-foot 18 year old
▪ She remembered Martin as a strapping youth with a big appetite.
▪ The farmer's daughters were a fine pair of strapping young girls.
▪ He towered over everybody like a strapping Gallic chieftain.
▪ He was a beautiful strapping lad.
▪ Some one who, for preference, was a big strapping lad but short on brains.
▪ Today the entire Stannard family was present - three more children, all strapping creatures like the parents.
▪ You are two healthy, strapping men.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Strapping \Strap"ping\, a. Tall; strong; lusty; large; as, a strapping fellow. [Colloq.]

There are five and thirty strapping officers gone.


Strap \Strap\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Strapped; p. pr. & vb. n. Strapping.]

  1. To beat or chastise with a strap.

  2. To fasten or bind with a strap.

  3. To sharpen by rubbing on a strap, or strop; as, to strap a razor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"tall and sturdy, robust," originally applied to women, 1650s, from present participle of strap (v.). Compare similar senses of whopping, spanking, bouncing and other present participle adjectives of violent action expressing something large in size.

  1. 1 (context obsolete English) Of a young woman full of vigor; lusty. 2 Of a person of either sex; Having a sturdy muscular physique; robust. n. 1 adhesive plaster for strapping injuries. 2 A length of narrow material to be used for straps, or straps collectively. 3 A beating with a strap. v

  2. (present participle of strap English)

  1. v. tie with a strap [ant: unstrap]

  2. beat severely with a whip or rod; "The teacher often flogged the students"; "The children were severely trounced" [syn: flog, welt, whip, lather, lash, slash, trounce]

  3. sharpen with a strap; "strap a razor"

  4. secure (a sprained joint) with a strap

  5. [also: strapping, strapped]

  1. n. an elongated leather strip (or or strip of similar material) for binding things together or holding something in position

  2. hanger consisting of a loop of leather suspended from the ceiling of a bus or train; passengers hold onto it

  3. a band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag [syn: shoulder strap]

  4. whip consisting of a strip of leather used in flogging

  5. [also: strapping, strapped]


adj. muscular and heavily built; "a beefy wrestler"; "had a tall burly frame"; "clothing sizes for husky boys"; "a strapping boy of eighteen"; "`buirdly' is a Scottish term" [syn: beefy, burly, husky, buirdly]


See strap


Strapping, also known as bundling and banding, is the process of applying a strap to an item to combine, hold, reinforce, or fasten it. The strap may also be referred to as strapping. Strapping is most commonly used in the packaging industry.

Strapping (punishment)

Strapping refers to the use of a strap as an implement of corporal punishment. It is typically a broad and heavy strip of leather, often with a hard handle, the more flexible 'blade' being applied to the offender.

Probably because of the stiffness, the word "strap" is sometimes used interchangeably with a leather paddle. Other terms that are sometimes used interchangeably include whipping, lashing, and confusingly even in some official language, belting—in principle a belt is lighter, without a handle. These terms are strictly speaking reserved for other implements.

The Scottish tawse is a forked version with two or more tails, colloquially known as the belt, and was the standard implement of punishment in state schools until it was banned in 1987.

  • The historical strop, usually made for institutional use, is also known as a prison strap because it was mainly used on adult convicts – either for discipline within the prison system, or as an original judicial corporal punishment, often combined with prison time, imposed by a court but carried out by prison staff. This has been the case notably in the USA (mainly the South, e.g. Arkansas at least until 1967; sometimes a spanking inflicted on the trousers, sometimes bare bottom but also used on the back) and Canada (until 1972, delivered to the offender's bare buttocks).

The strap has also been used on minors in reformatories and in schools. The latter was particularly prevalent in Canada, applied to the student's hand, until abolished in 2004, but there, in modern times at least, it was generally made of canvas/rubber rather than leather.

  • Because of the forceful impact a disciplinary strap makes, which can easily knock the recipient out of balance and fall over (reported by strapped punishees who were ordered to receive it while grabbing their ankles), the victim is usually supported in a bending or lying position, often tied down, e.g. over a table or punishment horse, or against a whipping post.
  • Like the holed paddle, there is a version of the strap with holes. It intentionally increases the risk and severity of blistering if administered on the bare skin.

Martin Tabert, a 22-year-old man arrested for vagrancy, died after being hit about 100 times with a 5-foot leather strap in 1921. The strapping was punishment for Tabert failing to perform his work as part of a prison work-gang in Leon County, Florida. He was weak with malaria at the time. Sheriff J. R. Jones had "sold" the man to the head of the work-gang for a twenty-five dollar fee. Cavalier County (North Dakota) States Attorney Gudmunder Grimson and New York World reporter Samuel "Duff" McCoy brought the case to national attention. The World won the 1924 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for its coverage of the incident. A ballad by Marjory Stoneman Douglas memorialized the case. The whipping-boss, Walter Higginbotham, was charged with Tabert's murder but acquitted. Florida's then governor Cary Hardee outlawed the use of flogging in the wake of public outrage over the death, and brought an end to the convict lease system in the state.

Usage examples of "strapping".

Owing to a complete lack of local anaesthetics he had been taught to conduct eye operations with no analgesia at all, a procedure that involved strapping down and gagging the patient, forcing their eyes open and simply hacking away.

The teacher, Ms Pinkney, a strapping, jolly woman with long red hair gathered up in a tortoiseshell comb, and dressed in a bright pink and yellow Lycra outfit which clung to her as if she had been poured into it, greeted me cheerfully and confidently.

Strapping the blood-pressure cuff to his arm, she touched his cheek, pursing her lips.

When my knee got strong enough to lighten the strapping, and limber enough to climb cautiously up the ladder to repoint the chimney, I spent an hour every afternoon in the woods.

Charles and his companion, a strapping young underkeeper, evidently anxious to distinguish himself, waited, listening intently in the intervals of silence.

Juilin continued to slip abovestairs and was seen by Suroth, which earned him a strapping hung up by his wrists from a stallpost in the stables.

Strapping on his autopistol and several waterproof ammo pouches, he nodded to Rock, Sun Ra, and Tex.

That minor chore taken care of, he moved along the stations, backmost first, working quick and quiet, replacing the used sweet-sheets with new, strapping fresh sheets to the board at each occupied station.

But the slap and the blessing stood him friend, says Mr Vincent, for to make up he taught him a trick worth two of the other so that maid, wife, abbess and widow to this day affirm that they would rather any time of the month whisper in his ear in the dark of a cowhouse or get a lick on the nape from his long holy tongue than lie with the finest strapping young ravisher in the four fields of all Ireland.

Yours be the glory to discover, by personal experience, how long the kneepan can resist the terrible strapping down which you impose, in how short time the well-developed muscles of the throat can be reduced to mere threads by the constant pressure of the stock, how high the heel of a boot must be to make a short man tall, and how tight the Russian belt may be drawn and yet have wind enough left to sustain life.

She had struggled to get to her knees and scream, but Krebs must have felt her movement because his hands were suddenly at her ankles, strapping them to the foot-rail along the floor, and she knew that she was lost and suddenly the tears were pouring down her cheeks and she was praying that somehow, somebody would be in time.

Tom was right, it was like Spiderman climbing a wall, only instead of suction pads my hands had hooks and my feet had loops of nylon strapping.

John McCabe was a strapping Scotsman with arms like cabers and a look that would frighten even the fiercest dog.

After strapping on a waist pack with tools, Micah loaded up with coils himself and led the way.

Strapping Hawaiian policemen, lepers, khaki-clad, were also shooting, as were Portuguese, Chinese, and kokuas--the latter are native helpers in the Settlement who are non-lepers.