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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stemma \Stem"ma\, n.; pl. Stemmata. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, pl. ?, a garland or chaplet.] (Zo["o]l.)

  1. One of the ocelli of an insect. See Ocellus.

  2. One of the facets of a compound eye of any arthropod.


n. (plural of stemma English)

  1. n. a tree diagram showing a reconstruction of the transmission of manuscripts of a literary work

  2. the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors" [syn: lineage, line, line of descent, descent, bloodline, blood line, blood, pedigree, ancestry, origin, parentage, stock]

  3. an eye having a single lens [syn: simple eye, ocellus]

  4. [also: stemmata (pl)]


See stemma

Usage examples of "stemmata".

So have students of nature in drawing their stemmata of plants, and animals, and human beings.