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n. Any of a range of alloys of cobalt and chromium


Stellite alloy is a range of cobalt-chromium alloys designed for wear resistance. It may also contain tungsten or molybdenum and a small but important amount of carbon. It is a trademarked name of the Kennametal Stellite Company and was invented by Elwood Haynes in the early 1900s as a substitute for cutlery that stained (or that had to be constantly cleaned).

Usage examples of "stellite".

The barrel, stellite rather than ceramic in normal Terran usage, still glowed from the previous discharge.

The platform dipped out of sight, taking with it the white glare of the plasma cannon's stellite bore.

The deuterium pellet fused into helium and a gush of misdirected energy, blowing the cannon's stellite breech across its crew and the Fed personnel nearby.

The vertical tubes of the four big guns on its roof gleamed in the dawn like stellite smokestacks.

A miniature thermonuclear explosion flung the forged stellite gun tube back in recoil.

Other human cultures used tungsten and alloys like stellite from the heavy platinum triad for thruster nozzles and plasma cannon.

The battery, a 20-by-6-by-4-centimeter prism, bounced back from the stellite tube.

Venerian crews reloaded faster, and their ceramic tubes increased the rate of fire by a good thirty percent over that of the Feds' stellite weapons, even when the Feds were crack personnel.

The cannon's stellite muzzle hit the flimsy bulkhead at a skew angle and ground another meter forward, driven by the inertia of tonnes of metal in the gun and its carriage.

Federation plasma cannon were large-crystal castings of tungsten, stellite, or other heavy metals, and they almost invariably had to be loaded from the muzzle.

Because of inertia, it took longer to increase the flow of reaction mass than it did to iris down the Stellite laminae of the jets.