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a. (en-comparative of: steamy)

  1. adj. hot or warm and humid; "muggy weather"; "the steamy tropics"; "sticky weather" [syn: muggy, sticky]

  2. [also: steamiest, steamier]


See steamy

Usage examples of "steamier".

And then I went inside and opened all the glass doors that nobody opens with the air conditioning anymore, and latched the shutters and opened the slats and at once the room was warmer, steamier, sweeter.

The A studios shoot steamier stuff all the time and get away with an R rating.

It was warm but not overly humid, a gorgeous night that he expected to end rather steamier than it had begun.

The woods through which they were tramping still qualified as jungle, though it had lost some of the steamier aspects of rain forest.

If the atmosphere in the room had gotten any steamier, we probably would have had an indoor tornado.

When it stopped, however, after perhaps half an hour, the air was steamier than ever.

Nathan rubbed his eyes to try and recapture the steamier version of the water nymph, but she continued to glower at him while keeping those enticing breasts firmly under water.

How much sweeter and steamier it would be if he were inside her, their souls in harmony.

Tawny Taylor realized her tastes ran toward the steamier side of romance, and she wrote her first erotic romance.