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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A round table was covered with a white linen cloth and glistening silverware.
▪ For half an hour she lay on the floor in pain before they finally left with a hoard of silverware.
▪ From down the hall came the sound of tinkling silverware and the scrape of a chair being settled in its place.
▪ Her gear shifts sounded like twenty cooks pushing trays of silverware into an industrial-strength garbage disposal.
▪ Our reputation is built on the manufacturing skills that have made Sheffield world famous for cutlery and Birmingham equally renowned for silverware.
▪ The many specialist jewellery and silverware and watch shops in the famous Jewellery Quarter offer quality craftsmanship at amazing prices.
▪ There was a white linen napkin, and the silverware was of the finest quality.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Silverware \Sil"ver*ware`\, n. Dishes, vases, ornaments, and utensils of various sorts, made of silver.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1860, from silver (n.) + ware (n.).


n. 1 Anything made from silver. 2 Anything with a silvery colour. 3 (context US English) knives, forks and spoons 4 (context sports English) trophies, success in a competition.


n. tableware made of silver or silver plate or pewter or stainless steel


Silverware may refer to:

  • Household silver including
    • Tableware
    • Cutlery
    • Candlesticks
  • Slang term for a sport trophy collection

Usage examples of "silverware".

Her mother, who had been setting the table, dropped a handful of silverware on the floor.

She could hear Micah moving around behind her, the clink of silverware as he put it in the drawer.

There were chamber pots and bed warmers, laces and cloths, fireplace screens and grandfather clocks, porcelain dolls dressed in long gowns, oak desks, flat irons, old pictures and wall hangings, dishes and glassware, silverware and cooking utensils made of silver and gold, brass and pewter.

SILK learned that this was Foulkrod Kendall, whose silverware factory in New Avalon was one of the largest and most substantial in the United States.

These fellows have reached the point where they think that competition no longer exists in the silverware market.

He bumped into a big silverware manufacturer while he was trying to make a get-away.

The Kendall Silverware Corporation, recognized as the chief industry in New Avalon, had evidently gained such importance that all other enterprises were dependent upon it.

At one time, Harry decided, the silverware manufactory must have been all that the town possessed.

When Detective Donald Cady had left the silverware factory, his purpose had been to go straight to the New Avalon Hotel.

Kendall had indicated specifically that Guyon would visit the silverware plant.

She was seated at the kitchen table Brillo-ing silverware when I told her.

They took him away for weeks and took away the regular silverware, too.

Inside, a crowded ballroom, the press of dancers and diners and drinkers, round tables draped in cloths of white damask, the heads of thick-petaled flowers nodding on stems in crystal vases, heavy-handled silverware, gilt-edged china, the glass-and-flame cascade of a chandelier.

The glass was crystal and the silverware sparkled in the early sunlight.

They lit the great hall as if it was day, and sparkled on the silverware and crystal glasses.