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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Silver \Sil"ver\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Silvered; p. pr. & vb. n. Silvering.]

  1. To cover with silver; to give a silvery appearance to by applying a metal of a silvery color; as, to silver a pin; to silver a glass mirror plate with an amalgam of tin and mercury.

  2. To polish like silver; to impart a brightness to, like that of silver.

    And smiling calmness silvered o'er the deep.

  3. To make hoary, or white, like silver.

    His head was silvered o'er with age.


Silvering \Sil"ver*ing\, n. (Metal.) The art or process of covering metals, wood, paper, glass, etc., with a thin film of metallic silver, or a substance resembling silver; also, the firm do laid on; as, the silvering of a glass speculum.


n. The process of coating a surface with a thin layer of silver (or a similar metal), especially so as to form a mirror vb. (present participle of silver English)


Silvering is the chemical process of coating glass with a reflective substance. When glass mirrors first gained widespread usage in Europe during the 16th century, most were silvered with an amalgam of tin and mercury, but by the 19th century mirrors were commonly made through a process by which silver was coated onto a glass surface. Today, sputtering aluminium or other compounds are more often used for this purpose, although the process may either maintain the name "silvering" or be referred to as aluminising.

Usage examples of "silvering".

Townsend stirred in his warm bed and sat up quickly, rubbing sleep from his face with long, supple hands that continued back through dark, uncropped hair that was silvering at the temples.

In front of the procession as it passed out unchallenged was the deep gorge of the Cedron, with Olivet beyond, its dressing of cedar and olive trees darker of the moonlight silvering all the heavens.

He finger-combed sweaty silvering red hair back from his forehead and craned his neck so he could see the plasfilm.

ELECTRO SILVERING - USUAL METHOD This is done every way the same as gold plating (using coin) except that rock salt is used instead of the cyanuret of potassium to hold the silver in solution for use, and when it is of the proper strength of salt it has a thick curdy appearance, or you can add salt until the silver will deposit on the article to be plated, which is all that is required.

Ciletha took it, heart pounding, and they walked slowly down the boulevard leading to the gate, with Dirk and Gar backing up-behind them, rifles pointed a little above the heads of the silent, frozen band of madmen, standing there with the moonlight silvering their ludicrous finery.

As always, the transit of the cavern was nerve-racking but swift, and as they filed out into the secret valley, the moon was silvering the mongongo grove and polishing the high surrounding cliffs.

There are alternatives to silvering, such as aluminizing, but I don't expect them to be duplicated within the near term in the 1632 universe.